weight loss and contraception.



  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I would never, ever get the depo shot. I don't usually believe in anecdotal evidence but I have never met someone who was happy with it.

    Why can't you get an IUD?
    i love the depo but im on it because with a choice between stopping my erratic and painful periods or controlling it to once a month and still being painful i went with full on stop... ive also had no problems losing weight lost 15 lbs with diet change alone before i started mfp
  • szuszanna
    szuszanna Posts: 38 Member
    I had horrible luck with pretty much every form of bc I've tried except for my Mirena IUD. The down side to that? It took me from the time I was 18 until I was 28 before I could find a doctor to let me get one. They also wouldn't do the implant for me. Here in the North East US apparently the view point is that they have enough negative long term fertility side effects that they won't do either of them on a female unless she already has a couple of kids, and even then its a struggle. I have a friend who had her 3rd (and what she hopes is her last) baby at 25, and is happily married, and they still were reluctant to give her an IUD... I say North East US because my own personal experience has covered more than 20 doctors (both gynos and primary care docs) across 4 states....
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    i've never heard of an iud so i'm pretty sure that isn't a thing over here in the uk :/
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    nevermind, i should have googled that before i posted it haha
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    thing is with the injection, if you have side effects it will stay in your system for that 3 months.
    i know someone who had it and her periods didn't start for a few months.

    i was on yasmin a few years ago and was fine. had perfect skin too thanks to that!
    been on cerazette for almost a year because yasmin started to make me feel sick all the time
    tempted to try it again for the benefit of clear skin!

    need to find what works for you. good luck :smile: