Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 2



  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    i didn't make another list again. use to that i guess, been on the gainers list allot lately.
    won't be back for a few days need to take care of myself.....
    my state test is tomorrow morning....pray i pass please. this means the world to me.

    Good luck, Cathy! I'm praying for you. Here's to some positive test results :smile: :
    (Gosh, they make those photos large. Any advice on how to resize from photobucket?)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm working two jobs and being paid for one ... home renovations are never done
    Attended a funeral for a good man who died ... car clunked out so I sat down and cried
    Ate so much that I thought I'd explode ... so now I've decided to take a new road
    It's time to get back now and really fight ... because everything is easier when your health is alright

    I love it! Send it to Carrie Underwood! Seriously, I'm sorry that your life has been crap for you lately, but you've got a great perspective on it. Your sense of humor is teaching me how to cope, too. Thank you!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm having a rough day. Dealing with the attorneys for the separation. I hope my ex falls in a hole. :indifferent:

    Lawyer stuff, Yuck. I hope it's a very very big hole.
    You can make it two more days. Then have fun this weekend!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Well I just finished my second day of the shred. I swear it was harder that the other day. I sure am sore.
    Just look, though. It goes in big and comes out really small! :smile:


  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Well I just finished my second day of the shred. I swear it was harder that the other day. I sure am sore.
    Just look, though. It goes in big and comes out really small! :smile:


    That is hilarious Susan! It makes me actually want to try that Shred workout - just as long as it only makes one small me, and not 20 or so of them. :-)

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Well I just finished my second day of the shred. I swear it was harder that the other day. I sure am sore.
    Just look, though. It goes in big and comes out really small! :smile:


    That is hilarious Susan! It makes me actually want to try that Shred workout - just as long as it only makes one small me, and not 20 or so of them. :-)

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Cathy, good luck darling! You will do great!

    Maggie, I love your song. You are so cute! Get back up and do it baby!!

    Kel, love you dear.

    Susan, thanks for calculating those. Cool to see.

    I'm having a rough day. Dealing with the attorneys for the separation. I hope my ex falls in a hole. :indifferent:
    It is hunting season hera in Montana, you could send HIM here!!! LOL I will say prayers for you, my sweet little niece is going through the same thing I feel for you both!!! Best wishes sweetie!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Susan- I love the list. Good job with that, Im sure it will be keeping me motivated! How has your week been so far. The conference was nice, I'm looking to switch jobs soon so I learned about some opportunities that can pay back some of my student loans. THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL.

    Cathy- Don't you worry about not making the list. I believe you will be on the list soon enough. Just keep reading your book! :) I'm praying for you and the test. I know you can do it

    Lauryn- :love: I'm so glad you went to the reunion!! I still can't believe its been ten years. I know times are rough and lawyers suck but you will make it through this. I know it!! And you look so pretty in the new picture and your daughter is just as gorgeous as you!

    Kel- Hows it going?

    Verna- How is it going?

    Well ladies... I am just sitting here ready to relax. I only had to work one day this week and then I'm off until next thursday. Of course I have a million things I need to do but I'm gonna try to be as productive as possible. Job searching, house looking, diet planning, fitness planning and etc. Maybe even some new recipes!!! I'll be lurking on the site wayyyy to much so get ready to chat with me!

    Hope you are doing great Alison!!!

    Love ya all! Take care,
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Gee whiz. My time is no longer mine... and I'm no fan of excuses. So... I will weigh in tomorrow. I checked today and it was 144.6 Sorry to the newbies who don't know me and probably think I'm flaky! lol! :noway:

    as for me... this was supposed to be the "easy" rotation (in reference to school). Turns out that I'm working MORE hours than everyone else... and I've been so tired that I go home and sit down and can barely get it together to even study. BUT I'm no quitter so I'll think of ways to do better. And I;m definitely going to clean up the diet so I can keep losing weight. My hip (docs think its a stress fracture... NO FUN) is painful and I have had to use crutches... so when it rains it pours :cry: BUT I'm doing well. and I will do some push ups and punches tonight.

    I will be back to my normal cheerful self tomorrow. Bare with me. :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Lauryn CUTE pic!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi all!

    Cathy hope the test goes/went well today!!

    Sorry for being MIA this week ladies, it has been a little rough. One of my sorority sisters from undergrad lost her long fought battle with cancer on Wednesday. She was truly an inspiration having beaten it at age 14 only to have it return in the past 6 months with a vengence. The services are sunday and monday so if i'm not around much the rest of the weekend, that's probably why! Please keep her family in your prayers if you could. :heart:

  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hi all!

    Cathy hope the test goes/went well today!!

    Sorry for being MIA this week ladies, it has been a little rough. One of my sorority sisters from undergrad lost her long fought battle with cancer on Wednesday. She was truly an inspiration having beaten it at age 14 only to have it return in the past 6 months with a vengence. The services are sunday and monday so if i'm not around much the rest of the weekend, that's probably why! Please keep her family in your prayers if you could. :heart:


    I am sorry to hear about your friend Amy. :cry: :cry: I will keep you in my thoughts this weekend.

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi all!

    Cathy hope the test goes/went well today!!

    Sorry for being MIA this week ladies, it has been a little rough. One of my sorority sisters from undergrad lost her long fought battle with cancer on Wednesday. She was truly an inspiration having beaten it at age 14 only to have it return in the past 6 months with a vengence. The services are sunday and monday so if i'm not around much the rest of the weekend, that's probably why! Please keep her family in your prayers if you could. :heart:

    Hi Amy, I am sorry to hear of your friends death, yes i have prayed for that family that our Lord does know, I also send you a comfort hug!!! When these things happen in life they sure make us give thanks for the trials we ourselves are living with! I wish for your weekend to blessed with laughter from a group of friends who can say "Remember?"!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Sorry for being MIA this week ladies, it has been a little rough. One of my sorority sisters from undergrad lost her long fought battle with cancer on Wednesday. She was truly an inspiration having beaten it at age 14 only to have it return in the past 6 months with a vengence. The services are sunday and monday so if i'm not around much the rest of the weekend, that's probably why! Please keep her family in your prayers if you could. :heart:

    Amy, I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose a friend so young, and with so much potential. It is wonderful that you are able to make it to the service. My prayers are with you, your friend, and her family. Take care, and may your memories of her warm your heart.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Cathy, I hope you burned up that exam!

    Tamm, welcome home, and enjoy your time off.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Lauryn, dance this weekend.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Maggie, check the mail today for the royalty check from that country song your wrote. $$$$.
    Hope your world is feeling a little lighter.

    Tiff, with your schedule, thank goodness you're not getting sick! I'm glad you have the focus to care for yourself, too.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Lauryn, dance this weekend.

    Thanks!!!! :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I forgot to unofficially weigh in today.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I forgot to unofficially weigh in today.
    I weighed in, but I don't want to talk about it. It's my birthday week.
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I weighed in with the same # as tues. I'll take it. I feel like I'm retaining water. Hopefully everything will be back to normal by Tues :) I have an apple pie in the oven-the only sweet I don't like so here's to a good weekend-DH and the kids will be thrilled and I won't eat it! :)