


  • jseward
    I quit over ten years ago, it is hard but with strong determination you can do it. And, if you do happen to gain a little weight, ti will still be worth it if you are successful with quitting smoking. You can always step up the dieting and exercising to deal with the weight, but the consequences of smoking are more serious. Good Luck.
  • knottylibrarian
    I quit with a combination of the patch and support. I am a student so my school has a program that helps students quit. They gave me two weeks worth of patches (I had to buy the next four--but my aunt bought two of the week's worth, so that helped also). I met with the guy once a week to talk about my progress; and meeting with someone is more motivation because you don't want to admit you failed...

    I also used a paddle ball nonstop for the first two weeks just to hit something!

    If you're not a student and those resources aren't available, you may want to ask someone in your life who really wants you to quit (I bet they're there, even if you don't know it)...finding a support system is key.
  • Sonyalew
    Sonyalew Posts: 14 Member
    I quit cold turkey with the assistance of the Cancer Society's 21 Days to Quit Smoking book. The book was very instrumental in giving me daily advice and letting me know what to expect. I literally had to take it one day at a time. If I would have thought beyond the day or moment, I don't know if I would have been successful. There was a time when I couldn't imagine life without a cigarette because I really loved smoking. Now I can't imagine ever smoking again.
  • Timothy2000
    Wow On my second day and still smoke free. I have earned 8 dollars lol
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    I am a non-smoker for, hmmm, over 12 years now. Here's what worked for me.

    Seeing pictures of black lungs and other horror stories did nothing for me. Nor did the cost. I gave up because I knew I stank!

    I picked a date in the future (maybe a week or so away) and built up anticipation to being a non-smoker.

    Be excited about it.

    Don't start "counting days". You're just setting yourself up for "Well, the last time I gave them up I was off them for 3 months, 2 weeks and 3.5 days".

    You are going to be a non-smoker!

    When you look at people who are smoking, think to yourself "I feel so sorry for that person who is imprisoned, a slave to nicotine."

    Take yourself out of situations like bars etc. At least until you feel comfortable.

    I got these hints out of a book called "The Easy Way to Give Up Cigarettes" or something like that.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Oh, and probably the most IMPORTANT thing. Until you're ready, you're not.

    It's totally up to you. Just like weight loss and eating healthy.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I quit cold turkey 2 years ago. To satisfy the oral fixation, I used dum-dum lollipops. Not many calories in those and although they're not good for you, they're a whole lot better for you than a cigarette.

    After you haven't smoked for about 3 weeks, your lungs really start to thank you. You'll be able to exercise harder. Use that as another way to not gain weight.
  • BamaRose0107
    First day smoke free. WOW the cravings are bad! I am making though. Tomorrow I am going to pick up some nicotine gum to help with the cravings.

    GOOD JOB TIMOTHY2000!!!:happy:

    My goal is to be quit by the end of the year. I think I picked the most stressful time to quit:frown:
  • Timothy2000
    I almost cheated today I have 15 dollars sitting on top of my tv just tempting me but I am going to see how long I can leave that money there lol
  • BamaRose0107
    You can do it Timothy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Timothy2000
    They say day three is the hardest. But so far so good. Its going to feel great when I can breathe normally again, and be able to run without gasping for air.
  • BamaRose0107
    They say day three is the hardest. But so far so good. Its going to feel great when I can breathe normally again, and be able to run without gasping for air.

    I was thinking the same thing about breathing. I know that is one thing holding me back with my workouts. I am doing good with the nicotine gum I don't use it alot just as a last resort. My husband is being really supportive so that helps.
  • Timothy2000
    it is always good to have someone to support you I did cheat today and took a drag and afterwards I felt so sick.
  • BamaRose0107
    it is always good to have someone to support you I did cheat today and took a drag and afterwards I felt so sick.

    I figure set backs are going to happen we are human just don't let it ruin your day.
    I wanted to cheat so bad today I was so mad at myself for wanting to.
  • mom22kiddos
    mom22kiddos Posts: 40 Member
    I need to quit smoking to and I am worried that I will put on weight as well. Me and my husband have an appointment to help us quit smoking which I have been telling him it is not going to work because I do not want to quit. In the back of my head I know I need to quit and I think I am at the point that it is just time to quit. Cigarettes are costing us so much money and I would just love to wake up in the morning and feel like I can breath. I feel like I have lost my sense of smell from smoking and overall just feel disgusted with myself. I have been smoking for 7 years that is a long time since I am only 22. I have so many years a head of me and have my babies to take care of. I can not shorten my life span by a choice that I have the ability to control. I have 3 cigarettes left and after that I am done!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I can do this :frown:
  • BamaRose0107
    I need to quit smoking to and I am worried that I will put on weight as well. Me and my husband have an appointment to help us quit smoking which I have been telling him it is not going to work because I do not want to quit. In the back of my head I know I need to quit and I think I am at the point that it is just time to quit. Cigarettes are costing us so much money and I would just love to wake up in the morning and feel like I can breath. I feel like I have lost my sense of smell from smoking and overall just feel disgusted with myself. I have been smoking for 7 years that is a long time since I am only 22. I have so many years a head of me and have my babies to take care of. I can not shorten my life span by a choice that I have the ability to control. I have 3 cigarettes left and after that I am done!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I can do this :frown:

    Hi I understand your fear of weight gain. That was one thing that kept me from quitting earlier. I figure whats the point in losing all this weight when I am Killing myself with cigarettes. So far I have been able to keep exercising and I really watch what I grab for snacks. I am anxious to see how I do next week with my weightloss. I think its great that you know you need to quit smoking. You can do anything you put your mind to and remember we are here for you.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BamaRose0107
    it is always good to have someone to support you I did cheat today and took a drag and afterwards I felt so sick.

    I was not thinking this morning and went out to the garage and lit a cigarette. I got so lightheaded I thought I was going to pass out. I still have a headache from it.
  • Timothy2000
    Thats how I was when I took that drag and it was a light at that. I am on day four and feeling great. I have no really had any urge to smoke I still need to find the motivation to clean though. The only bad thing with eating right and cooking everything is I find it hard to keep up on dishes.
  • BamaRose0107
    Thats how I was when I took that drag and it was a light at that. I am on day four and feeling great. I have no really had any urge to smoke I still need to find the motivation to clean though. The only bad thing with eating right and cooking everything is I find it hard to keep up on dishes.

    I HATE doing dishes!!!!!!!! I will clean the entire house before I do dishes. After getting sick this morning after taking a puff of cigarette I can't even stand the smell. I have got to clean my car out. It smells like smoke bad.
  • Timothy2000
    I plan on doing the same thing, still need to get rid of all my ashtrays and lighters, where did you get your smoking ticker at.