Were you sporty as a child?



  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I was, but not at running! lol I loved swimming and was on the team, Also on the hockey team for a couple of years (field) which I really enjoyed. I loved trampolining but no one had one in their gardens in those days, and loved / was good at high jump but only ever did it for about 4 weeks at school.

    I hit weights at 14 for fun, and also started martial arts, because I fancied the guys 3 years older than me.. but hey throwing a 6' guy when you're 5'3" (or less given my age) was fun and great self defence for living in London.

    I think looking back my issues were emotional eating and when I stopped exercising funnily enough I gained weight!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I was very sporty, played netball (nearly county), tennis at club level, rounders, football, hockey....loved PE...that's why I became a PE teacher!
  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    Nope. I was the fat kid - I hated PE.
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    Oh yes!

    Climbing Trees
    Track & Field

    ... I think that's it. I did also try out for field hockey in jr. high, but I wasn't agressive enough.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I was a band geek, and I didn't have an athletic bone in my body (I tried playing softball and basketball, and I was no good at either). My first two years in college, I majored in music and pretty much lived in the practice room. Then came motherhood, nursing school, 12-hour shifts...
    It wasn't until I found something I was passionate about that I became physically active and found that I love being physically active.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    When I was little I started out in ballet and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately being an Airforce brat we moved a lot and I never got too stay in ballet. After that the only activities I did were at home. I was second oldest in five kids so we kept pretty active
    I never liked to run before and now I surprise myself with how challenged I am to keep working on raising my time. I do enjoy working with my son who plays basketball. I am actually starting to understand it.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member

    figure skating

    ^ But I ditched all of those, I'm about as graceful as a baby giraffe!

    Field hockey
    track & field ~ I held the triple jump record when I graduated high school.

    Ok, I'm starting to feel like Al Bundy reliving his "glory days"
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Not to toot my own horn, but yes I was very sporty as a child. I was a massive Tom Boy and hated the fact that God had made me a girl. I played any and all sports and I was lucky enough to succeed at all of them. Then I had kids and I got heavy. Lost after the first one, gained it all back plus another 53 with my second. Became VERY HEAVY. Now I am getting back in to shape and feeling sporty all over again.
  • I have always been sporty, just had a hard time figuring out which ones I loved. Did ballet, gymnastics and skating as a young kid, not to mention running around the neighbourhood on my bike or my feet with my friends. Baseball was a constant through elementary/junior high. When I was in junior high I got into badminton and track (mostly high jump, long jump etc. since I had asthma and couldn't run). Started soccer after junior high but played badminton and field hockey for my high school.

    Turns out I love soccer and running the most...who knew the kid with asthma would grow up to love the very sports she couldn't do when younger?

    Also, skiing, snowboarding etc. as seasonal recreation. I am a bit of a sports nut when it comes to playing them, I will play anything, have tried volleyball, softball, basketball etc. as well. Can't get enough!
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    My parents pulled me from my softball team.. everyone hated me because I spent my time trying to chase butterflies. I was also a fan of running to a base and getting into a convo that I wouldnt notice when it was time to run again. I am just waaay too much of a girl.
  • Hard to say.

    I liked playing outdoors and was a bit of a tomboy. I did a bit of volleyball and several years of figure skating but regret that I didn't have the confidence to try out for more school team sports. I loved soccer but never tried out. As an adult, I started playing intramurals.

    I was always a solo exerciser though because I grew up with a full gym in the basement of my home - my dad was a body builder.
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    I was into a little bit of everything as a kid .... Gymnastics, Tap, Jazz, Softball and Cheer... I loved all of it!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Nope - like you, I hated sport. I was tiny, with weak muscles, poor stamina, poor coordination, and I simply didn't understand the point of team games - the concept of throwing/hitting/kicking a ball around and trying to get it to go to a certain place made no sense to me. And the PE teachers seemed to think I was being lazy or bad, when in fact I literally couldn't do it. I remember we all had to do sit ups, when I was ten, and everyone else was doing them, and I simply couldn't, and the PE teacher would tell me off. It was an unpleasant experience for me, but oh well, I since discovered I have Asperger Syndrome, and weak muscles and poor coordination are a common part of that, so that helped me make more sense of the experience.

    As an adult I've been able to select exercise that I enjoy. :smile: I also still loathe team sports. And running - I've always hated running. But I like swimming, trampolining, yoga, walking, ice-skating, and lately have been discovering strength exercises and realising my weak muscles can actually get stronger, which is great. I'll never be a very sporty person though. I see exercise more as a means to an end - it gives me increased energy to enjoy other things I like doing. I'm happiest when curled up reading a book. And honestly, if anyone had suggested to me as a child that I would start working out and join a fitness website as an adult, I would not have believed them!
  • GBB40
    GBB40 Posts: 1
    I was the girl who had "cramps" every gym class to avoid having to do anything.
    I was uncomfortable with myself physically and the idea of doing anything physical in front of others terrified me.
    My parents tried sending me to sports camps and the bullying I endured put me off sports for the rest of my highschool years.
    Now looking back I wish I had been able to ignore all the insecurities and the bullies.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I was on a swim team for a couple of years before high school and played football, wrestled, and was on the track team in high school (didn't run much though, threw the discus and did the long jump). I college I played a lot of intramural sports.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    I was a golden glove boxer and a football player in high school. Winter time I lived on the ponds skating. Joined the Marines, spent 20 yrs in great shape, 4 Marine Corps marathons and a half in Okinawa, retired, and don't have a clue what the hell happened to me. But now I am back. Oh yeah, played Rugby for 1 1/2 yrs while stationed in England.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When I was a kid, I played hard!

    Soccer, basketball, volleyball, track, softball, tennis
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I started roller skating when I was 10 months old and at 18 months old I was the youngest registered speed skater in the United States. So I didn't know anything but being involved in sports my entire youth.

    In addition to the speed skating I did roller hockey, Tae Kwon Do , soccer, basketball, and track and field (discus and shotput). I was usually either team captain or the first one picked no matter what sport it was at school and I used to have weight lifting contests with the guys in my strength classes in PE.

    Then my body started trying to grow and develop and it didn't like what I'd been doing to it my whole life. By 13/14 I was plagued with constant knee and back pain, but I kept on with the sports until a severe ankle injury my freshman year of high school took me out of it all. I turned to theater, and spent the next 16-17 years not doing a lick of sports or anything active beyond a couple of dance and stage combat classes in my college theater conservatory.

    Now days I workout through the aches and pains and as my body has gotten stronger again, the effect they used to have on me on a day to day basis has gone down. My ankle and knees still feel tweaky after a long run if I don't use KT tape, but they are infinitely better feeling on the whole than they used to be.

    Once I'm done with my next half marathon next month, I plan on dropping the long distance running to look into some local hockey teams and my company softball team to get that team sport feeling again.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Nope, I almost didn't pass my senior year because I skipped too many gym classes, and had to make them up at the end of the semester. I hated participating in sports in school because I was always picked last. I really wasn't even that bad, just unpopular.