Boyfriend eats everything (almost)



  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    My husband eats a ton of stuff, but unlike your boyfriend, he usually doesn't want to touch it if it's healthy. Except for berries. So he complains if there isn't anything "good" in the house, meaning stuff that's bad for you. (chips, chocolate, pizza, etc.) He LOVES cheat days and wishes we could eat fast food, chips, and chocolate every day. It's really hard for me because I love that stuff, but I'm TRYING to stay away from it as much as possible.

  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Oh and only once has he ever eaten my chocolate bar from the freezer. After that one we had to sit down and have a "nice little chat" never again has he done such and awful thing.

    Ha ha, yep my husband knows better than that too. Chocolate is mine! Now, if I could just get the kids so well trained, lol.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    That's not at all what she's saying. She's not saying he eats too much. She'd like him to SHARE. If I made three dozen muffins and only got to eat 3 I'd be pissed too. He's being inconsiderate, selfish and RUDE. My husband is thin too. For the first few years we were together he was trying to gain weight. He still didn't eat an entire batch of cookies without saving any for me.

    Maybe get a few separate containers. Put what you want to keep in those containers. Tell him that anything in those containers is yours and you need that food for the week. Everything else is fair game. If he eats stuff out of your containers, he has to make replacement food (not just buy crap).

    It will get better. His metabolism will catch up with him in a few years.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Living with someone requires communication. Try it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Heh... reminds me of the story my mother told me about when she and my father first married. The first time she cooked dinner for the two of them, she made two Salisbury steaks and two baked potatoes. She took the platter to the table, and Dad promptly took both steaks and both potatoes. :laugh:

    It was a crash course in "Men Eat More."

    Communication is key. You can't expect him to read your mind. You're used to doing things your way, and he's used to doing things his way. If you're saving a dish to take to work tomorrow, tell him, "Don't touch that or I will break your fingers." Slap some stickers with your name on it on any food you're saving.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Oh and only once has he ever eaten my chocolate bar from the freezer. After that one we had to sit down and have a "nice little chat" never again has he done such and awful thing.

    Ha ha, yep my husband knows better than that too. Chocolate is mine! Now, if I could just get the kids so well trained, lol.

    My mom taught us by telling us that if we did not buy the chocolate bar we could not eat the chocolate bar. I think that it is a great system.
  • ItsDawnMarie
    ItsDawnMarie Posts: 81 Member
    Ahhh... This is my hubby! He will eat healthy or the unhealthy stuff, if its there he's going to eat it. He does not have a weight problem. Annoying but I love the guy ( =
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    Welcome to living with any guy.


    My boyfriend eats as if he'll never be fed again. Luckily (for me, not so much for his health), he hates anything remotely healthy. So I know he won't touch my veggies, whole wheat, oatmeal, etc.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    What rubbish. She's baking and he's eating most of it....tell him to bake his own stuff!!!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    you only ate 278 calories yesterday???? maybe the problem lies more in YOUR issues with food and the fact that he actually eats is what bothers you more. EAT.
  • fitnesspalloser
    fitnesspalloser Posts: 15 Member
    Guys have higher metabolisms so they can eat more. Be thankful he wants to eat healthy. You could sort our a couple for you so that you get some too. I would just talk about it. As long as you discuss your desire to have some left for you, I'm sure he will be considerate and not eat it all - which it sounds like he's already doing. You will just need to buy more fruit than you already are. Think vegetables! :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    What rubbish. She's baking and he's eating most of it....tell him to bake his own stuff!!!
    Over the course of 2 weeks. I'm sorry, I really don't see a problem with his behaviour. Sweet jesus, how DARE he eat more than 5 PIECES of melon?!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    What rubbish. She's baking and he's eating most of it....tell him to bake his own stuff!!!

    Why? See prepared food, eat prepared food. If it's a problem, bake less. The laws of supply and demand are at work.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I am failing to see the problem here?

    Um sounds like my husband, and any other guy on this planet. Also sounds like you may be overly sensative about food, you count everything he eats and you eat? Do you know how many times I come in front work and my husbnd eat the last cookie, oh well F**k it, it's not that big of a deal really. Think of it this way, he is saving you the calories, either go buy some more, or have a serious conversation with a dude about how much food he eats, but that seems like a punk move to me.

    BTW, is he the first guy you have lived with?
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    What rubbish. She's baking and he's eating most of it....tell him to bake his own stuff!!!

    Why? See prepared food, eat prepared food. If it's a problem, bake less. The laws of supply and demand are at work.

    Agreed, sometimes I bake cookies and my husband eats the first batch before I get the second out of the oven, lol, think of it as a compliment, he lives you cooking!
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    You're eating about 800 calories a day as per your diary, so two things;

    - He's probably not as bad as you're making out, and is in fact eating like a healthy, active adult.
    - You have no right to criticise anyone's dietary choices.

    What rubbish. She's baking and he's eating most of it....tell him to bake his own stuff!!!
    Over the course of 2 weeks. I'm sorry, I really don't see a problem with his behaviour. Sweet jesus, how DARE he eat more than 5 PIECES of melon?!

    Exactly. 36x30~ 1080 calories worth of dessert over 2 weeks.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Next thread: "Boyfriend keeps wanting sex (mostly)"
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    my boyfriend eats like a pig and he's way more overweight than i am, so he really shouldn't be eating like he does.

    i buy things that he doesn't like so he won't eat them. he hates vegetables and melons, so i buy a lot of those!

    he loves cookies and cupcakes and pizza, so i won't buy those and rarely make them. i made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last night and he's already eaten nearly half the batch, which is over 20 cookies. i've had 5...

    i have containers labeled with my name. anything in these containers is OFF LIMITS! likewise, when the containers are clean in the cabinet, he is NOT allowed to use them because he likes to microwave spaghetti in them and that ruins them.

    i tried setting limits with him and it just doesn't work. the only part he remembers is not to use my containers.

    we now do our grocery shopping separate so that i can get what i want and he gets what he wants and i don't end up spending a ton of money on pizza, soda, chips, and all that other unhealthy crap.

  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    Next thread: "Boyfriend keeps wanting sex (mostly)"

  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Your man sounds exactly like mine.

    I started buying stuff that I LOVE and he absolutely can't stand, so I basically go shopping with two separate grocery lists.

    But we also designated a "Kat Cabinet". As in, there is one cabinet in the house that is ABSOLUTELY off limits. My granola bars go there, otherwise they would be destroyed in a day.

    EDIT: He eats like crap. Doesn't like fruit. Drinks a lot of soda. Will eat an entire BIG BOX of Goldfish crackers in two days.