When would you consider yourself a "non-smoker"?



  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    I have recently quit smoking (23 days 15 hours and 37 minutes cigarette free to be exact!), but I started thinking, when do you consider yourself a non-smoker? The day you quit? Two weeks? A month? A year? There's that obvious chance of relapsing, but how long do you think you need to be cigarette free to consider yourself a non-smoker?

    Curious to see what everyone thinks!

    good question and congrats, i am at 17 days 10 hours right now myself, i think you and i quit together (am i confusing you with someone else?) last year but it obviously didnt stick for either of us, funny that we would be doing it again at the same time
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I quit 4 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes ago. I consider myself a non smoker. If I don't then the temptation to smoke is just too great. Good for you for quitting! Stay strong!
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    You were a non smoker the day you quit. Stay positive and you will continue to be smoke free. My day was July 25, 1974 ... haven't had a cigarette since then. I went from 3 packs of non-filter Camel's a day to zero ... absolutely cold turkey. If I could do that and still be smoke free after all these years then anyone can do it if they really want to.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Congratulations. You are a non-smoker. You've made it. :flowerforyou:
  • Intricatephoto
    If you but yourself into the mindset that you are a "nonsmoker" the first day that you quit than it will make it much easier to quit.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    The day you dont smoke! Congrats! But as far as life insurance goes, its 1 year.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I think it depends on the person. I quit 3 years ago but find that classifying myself as a smoker who chooses not to smoke keeps me vigilant against picking the habit back up. I think you will be the best person to decide that. To this day, there are still moments when I don't want my "old friend" back especially during stressful or bored times. What is important is not going back to it.

    I think this is a good way to think, reminded me of my dad who is a dry alcoholic, for years he hasn't touched alcohol, but if it comes up he'll say up front that he is a alcoholic. That mentality helped me quit the last time I quit, but I lapsed.. I was a recovering nicotine addict n still called myself a smoker.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I have recently quit smoking (23 days 15 hours and 37 minutes cigarette free to be exact!), but I started thinking, when do you consider yourself a non-smoker? The day you quit? Two weeks? A month? A year? There's that obvious chance of relapsing, but how long do you think you need to be cigarette free to consider yourself a non-smoker?

    Curious to see what everyone thinks!

    You are a non smoker when you decide that you are done with smoking.
  • b1g_tun4
    b1g_tun4 Posts: 48
    I would say after you quit completely with no nicotine for 6 months. The moment you put nicotine in your system again you are a smoker. The problem I see with quitting smoking is that everyone has their own definition of "quitting". Quitting to some is just once a week. Quitting to others is just "when they drink". It's all a bunch of self deception. I have been 100% abstinent for 15 years. It was tough at first but gets easier and easier.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    Ask yourself, are you every going to smoke again? If not, then you are a non-smoker. I smoked for 19 years. I LOVED smoking, but I was a SLAVE to cigarettes. But I had to make a choice, and I chose to live smoke free, rather than continue to be chained forever to the cigarette. I quit December 2, 2009 and it was the best decision I ever made.

    GREAT for you for going 23 days. It WILL get easier.

    In a few months you won' think of cigarettes hourly. In a year, it may be a few days before you think of having one. I still crave one from time to time, but know I will NEVER have another puff of a cigarette for the rest of my life. And sometimes I have to say it out loud. My husband is not addicted to cigarettes, but he does smoke at social gatherings and especially concerts. Even after almost 3 years I still have to verbally commit to not smoking. I say, "even if I ask for a cigarette (or a puff) today/tonight, I really don't want one...and don't give me one." Then I stay strong, and never ask for one, and don't care that he smokes, because he doesn't have a problem like I did.

    Keep it up. One day at a time! And don't think quitting smoking makes you fat. I was a smoker and I was fat, and I quit and I got healthy, and now I can workout, including running a 1/2 marathon, and I'm no longer overweight.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    Many people believe that a non-smoker is a person who has never smoked. I quit smoking 5 years ago and tell people I am an ex-smoker which accurately describes my current status.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    If you think you are a non smoker then you are as long as you don't light up. If you prefer to see yourself as reformed smoker then you are.

    Whatever helps.....

    As a non smoker who has never smoked I admire you all, non smokers, reformed smokers, previous smokers, never wanting to smoke again smokers, struggling with it, how brave you are.

    I salute you whatever you want to call it- the no cig to day brigade every last one.

  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for all your responses!! I went away this weekend so I didn't have a chance to keep up with this thread!

    Thank you to all the kind words, and I would like to congratulate and wish best of luck to all you non-smokers, ex-smokers, or whatever you would like to call yourself! We give a big *kitten* YOU to cigarettes every time we beat a craving, and what a feeling that is!

    Thanks again for all the responses, this was very interesting to read!
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    The moment you decide that you are going to quit, and you extinguish that last cigarette. You have been a non-smoker for 23 days, keep at it!

    And congratulations!