Boyfriend eats everything (almost)

shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
So I just moved in with my boyfriend just over three months ago, we get along great and rarely have problems, but there is one thing that has been bothering me about him. If there is something that tastes good in the apartment, he just eats it all, or most of it.

For example, we cut up a honeydew melon last night into small pieces. I had about 5 pieces last night. I wake up this morning (I went to bed early) and there are about 5 pieces left. So he must have had basically 90% of the melon last night! I really like honeydew melon too. And the same thing happened a few days ago with the cantaloupe that we got. It also happens when I bake things. I made these low calorie banana muffins. I made I made 36 of them (mini muffins, 30 cals each). We both had two when I made them, maybe a week or two ago. I've had maybe 3-4 since then and there are only 3 muffins left now! It also happens when we have diet pop (which we only have on the weekends if we're going out or something). I might have a sip or two but, besides that, he drinks the whole 2L bottle. It sucks because I like it and I want to drink some too! It's happened with basically anything I bake, pizza that we order, different fruits, candies, almonds, anything!!

He kind of knows that he does this, he doesn't like it when I bake unhealthy things because he will just eat a lot of it. He's very skinny and doesn't really have to worry about his weight either. But when I tried to talk to him about it, he basically just said that I do the same thing with fruit. What he means by that is that I eat fruit as snacks, I eat 2-3 fruits a day. But we have LOTS of fruit. I don't eat all 20 fruits in a day, he is welcome to the apples and peaches and oranges and everything. I just eat fruits regularly.

He works from home so he is home all day. Sometimes, when I bake things, I will just take some of them and hide them from him so that I can have those ones when he eats all the ones that I put in the fridge or counter or whatever. Oh and often he eats like 90% of whatever it is and then leaves like 1 of them left, or something that is barely a sip (in pop). It's like ... why do you even leave it?? Throw out the bottle, it's basically finished anyway! And another thing is that when I put something in the fridge for work the next day, it's sometimes just gone when I am getting it ready for work the next day (even though I tell him, and he knows I have these certain containers for my work lunches).

I know it's a bit of a sensitive subject to him because he kind of knows that he does this but he not completely.

Anyone been in similar situations or can give me some advice?



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Welcome to living with any guy.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Sounds liek time to set soume boundaries.
    What about " hey i baked some muffins, have some, but can you leave me 6 to eat over the week."
    Maybe if he knows how much he can have/ has to leave it might help?
    Maybe you just need to buy more food?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    ^I agree with this.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Welcome to living with any guy.


    edited to add you NEED TO EAT MORE!!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    It drove my wife NUTS when we first got together that I could eat SO much more than her. I also eat all the time and that too would make her jealous/angry.

    I wasn't trying to purposely do anything, but at the time 3500 was about maintenance for me. I was lifting 5x per week and would run in the ballpark of 15 miles/week.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Welcome to living with any guy.


    i stopped caring about this very quickly. My boyfriend eats everything, he is very thin but because he needs those calories just to get through a day as he moves so much.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    I thought the same thing when I moved in with my husband. But he needs about twice what I need to eat in a day. So I have told him he can eat what ever it is he wants as long as it is not in a plastic bag in the fridge. Then I have a plan for it. You could try and putting your name on some containers and tell him not to eat those ones because they are for work. If he asks why your name is on them you can say its so people don't eat them from work. Other wise be glad that he makes healthier choices and maybe find some recipes for muffins where you can refrigerate the dough and make fresh ones in the morning and make him some for the day and a few for yourself also. I do that with bread. I make my own and if I make all the loaves at once he will eat them all in 2 days when its suppose to last the week
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    ...and here I thought this was going to be a more sexually explicit posting. Dang!
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome to living with any guy.

    Yep you got that in one there
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Welcome to living with any guy.

    This. :flowerforyou:
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    If I put something in a zip top bag and label it as mine, he does not touch it. But everything else is fair game. See if it works for you.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Hmm, if you're logging all you eat, you're probably eating 30% of what he eats, that's why it seems like he's eating a lot. On the contrary, you are eating too little.

    That said, I don't have a problem if my boyfriend eats. I cook/bake for someone to eat them. You seriously can't expect muffins you bake to last two weeks? I give mine usually 3-4 days tops.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Buy more food. Eat more food. Put your name on the food you want to keep. I have been married for fifteen years if you want to be together you will just have to get over it. He's a guy he should eat more than you. Especially since you eat like a bird. You probably told him the muffins were only 35 calories and in his brain he says "wow, I can eat a bunch of those!".
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I buy boxes/items specifically for each of us. If I buy two cases of diet soda, my SO knows one is for him and the other is for me. If I buy two boxes of the same cereal, he knows that still one is for him and one is for me. I even separate our food in the fridge by using different containers for each of us. This does mean that I have to buy more food specifically for him because he eats more than I do but that's alright by me.

    I agree with the others; please eat more.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Oh and only once has he ever eaten my chocolate bar from the freezer. After that one we had to sit down and have a "nice little chat" never again has he done such and awful thing.
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    I was delivering training to job seekers last week, an 18 year old female student obviously had the same problem with her boyfriend, he had eaten her boob and her neck!! Wonder if he was logging ,,,, nota good loo on an otherwise nice girl
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I was delivering training to job seekers last week, an 18 year old female student obviously had the same problem with her boyfriend, he had eaten her boob and her neck!! Wonder if he was logging ,,,, nota good loo on an otherwise nice girl

  • miniveganprincess
    My sisters boyfriend does that.
    my own father does that.

    get over it..
    guy's need more food.