Women With Children



  • chloebarge
    chloebarge Posts: 53 Member
    Totally read this as Women With Chicken lol!! I have both and now my belly is not as flat
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I put on 50 pounds with each and then, because I nursed a long time, wound up skinnier than I started. With my first (when I was younger, obviously) I wound up 25 pounds skinnier and learned that I get really grumpy if I weight that little. With the second I wound up 10 pounds thinner than I'd started. Both times it took 6 months to lose the pregnancy weight and 2 years to reach the low point.

    What it really did was make it easier to put weight back on. Which I did. Which is why I'm here! (Oh, and bigger breasts).

    But my legs and bones are MUCH stronger from carrying 2 kids around in backpack for 3 years each. I took a nasty bicycle tumble last year that would definitely have broken a bone if I didn't have shoulders of iron.
  • WickedSpinSistr
    WickedSpinSistr Posts: 139 Member
    I have two girls, ages 5 years and 20 months, and my body is pretty much the same as before. I gained about 30 lbs with each and didn't have a c-section. The biggest change I noticed, and what took the longest to go back to normal, is that my rib cage seemed to be wider. I think even that is back to normal now. Never had any stretch marks or anything. You can't tell I've had kids unless they're with me. :)
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Not much. The skin is less taut (including my poor boobs), but my clothes fit the same, my hips didn't spread, and there's no noticeable change in fat distribution. I was at least 10 lbs overweight (155) when I got pregnant, gained 25 lbs during the pregnancy, held on to 10 of it for a year before I decided to get my act together, and am now back down to a healthier 140-145 lbs. Still need to get back some muscle (lost a lot during 2 years of inactivity due to high-risk pregnancy followed by getting hit by a semi -- thankfully I had just dropped the baby off at day care!), but overall, I don't think there's any big change for me.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Everyone's body will be different, just like every pregnancy is different and every birth and every woman in general.

    With 4 weeks of giving birth I was less than my pre-pregnancy weight because I breastfed. But again, that doesn't happen for everyone. My breasts are noticeably lower (flatter/deflated?) and have stretch marks on them. My inner thighs have stretch marks as well.

    I had a C-Section but didn't get the shelf that other women say they got, maybe because I already had what I called a kangaroo pouch, as did my mother so to me it was already part of my shape. Other than that, I'm the same or at this point less than I was pre-pregnancy.

    When/if I ever have another child my body may change again or stay the same. We'll see when the time comes.

    This is my body, the one I was given, the only one I'll ever have and I love it no matter what!


    ETA: My daughter is now going on 3 and I gained 24 lbs with her in my already overweight body. Pre-preg weight was 144 and when I started losing weight back in January (2012), I was 148. I'm down to my early 20s weight of 123...yay!
  • Hollie704
    Hollie704 Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh 10 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight now, but it seems like I lose everywhere but my stomach. It's still big and flabby while my hips have shrunk considerably. So my belly and boobs are the only things that have really changed and look different after having a baby. Hoping that I'll eventually be able to lose from my belly as I continue my strength training and cardio along.
  • Halie_Bird
    Halie_Bird Posts: 47 Member
    I'm almost back down to my prepregnancy weight, only about 10 pounds to go! The weight I gained from the second came off within the first couple months, but I gained a lot more with the first unfortunately. Was anyone able to get rid of the flabby belly? I'll accept it if it isn't going away but I'd sure like to hear that it MIGHT haha.
  • I weigh less now that I did pre-pregnancy. I am in MUCH better shape and am more toned.

    I had my daughter 15 months ago and have only really started to tone up more in the last four months or so.

    My stomach is a little more squishy and saggy that it was before. Looks perfect if I breathe in!!! Few stretch marks but they have faded really well.

    I breastfed for 12 months. Had ample breasts before. They are significantly smaller than they were. I've been managing in sports bras until they settled back to normal. Going for a bra fitting this weekend and I dread to think how many cup sizes I will have lost. I reckon it will be at least 5 cup sizes! on the upside I can now by shirts in my size that I can button up.

    For all the work that you have to do post pregnancy, I wouldn't hesitate to go through it all again. Every stretch mark, every hour swimming, running, walking and watching what I eat has been worth it for the positive change she has brought to my life.
  • My stomach is covered in stretch marks and kind of saggy skin. Also when I eat I seem to bloat more in my stomach than before.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have actually surpassed my pre-pregnancy weight, but I noticed when I got back into my pre-pregnancy clothes that the jeans were tighter on my thighs than they were before, but that makes sense, because when I first got pregnant I was working full time at a desk and as a bartender on weekends so I was pretty active. Then after the kiddo I wasn't bartending anymore and THEN it took me 5 years to even try to lose the weight, so those thighs had a lot of sedentary years on them by that time :(
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    22 pounds under pre pregnancy weight and still have that little pooch from the c-section. Always had a relatively flat stomach no matter how big I got, this pooch bothers me sooo much!
  • isabellalabella
    isabellalabella Posts: 15 Member
    Hi , I have three kids and the last one put a real beating on me. Went up to 200lbs and dropped to 160 then went back up to 170. Side effects of births for me are much to husbands delight huge boobs DD... just now receding to a 38C cup, Pillsbury dough boy stomach no stretch marks just never really went flat ...still looks as if I am three months into pregnancy ( my last is two years) and back flap.

    Rock in socks boobs I wish ... I look like Johnny Bravo all big on top and nothing below.:laugh:
  • If you reached your pre-pregnancy weight, how was your body different from before you had kids?

    Abdomen still tends to pooch, have to work on abs a lot... but the biggest change is the boob area. Saggy now b/c of breast feeding so have to work the back muscles to keep them up north!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm actually about 20 or 30 pounds under my prepregnancy weight. I think my hips are wider than they were before I had the man, and my boobs are smaller and a bit saggy, but that's about it. While pregnant I thought about all the amazing things my body is capable of doing, and it helped me to realize my potental. I didn't realize how strong I actually was until I had my son.
  • I'm about 6 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight with my first, and after 2 kids things are almost the same, but not completely the same. Bigger hips...not sure exactly how much bigger, since there is definitely still some extra fluff there. I've got some mid-section troubles. I never had a completely flat stomach, but it's definitely puffier now. And the obvious stretch marks, and boobs (if you can call them that anymore). BUT - I still put on my bikini at the beach! Stretch marks or not - I'm not missing out on a tan just cuz I've got lines on my belly! :happy: