Sooooo hungry - what can I do?



  • Sheckypie
    They should go away soon! Usually the first three days are the hardest! Every day is easier from there. Maybe you'd benefit from having 6 small meals a day. You will have to play around with your diet to find out what works for you. Being hungry isn't right.

    This is what helped me... I am more of a snacker especially because of the job I work at so small meals helped me with the craving curbs.... plus I take sleeping pills because I have severe insomnia
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Best suggestion I have for you is to hang in there, drink water and eat slow. those pangs will pass, but like any addiction or change to daily habbits your body is resisting. This happens to all of us!
  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    I appreciate everyone's quick responses! Lots of things go into losing weight and start a healthy lifestyle!

    As far as my diary goes, the first day was not accurate. I don't think I counts things correctly. I am set to lose 1.5/week according to MFP. Donuts tempted me tonight and won.

    As far as eating back my calories, I'm trying to keep close to zero on the net calories. Meaning my exercise plus food intake should net me at my goal of 1450. But it seems that 1450 is not enough...

    Thanks again for everyones help! I guess I just need to tweak things til I find a good recipe!
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Eat more.

    You are hungry because you aren't eating enough.

    You should be netting at least your 1450 goal, but probably more than that.

    ^^^^^^THIS! If you're hungry....EAT!
  • Titus105
    just keep up the great effort, don't give up. I am in the same boat you are. its tough but you can do it. otake it one day at a time brother.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    According to your diary you have just over 300 calories left, I don't see the problem? Eat them!
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    along with others' advice, and not sure if someone already suggested this but it may help to include more fiber in your diet so you feel fuller longer.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    This is day 3 of my diet and running program. MFP has allotted me 1450 calories per day. I'm not tired or anything... Just the hunger pains are soooo bad. How long did it take for the cravings to go away for you? On my way name from work, I drive by about 11 fast food places and as I drive I can name something I want from each place. I want it more now than ever... What can I do? How can I get these hunger pa ins to subside quickly?

    I cannot think of one possible way to avoid no...wait...I can!

    I was the same way. Turns out MFP was grossly under estimating how much I could eat and I was starving myself. I recommend figuring out your calories yourself via something along the lines of this for example:

    To give you an idea. I was sedentary and told MFP I wanted to lose 1 lb a week. That was working but I was starved until I got use to it and I don't consider it a good thing. I upped to about 1700 and started losing 1lb a week. I now NET 1700 calories a day (today happens to be over 2000). A healthy female on average should be able to eat 2000 calories a day, 2500 for a man.

    Basically, figure out your TDEE. If you eat anywhere below that, you'll lose.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    According to today's diary, you have 303 calories left to eat today, eat them if you're still hungry. Stay away from the things that temp you or save them for a "cheat day" if you're the type of person who has a cheat day planned. And I mean planned, not messing up one day and saying "'s ok, I'll call this my cheat day." If you get into that habit, then you'll end up having a lot of them. When having a cheat day (or treat day as I call it) only plan on going over 50% of your normal daily goal. For instance if you're goal was 1500 cals, then a cheat day would be 2250. Save your temptations for that day.

    Also, and this is a big help for me, is to drink lots of water. I probably drink more than I report on MFP, but I at least try to report 12-15 glasses a day. I normally drink more, but once I get home and I finish recording my last meal, I quit recording water. This will not only help hydrate you, but it will help curb hunger pains (or pangs for the more proper folks). Another benefit is always having to refill the water bottle and getting up to pee all the time...this is movement, and movement is good.

    Another thing is plan your meals ahead of time. My wife and I have our lunches planned for a week. We normally have our lunches for the week made and packed ready to go (the main course) on Sunday for our upcoming week. My wife makes a GREAT chicken soup that is only 209 calories per serving but will keep me full.

    Anyway, listen to your body. Don't try to cheat yourself. Feed it more, but feed it better. I don't always eat all of my exercise calories, but that's only because I'm not hungry and I don't want to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry.

    Stick with it, you're on the right track first from making your profile and making the commitment, to posting your question looking for support!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I appreciate everyone's quick responses! Lots of things go into losing weight and start a healthy lifestyle!

    As far as my diary goes, the first day was not accurate. I don't think I counts things correctly. I am set to lose 1.5/week according to MFP. Donuts tempted me tonight and won.

    As far as eating back my calories, I'm trying to keep close to zero on the net calories. Meaning my exercise plus food intake should net me at my goal of 1450. But it seems that 1450 is not enough...

    Thanks again for everyones help! I guess I just need to tweak things til I find a good recipe!

    You can lose weight by eating less than you burn each day. Find your BMR and your TDEE. Your net calories should be between those two numbers.

    This calculator is pretty good.

    Or go to the forums search and use "tdee bmr" as a search string. There are tons of threads on it. You will do more harm than good by not eating enough to fuel your body, including the pain of being hungry.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    Chug down 3 glasses of water. You will probably need the toilet very soon but it should help somewhat.

    Try to hold out and see how you feel in ten minutes time. If you are still hungry then go for some very low calorie options like some celery or spinach. It may be boring food but it will help fill you up which is all you need ultimately.
  • Momack21
    My advice is similar to others that have posted. I have found that eating smaller meals throughout the day and makes me more full more easily. I hope you are able to find a balance for yourself, and it can be difficult to break a cycle if you really enjoy fast foods. Try making sure that you are making meals that resemble what you like to eat. For instance, if you usually get a cheeseburger from a fast food place, make a cheeseburger at home. This is much less calories and in my opinion much more tasty (I never did like burgers from fast food places), but you get my point. Just try to make healthier alternatives to what you already eat. I hope this helps :) Keep working hard, it will pay off!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I appreciate everyone's quick responses! Lots of things go into losing weight and start a healthy lifestyle!

    As far as my diary goes, the first day was not accurate. I don't think I counts things correctly. I am set to lose 1.5/week according to MFP. Donuts tempted me tonight and won.

    As far as eating back my calories, I'm trying to keep close to zero on the net calories. Meaning my exercise plus food intake should net me at my goal of 1450. But it seems that 1450 is not enough...

    Thanks again for everyones help! I guess I just need to tweak things til I find a good recipe!

    It's a process! You'll get there! :D
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    More protein. You are not eating enough. It is probably what MFP sets but IMHO that is way too low. I eat well over 100+ per day. I have a bunch of protein for breakfast, like today and I don't feel even a bit hungry until almost supper.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    1450?? dude, unless you are really really short, i don't think you should be eating that little.

    I am only 5'2".... So yea, I am pretty short. LOL

    Your calories sound too low for a male. I'm 5'2 and eat 1525 on non work out days.