
Hey everyone. I have recently decided to quit smoking and I am really nervous. I don't want to gain weight so I hope I can keep my calories under control and exercise regularly. I really need support I want to quit because me and my husband are wanting to have a child but I want to be quit at least a month before we start trying. I know I can do it I just fear failure. Please help me!


  • Timothy2000
    Today is my first day of not smoking we can help each other we could start our own nonsmoking thread to support each other
  • BamaRose0107
    Hey Timothy,

    I think it would be a great idea to start a non smoking thread. Stopping this habbit seems to be the last thing I have been holding on to.

    Who else would like to join me on this journey?
  • Timothy2000
    One thing that may help is to get a jar and write on a slip the amount of the pack of ciggerattes then at the end of the month add all of it up
  • BamaRose0107
    Which amount are you talking about?
  • Timothy2000
    how ever much a pack of smokes is in your area just add it up at the end of the month then reward yourself with something say a new outfit or something like that.
  • knottylibrarian
    Try a nonsmoking ticker. I found mine by searching for it on Google. It's really rewarding to see how long I went and how much money I saved.

    Just don't stop using MFP...that was my biggest mistake when I I have more weight to lose!

    Good luck and you can do it!!!
  • bluroses
    bluroses Posts: 90 Member
    I want to set a quit day before the end of the month. I'll check i to see how y'all are doing! :smile:
  • BamaRose0107
    how ever much a pack of smokes is in your area just add it up at the end of the month then reward yourself with something say a new outfit or something like that.

    Thats a good idea. I am affraid to see how much I waste on those things:frown:
  • BamaRose0107
    I want to set a quit day before the end of the month. I'll check i to see how y'all are doing! :smile:

    I am going to try to post updates everyday to let everyone how it is going.
  • Timothy2000
    The only bad thing with buying an outfit is losing weight, but you may take that amount and save it all up and when you get to your goal weight you could go on a shopping spree.
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    I have been smoke free for almost three years. I used Chantix... a prescription drug. My husband and I tried to quit about 10 times before we tried Chantix. WORTH EVERY DIME! Good luck.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    I love my ticker it keeps me going every time i see how long its been already
    also in the begining everytime i wanted a cig i told myself i had to wrtite alist of all the reasons why i didnt want to smoke anymore it helped me everytime i kiss my gf after she has had a cig it is enough to make me not want any more cigs for a long time
  • OliveBranch
    How did everyone quit?! I have been a smoker for almost 3 years, and I have tried many times to quit! My most successful being 6 weeks. It is so tough. The ironic thing is that I take so much pride in eating well and exercising! I even comment on my BF's food choices when I see him eating boxed mashed potatoes and such and try to offer to cook a healthy alternative. Hypocrite, much?:tongue:
    I love eating well and how good I feel when I do. But when it comes to THE most IMPORTANT decision you can make for your health, quitting smoking, I have any and every excuse as to why it isn't the "right time." I am petrified.
    Ugh. So tired of it. And going broke because of it.
    I totally support you in your decision to quit, and I am not far behind you!
    The mind of an addict is always saying, "Tomorrow." But that day never seems to come.
    With good support and a tough-as-nails mindset, you can do it!
    We can!
    Just focus on doing what you are doing with diet and exercise, and you'll be fine.
    I actually lost weight when I quit for 6 weeks. I think the biggest challenge is not filling your idle time you
    would have spent smoking with eating.
    I am here for you!
    Best of luck. Kick some you know what!
  • BamaRose0107
    The only bad thing with buying an outfit is losing weight, but you may take that amount and save it all up and when you get to your goal weight you could go on a shopping spree.

    Yeah I have refused to buy new clothes until I lose the rest of my weight.
  • Sonyalew
    Sonyalew Posts: 14 Member
    I too faced the tough decision to quit smoking. I also knew there was a good likelihood that I would gain weight when I quit. I decided to focus my cravings to getting fit. I had to change quite a few habits to acheive my goal, but I ended up losing 30lbs. That was five years ago, and I am still smoke free.

    Believe me, if I can do it anyone can!
  • Timothy2000
    Yea Just imagine if you save up that money that you normally would have spent for like a year or year and a half that would be one hell of a shopping spree and totally worth it for changing two of the hardest habits to change.
  • BetterVersion
    I'm still waiting for my motivation to quit. I have the desire, but I'm currently using all my willpower for dieting. :laugh:
  • Timothy2000
    I have been so tempted today I just hid my keys to prevent me from going anywhere. Tomorrow though I have to work, so I hope that I will be able to make it through the day without smoking everybody that I work with smokes so this will be a challenge.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You can do it. I did it 15 years ago when I found out I was pregnant. Babies are great inspiration for wanting to become and stay smoke free.

    Good luck.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm still waiting for my motivation to quit. I have the desire, but I'm currently using all my willpower for dieting. :laugh:

    Sweetie, I'm sure you've seen the photos of what's happening to your lungs if you continue to smoke...smoking WILL kill you, it's pretty much guaranteed. Who wants to think of their insides being all black and shriveled and nasty, just waiting for cancer to strike. Your health should be motivation enough.

    Forgive me for the graphic photo, but this is a healthy lung vs. a smoker's lung:
