Did you go gluten or dairy free? Why?



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Hmm. It looks like I misread the website. It looks like you're right. Apparently, they are still in the process of finalizing the laws. I can't believe it....but the morons really are sitting on their butts while the rest of the world already took action on labeling. Sheesh. FDA morons!

    I found this:


    So, if we're lucky - we'll end up with the same rule that's under 20 ppm just like in Europe and Canada.

    Now here's an interesting question, if a corporation exports to Europe, they have to be in compliance of gluten laws. I'm assuming, if you find a product there, then there is a chance that it's probably falling under the 20 ppm rules here as it would be silly to run two different plant styles if we have Europe and Canada both running these laws. Basically, you'd have to repackage everything if you didn't follow it.

    Now, what I do find ridiculous is that we still don't have these things finalized? I'd always read we had rules but apparently, there is a law but these guys are taking a stupid amount of time to finalize defining gluten free. It's supposed to be finalized at the end of this year in 2012. I'm guessing most of the manufacturers are right now making sure their products are going to comply or they'll have to strip the label and change it once the rule goes into play. In some ways, that would be good. Also, they might be under pressure considering they look like idiots to the rest of the world.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Canada's gluten labeling regulations just went into place within the last couple of months. Hang in there.
    Now, what I do find ridiculous is that we still don't have these things finalized? I'd always read we had rules but apparently, there is a law but these guys are taking a stupid amount of time to finalize defining gluten free. It's supposed to be finalized at the end of this year in 2012. I'm guessing most of the manufacturers are right now making sure their products are going to comply or they'll have to strip the label and change it once the rule goes into play. In some ways, that would be good. Also, they might be under pressure considering they look like idiots to the rest of the world.
  • No
  • Though I have gone Lupin free, does that count?
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member