Do you ever feel like others try to deter your goals?



  • lalaCNSbFS
    Unfortunately, yes. That is why i don't talk about my weight goals outside of MFP. My mom annoys me all the time.I know she means well in a way but still. All the time she tells me not to lose weight, that i am pretty and she likes that my face finally has some meat on it bla bla bla, but i am so out of shape and according to my BMI i am overweight. Basically my mom was 98 lbs through out her 20's and then after she had my sister she weighed 110 lbs in her early 30's and she thought she was fat(her height is 5'1''). So when i try to tell her that I AM currently fat and i just want to be at a healthy BMI and fit she acts like she doesn't get it and i am better being fat. I am happy with my set goal weight:125-130 lbs(height 5'4") and am just ignoring my mom and her comments and continue with my weight loss/get fit journey
  • DENALI2017
    I feel like restaurants try to deter my goals... especially Mexican restaurants....Grrr
  • lindseym1983
    Yeah, most people aren't going to understand. I do everything I can to avoid any kind of conversation about fitness.

    Unfortunately I do the same thing. Here I am trying to be healthier and if I talk about working out or don't want to go out to dinner and eat bad then I am a *kitten*. I don't understand it, if you choose not to work out or be healthy fine but don't make me feel bad b/c I have choose to live a healthier life and you don't want to.
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    i've learned to
    a) not talk about it
    B) ignore people
    c) smile and nod
    d) secretly hate people

    ^^^^ This. HAHAHAHAHA!! :bigsmile:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I know in my case my mom just don't understand. P90X runs about 1hr 15 mins per day and she don't understand why I work out so much. I usually only work out 45mins to an hour but i'm committed to P90X so I'm doing the Classic as outlined. Then the folks eat spam and egg beaters (lol..the point of the egg beaters with Spam?) for dinner while I eat grilled chicken and salad. And now that Mom is retired I see just how much crap food she eats...leftover birthday cake for breakfast b/c her "stomach was upset" (huh???) and the other day she goes to the store with my dad and comes home with Tasty Kake pies and Chocolate Creamies and then she goes food shopping with me just to keep me company (I buy all my own food so I don't have to eat things like Spam and Egg Beaters) and she's looking for butter pecan ice cream. I don't think she is consciously doing it, but I think subconsciously she's rebelling against my healthy eating lol I dealt with this same crap when I originally lost my weight when I was 15 so I'm used to it but sometimes I feel like she's trying to sabotage my efforts, but, oh yeah, it's not always about me even though I like to think it is ;)
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    I've found that people were very supportive in the beginning, but when it started to effect their lives, that's when the complaining and moaning and b#$#%#$@ started.

    Ultimately it's me that has to do it, and I've tried to surround myself with only supportive people. Difficult when it's a close family member though.

    But hey, that's why you have us here on MFP!!!!! :ohwell: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • tommygirl2
    tommygirl2 Posts: 26 Member
    I guess I am lucky. My husband and son are both very supportive. My son does most of the cooking and is very interested in helping me meet my goals. He works out regularly and consumes a lot of calories. My husband could actually stand to gain a little. So, it's an interesting mix of dietary needs; but it seems to work out because we respect each others' needs. I have a good friend who is a little over weight and she actually talked me through a moment of weakness and steered me away from an ice cream shop while on an outing together!

    Of course, there are the others. The ones who question or try to bring you down. I ignore them. Simple as that.
  • RightOnFatGirl
    Yes, I am with you!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    My Meme, Grannye and Dad's gf all think I need to stop losing. If they knew my goal weight they would probably flip their wigs. I dont think they say it to try to deter my goals, I thnk they're just worried. Then there is this other lady, she's related to hubby by marriage and she told me I didn't need to get too skinny and tht it would all goal back on when I got older :|
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    I think every parent is afraid their child (especially daughters with all societies pressures about being thin) will become obsessed and unhealthy with it. Just stay on the healthy side of this and she will relax. :)
  • Brunchstress
    Yes! My husband ALWAYS wants pizza... and my Mom told me yesterday not to get too skinny. Ugh.
    I'm going to try not to talk about it with anyone anymore either.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Some people are envious or insecure. Some are ignorant. Some are concerned or worried that you may take it too far/obsess. (And some people do take it too far.) Or, many people are so used to seeing overweight, inactive people that someone exercising and eating nutritiously looks odd to them.

    For some humorous takes on this, see
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    Guilt and insecurity.. 'nuff said.
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    At first my husband would laugh at me as I weighed my food and planned out my day. Now that he see's i'm serious about it and committed he's supportive. My MIL on the other hand drops of bags of junk food she buys all the time, seriously no one should buy the amount of crap she does. It irritates me when my mom and my one friend complain constantly about their weight but aren't willing to do anything to change it. I invited my friend to go to Zumba with me a couple weeks ago and she said sure I'll go when I start my diet, I asked what she was waiting for and she said motivation. I don't get it.
  • toughminusthecookie
    "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"- Henry Ward Beecher
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Unfortunately, society sees beauty as being thin with little fat on the body.. I was doing the same thing, trying to create more muscle, and people around me could not wrap their heads around at the fact that i want muscle. The people ive spoken to, they all believe that i will look like a female version of Arnold. I would show them an image if ound in an Oxygen magazine of Dianna Dahlgren, saying how much i'd love for my body to look like hers, and people could not get over it. They thought it was disgusting. Actually, this is the exact image:
    I dont know about you guys, but she looks pretty damn good .

    Keep doing what your doing! It is hard work to get a nice healthy body with muscle definition. Not everyone can be self disciplined , eat very well , be consistent with exercising & forming a plan/routine for it, etc. Your taking care of your body, screw everyone else, be proud <3!!!
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    Thankfully my mom understands but even my weight loss friends will start eating junk and it leads to me having to eat it too.
    My dad, however, will harp on me for not finishing supper. 'There's all these noodles left! And this rouladen! Why can't you eat it?" And my mom buts in, telling him that I'm watching what I eat.
    Oh well, eventually when they see a difference hopefully it'll sink in. But I don't willingly bring it up. If someone asks me what I've been up to lately, I just tell them I work out.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I get so annoyed with this too, I don't take diet pills, shakes or any fad diets. I don't cut carbs or only eat certain food groups. I try to eat a balanced diet and I exercise a lot. I make healthy choices and have lost 17 lbs in 4 months. However I have friends that will say "you should try this shake to speed it up" or " you know this pill works"... However I'm the only one that has lost 17 lbs or stayed consistent...I guess because they are smaller than me ( for NOW) they feel the need to give advice that is simply unhealthy. It's almost like they don't want me to look as small as them!!!
  • st3f4real
    st3f4real Posts: 23 Member
    ALL the time. That is why MFP is helping because I am surrounded by role models and people who are not trying to deter my goals. My fiance is already sick of hearing about it, but it is my obsession. My obsession to be healthy and an excellent athlete and someday an excellent teacher, coach, mother and wife because I will not be carrying around this extra weight that is seriously KILLING me. I do not want diabetes or to have a heart attack and at my 10lbs per year that I keep gaining because I have not been MINDFUL I will get something.

    "Cheers to our health!"
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    The guys at work tell me I'm crazy to run long distance. They don't understand how empowering it is, and most of them have no interest in running whatsoever. They think any distance is crazy, let alone 7 or 8 miles. They were dumbfounded when I said I was training for a half.

    I guess if you don't have the bug, you might not understand the feeling. I don't let it bother me... in fact I find it amusing and a little empowering that my peers are even a little amazed or impressed by what I can do.