Why I'm Fat



  • Marirosa79
    Sweets, sweets and more sweets! Gosh I love sweets! Oh and sitting while eating sweets lol :laugh:
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    Ice cream!!!!! (Preferably vanilla - yum)
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    Sweets, sweets and more sweets! Gosh I love sweets! Oh and sitting while eating sweets lol :laugh:

    ^ And this. :blushing:
  • AMIG2008
    AMIG2008 Posts: 5 Member
    I love butter. Also, fast food is hard to avoid without avoiding people. I have a crazy sweet tooth. One day, I ate nothing but cheesecake. @_@
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Alcohol. Lots of it. Every.single.day. That was the first 50. Then kids, 4 hr commute, no time to do anything about it and eating like my then-husband, that was about another 50. The last 50 came from a med I'm no longer on.
  • DieselGrrl
    Cookies for breakfast. And chocolate after ANYTHING that has tomato in it. Also, not counting calories on the weekends. And french fries...
  • AMIG2008
    AMIG2008 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah I sit most of the day, especially after working out.
  • geral4479WECHANGED
    I hope there is enough room for me to discuss it with all of you.
  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    Because I sit my fat butt on Pinterest all evening pinning wonderful tasty foods.....

    Amen! lol But I discovered MFP and pinterest at about the same time. I've gotten some lovely healthy food ideas from it too though.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    sweets, sweets, sweets! One dessert was never enough -had to pick at a couple different things
  • sistergoddess
    sweets, yummy food, lupus, having babies
  • supergirlie00
    Years of Dr. Pepper consumption, years of Taco Bell, McDonalds, pizza, mega pasta portions, and midnight snacking! And minimal exercise. Yeah I think that covers it! LOL
  • Pacificplayland
    Oreos, pregnancy, oreo pie, hypothyroidisim, oreo ice cream, car crash, oreo cake, feeling sorry for myself... More oreos. :blushing:
  • alzaman5925
    alzaman5925 Posts: 64 Member
    I've thought a lot about this, because I was skinny in high school - we were dirt poor and I never had enough to eat. I overcompensated and refused to watch what I ate because I was so almost afraid of feeling like I did growing up. I'm only now - ten years after leaving my mother's house - leaving some of the food issues behind.

  • mangoduck
    mangoduck Posts: 35 Member
    Partially genetics (PCOS, hypothyroid), but mostly cookies. I used to eat so many cookies. Looking back, I have no idea how I did it, but my lord...
  • jwilson80121
    jwilson80121 Posts: 72 Member
    beer, the feeling of "oh god i have to finish my plate", lack of excersize... i'm sure the list could go on
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I've thought a lot about this, because I was skinny in high school - we were dirt poor and I never had enough to eat. I overcompensated and refused to watch what I ate because I was so almost afraid of feeling like I did growing up. I'm only now - ten years after leaving my mother's house - leaving some of the food issues behind.

    Wow, this is me. When I hit my teens and could get a job, I ate better but had to walk everywhere. So the cheeseburger didn't matter I burned it off.

    It was when I bought a car. It was all downhill from there.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Chocolate and carbs and laziness.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Pain. Fear. Years of dieting, even when I wasn't fat, followed by regaining what I'd lost and more.

    I gained the largest amount after we lost our first child at birth. It was just too much and I buried myself under a mountain of food. Mostly sugar.

    Even now, I hit about 30 pounds off and panic. My fat keeps me safe, even though I'm safe in my marriage and my life, there's a part of me that wants to choose the insulation that being fat gives me.

    Oh, and I LOVE to cook and bake and am very good at it. People are forever asking me to make this or that for their special events.

    I decided long ago that if I was going to be fat, I'd be a great cook. Now, I'm trying to translate that being a great cook into being not-fat. Mostly, I avoid the kitchen nowadays.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I never learned the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity. My formerly anorexic mom used to feed me things like fried quesadillas. I grew up with Ho-Ho's, Ding Dongs, Kool-Aid, fried burritos, etc. My grandma never said no when I wanted Doritos or Oreos. I drank more juice and soda than water. I didn't learn appropriate portion sizes.