May I ask how you guys do it?



  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I sometimes believe that when people ask this question is that they feel they have to do it. Which is fine but you can always put your mentality in third gear and start thinking of it as a way to prolong your health, live longer, and live happier. It makes me happy and it relieves my stress when I am working out and eating the foods that I love. I don't do it cause I have to but because is my lifestyle.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    frankly, you have to draw from something inside you. it can be anger at your current state, disappointment that you don't fit in the clothes you like, happiness that you got a compliment, jealousy of a friend that eats whatever they want and fits in the cool clothes, whatever. but if it doesn't come from inside of you, it'll never last, no matter how many motivating pictures you have on your facebook feed or pintrest wall.
  • Caroline244
    Caroline244 Posts: 56 Member
    Totally agree that I feel that my day isn't "complete" unless I work out. I also purchased a coctail dress I purchased YEARS ago that's been hanging in my closet with the tags still on it - it's a goal of mine to rock that dress when I lose the weight. One thing that helps keep me motivated, too, is varying my workouts between morning and evening, and type of workout. I find that classes help keep me moving because I feel like I am "answering to" the instructor, who knows to expect me, so if I don't show up, I feel extra guilty :-)
  • _Refried_
    _Refried_ Posts: 194
    I just wanna get bigger and stronger, I actually look forward to the next workout so I can try and beat my previous one. I also consider it "my" time, I dont think about work, life, family, bills, or any other BS that is going on in my life.
  • dgarblik
    dgarblik Posts: 47 Member
  • 4skylarandmia
    I get motivated when people start noticing I've lost weight and they give me sweet compliments, plus it helps me to walk with my neighbor, I usually need someone or my dog to walk with, as a last resort I have my I pod.
  • tship74
    tship74 Posts: 48
    No matter how much I do not want to exercise I force myself to do it. After about 10 minutes into my workout I am glad I pushed myself.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    For me there are four things that get me moving:
    - finding something I enjoy. Surprising enough (to me!) this is running. I've discovered that I love it and it makes me feel good. Find what you like to do.
    - having a goal. I've signed up for a number of races, usually about 4-6 months in advance. Then I have a program to follow and a I know i HAVE to do the training or I won't be able to race on the day.
    - accepting that it is part of being healthy. Even if I don't feel like it, I usually go anyway because I know it makes a difference to my mental and physical health.
    - being realistic. I'm not going to run every day , even though I enjoy it. So, I commit (to myself) to run 4 times a week and try to fit in a walk or other exercise on 1 or 2 of the other days. Rest days are important too.
  • WillUAre
    WillUAre Posts: 81 Member
    Just don't like the extra lbs on me.
    Plus triglyceride issue.
  • LeotaD
    LeotaD Posts: 25 Member
    I love good food, but good food was slowly going to kill me. The more I began to exercise, the more I could eat, but the less hungry I felt. It's be a good cycle so far. Of course, the fact that my pants suddenly fit better and I can lift way more than I used to are always pluses.
  • Thechubbygrl
    Thechubbygrl Posts: 9 Member
    The only thing that keeps me motivated is God. I find on days when I'm not spending time with him I'm eating more and moving less. I know I should turn to him more when I'm being tempted but sometimes I want to be tempted! lol Give me the cake! But if it weren't for him I wouldn't be making any progress.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    As I age, I worry about my heart and my other inner body parts. I want to take care of myself. And I don't want my children growing up without their daddy. That is what motivates me, plus the chicks dig me. ;-)
  • rladd6421
    rladd6421 Posts: 455
    i hate going to the gym and working out but i always feel sooo much better when i'm done. I usually only take 1-2 days off from working out a week. My motivation was really just to go to the renaissance faire in new york this year and look good in a wench outfit, but while doing it i thought may as well just get to a weight a i want and then maintain it. I only have 16lbs more to go and i look awesome in my wench outfit =D
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    When I was in the exercise groove: I'd look at myself naked. That's really all it took. :P
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    I see progress.... and I feel better! That's motivating for me.
  • orkilatrish
    I'm liking my pedometer. My goal is 10,000 steps a day (minimum) and I will increase that as I get stronger and more fit. Bumming around the house I usually knock out about 2,000, then do the rest at the gym on a machine, go out dancing, take walks around the city I live in, grab a friend and go on gossiping walks to catch up with each other... etc. I am not sure how well this will work once winter kicks in and it's miserable outside, but for now, if I see I'm low on steps, I don't call it a night until I've hit my goal. This is a great way to quantify your work and it is really simple..
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I made friends who help me stay motivated. I also don't starve myself and I follow m food program by eaating back all my exercise calories. I am losing a half to 1 pound a day so I donn't focus on the number
  • Jishmeister
    Wanting to lose all this weight is my motivation. It's what drives me to log everything I eat, and its what drives me to walk/jog everyday.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    I bought a really expensive, and really beautiful, dress in the size I want to wear.
    i hung it on my wall and I have to look at it every single day.