Muffin top/love handles

Okay so I've lost about 10 lbs and when I turn to the side I can deff see a difference but from the front I still feel rather wide? Does anyone know any simple just use your body kind of excercises that would get rid of love handles? I already do planks but how long until I see results? Anyone have a clue :ohwell:


  • sdumma
    sdumma Posts: 126 Member
    Side plank? And if that's too easy then either try lifting the top leg or raising your hip up and down
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    bumping. I have the same problem.
  • devenssort12
    devenssort12 Posts: 24 Member
    How bout side planks!! or med ball twists!!!
  • deemh
    deemh Posts: 14
    i am the same, my weight seems to like sitting there.. my trainer gets me to do an exercise where you are sitting as if to go down for a crunch, but then raise your feet off the ground, holding a 5kg weight at your chest and then start twisting from side to side from the waist up, bit hard to explain with deomonstrating but its targeted to work those muffin tops... try google twist crunchs/sitting oblique twists, theres a few videos on there :)
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Exercise is great for reducing love handles/muffin tops but there's also another solution... don't wear pants with a waist that's too small for you. Simple.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Exercise is great for reducing love handles/muffin tops but there's also another solution... don't wear pants with a waist that's too small for you. Simple.

    That is so true! Correctly sized clothing will not push all your weight out the top! Too bad about the no spot-reducing fact of life.
  • I have been trying to lose my muffin top for 3 years & nothing is working. I hate my body, and I have zero motivation or support :(
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Exercise is great for reducing love handles/muffin tops but there's also another solution... don't wear pants with a waist that's too small for you. Simple.

    That is so true! Correctly sized clothing will not push all your weight out the top! Too bad about the no spot-reducing fact of life.

    It shocks me how it's now normal to shove yourself into a pair of too-small-pants that do nothing to flatter your body type simply in the name of fashion. It seems more logical, if you are sensitive about how you look, to dress for your specific body type, not emulate every new fashion in the store windows. Some styles just aren't going to suit a person no matter how thin or in shape they are.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    i naturally have a muffin top. I dont wear the wrong size making my love handles poke out or whatever I literally have a freaking muffin top naked or clothed and good exercise advice would be greatly appreciated (thanks for all the exercise advice thus far)
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    i naturally have a muffin top. I dont wear the wrong size making my love handles poke out or whatever I literally have a freaking muffin top naked or clothed and good exercise advice would be greatly appreciated (thanks for all the exercise advice thus far)

    You took the words out of my mouth lol same here even when I'm down 20 more lbs I know my muffin top will most likely remain. No matter what jeans I wear. I don't want to rid them completely it's my body shape I'll survive I love my body but it would be nice to minimize the size of my muffin top lol and I do side planks and the hip up and down plank excercise ... Does anybody see results from these excercise and how long until u see the results ? Weeks months ?? Lol
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Ab/core exercises are great for strengthening the muscles beneath the fat, but they won't remove the fat itself. "Spot reducing" is a myth - just keep at it with a reasonable caloric deficit and consistent exercise and eventually you'll lose the fat. No specific exercise trying to target that area is going to make them go away any faster - they'll go away when your bodyfat % gets low enough. A good mix of cardio and weight training would be much more beneficial to your goal than doing endless ab exercises (which don't burn many calories by comparison).
  • i am the same, my weight seems to like sitting there.. my trainer gets me to do an exercise where you are sitting as if to go down for a crunch, but then raise your feet off the ground, holding a 5kg weight at your chest and then start twisting from side to side from the waist up, bit hard to explain with deomonstrating but its targeted to work those muffin tops... try google twist crunchs/sitting oblique twists, theres a few videos on there :)

    I think the exercise is called 'Russian Twist'
  • Tenar13
    Tenar13 Posts: 49 Member
    I have found all the pilates exercises which target your obliques (muscles on the side of your abs) have made a huge difference to my muffin tops. You still have to shift the fat BUT if you tone the muscle underneath it can really change your shape. The best ones for me are exercises lying on your side, hips stacked directly above each other, head propped up on your hand and then raise your legs and lift the top leg up and down. There are various other versions of this including circling the leg, taping in front and behind the bottom leg etc.

    No you cannot spot reduce the fat but you can target the muscle groups and reduce your overall body fat % to show these newly toned muscles off :-)
  • Boxing would be good also. Its hard when ya have one problem area that is harder to work at than the rest.
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    How can you have a muffin top naked?
  • Tenar13
    Tenar13 Posts: 49 Member
    Without clothes they are more commonly thought of as love handles but effectively they are the same thing.
  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    Side plank? And if that's too easy then either try lifting the top leg or raising your hip up and down

    I agree. The side plank is killer! My trainer had me do that and boy oh boy did I feel it for day's!
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    There is no exercise that will target fat on a certain area of your body. You need to reduce the amount of fat you carry over all. Unfortunately, for a lot of women, the stomach and 'love handles' are some of the last places we lose fat.
  • sdumma
    sdumma Posts: 126 Member
    I have a muffin top naked or clothed! I have had a muffin top even when I used to be a size 5 and even more so now that I'm a 9. It is possible to have muffin top naked!!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    You have to lose weight all over to get rid of that fat. For me, my stomach is the very last place to lose weight... I think that's quite common actually. I have also lost about 10 lbs, but still feel thick through the midsection. It's gonna be another 10-15 lbs I think before I'm happy with how that area looks.