Girlfriends - I Have To Rant Here



  • sleonardbranson
    CAT FIGHT!!!! She is not your friend....Tell her where to go!!! She's a liar and can't be trusted....
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I would say "oh, *guy* said he was really looking forward to all of us having brunch together, i'm so sorry you won't be able to make it". LOL
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Ditch the b itch
  • LilMissSunshine_
    Do like I said before..... PUNCH HER IN THE *kitten*!
  • staceybrewer
    staceybrewer Posts: 36 Member
    I would not spend the day with someone who cannot be honest. I value that highly!

    Imagine what she might do when faced with a situation surrounding your friendship? She obviously cannot be counted on. Sometimes we have to carve the cancer out of our lives. This one needs to go...
  • bnfs2012
    bnfs2012 Posts: 29
    Id punch her in the *kitten*.

    This and I'd show up to brunch....

    :laugh: this is something I would SOOOO doooo!!! thanks for the reminder of how stubborn I am !!
  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    Have future mr. right "invite" you to brunch too and show up about 15 minutes before she does then watch the look on her face!


    great idea!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    While I do tend toward the passive aggressive, you could also go for the high road of honesty and say "[guy] told me you asked him to brunch on Sunday. You know how I feel about him and would appreciate it if you would persue another guy instead."
  • MissTexas25
    girl you better tell that boy and CALL HER OUT! Just because she has problems at home DON'T mean she gotta bring 'em to yours!!!!
    Infact, you should tell her "fine, you let yourself out early, i will sleep in"....then ask the guy if you can meet up with him at the restaurant sunday to confront her about it. wait til you see the look on her face when she realizes your already there with him! HAH!
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I'm not a lady but as a guy I would expect to get busted up a little for not telling this little sl*t to take a long walk off a short pier at the very beginning and that I would not touch her even with some other guy's junk.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    While I do tend toward the passive aggressive, you could also go for the high road of honesty and say "[guy] told me you asked him to brunch on Sunday. You know how I feel about him and would appreciate it if you would persue another guy instead."

    You're ruining all our fun with your grown up responsible answers. Knock it off!
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Go with her to "brunch" that she's having with her kids lol
  • suzlesieur
    Tell your new interest to invite u as well to brunch, and then he can tell her that he did so. Let her sweat, not u. Then, i'd bail on sat. Something really important came up. Say u have plans with me (we could casually check MFP at the same times so u arent guilty of lying either). Lastly, show up at brunch with ur 2 friends and let her squirm. In the future, don't make plans with co-workers!

    Or, u can do the punch thing. lol
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    Threesome imo
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Call her up, cancel all of your plans telling her that you don't want to put her out, but you have a hot brunch date with a guy on Sunday Morning.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    When two guys who are friends like the same woman and there's no exclusivity, two guys who are friends will go after her until she's rejected one unless they've discussed it beforehand, which is what guys sometimes do.

    Not in my world. If a friend of mine has his eye on someone he thinks is cool, I butt out. She ceases to be a female to me. Most of my other friends feel the same way.
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    While I'm a huge fan of the twatpunch, if you really want to make this girl uncomfortable I suggest being completely upfront. Let her know that you know about the brunch, and that her blatant lie is unnecessary and makes her look kind of silly. People who are manipulative like that usually have no idea what to do when someone confronts them about their bull****, so that encounter could be amusing in and of itself.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Ok, first of all I would have flipped my desk when she was LYING to me (And yes withholding is STILL NOT truthful)

    I would have said, listen close skank................... Im so sorry my Saturday filled up all of a sudden, Im having BRUNCH with xxxx (insert crush's name). I can give you the number for the taxi service though??

    And to the guy who said this wasnt lying.... blah blah........... typical. Guys know guy code and ladies know girl code......... just saying!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    so?? she lied about a brunch date you lied about wanting to make breakfast for her. basicly your mad shes trying to get out and have some fun and trying to do it with you and a gie your not in a relationship with....but like totaly like are the 2 of you in JR high cuz that would like totaly explain it?

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Cancel it she has obviously done the whole thing with plans to go out with the guy in the first place. You cancel girls night she wont have a place to stay. Then you can call her on it if you want or just blow her stupid snarky *kitten* off. People like that aren't worth your time.

    I agree with this. I promise you this, nothing is going to come from this but a bunch of problems and with people you work with none the less. It really is not worth it.

    A girl that would willingly go after a guy that she knows another girl is interested in is NOT A FRIEND, period.

    It has been my experience that girls that get married young and get divorced seem to be the same age emotionally and mentally as they were when they stared dating the guy. So it is according to how young she was when she got with him, you could be in for some high school drama.

    Trust me, I am 43 and have been there done that. Run away from her and find a new friend.