Clothes and Tummies!



  • roxy_dolly
    roxy_dolly Posts: 24 Member
    I always wear high waisted jeans as I find them so much more flattering...I get most of mine from New Look as they have a big range of high waisted jeans and shorts. Topshop have them also but are about twice the price. I do find with New Look the cut isn't very generous so I often get a Size 14 whereas I'm a 12 everywhere else. But remember, it's not what the label says, it's how they look. No one can see the label but you, they only see how good you look :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I keep hearing about needing to build muscle to burn more fat and eventually get triimmer.

    Everytime I exercise I gained more from water I think my muscles were storing, but tried going weeks with no exercise thinking loads of excess water would then drop off and I'd be lighter it hasn't made much difference.

    So trying to get over my phobia of seeing it go over a certain number on the scales so can try and stick at doing weights for longer to see if it will work.

    I got a 4KG Kettlebell this week went through the training the other day and the 22 min express workout today, adapted as many as I could or did the ones I could do when they were doing ones I couldn't do so kept moving the entire time,

    There's a 40 mins workout on the second disc and an 8 min abs workout which is mainly floorwork and I can do those, so will try the ab workout too. Might do the 22 min one a few more times before I tackle the 40 min workout as I can really feel it in my arms/shoulders so suspect I'm gonna be very stiff tomorrow!!

    Hopefully it will strengthen them though they get alot of wear and tear from self propelling and leaning (or swinging) on crutches for the few steps I can manage for transfers. My legs get exercised via the passive trainer bike and my thighs in particular are alot leaner now. It seems harder to specifically exercise the tummy muscles though I do alot of work on core for sitting balance to be able to sit in a chair without falling out when I hit a bump!

    I'm gonna try very hard not to weigh until after my next set of monthlies when all water comes off as thats usually the time I get my lightest weight of the month. (for the last few months when I've been at a standstill). If I can see inches coming off that area I might be able to cope with being a few pounds heavier or staying the same if I can clearly see fat has come off so weight must be muscle.

    So trying to focus on losing 4" of abdomen to get in the trousers and convincing myself it doesn't matter what number the scales say if I can get in a 12 eventually (or at least those skinny 14's I already paid for)!! :ohwell:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Gloria Vanderbelt jeans fit curvy figures well. Nice hips, thin waist.