Need to lose a lot quick...



  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    what tips or pointers do you guys have to help me reach my 30-50 pound goal?

    Fast for 3 or 4 days prior to the wedding. You won't lose much weight but you'll feel like you are and the hunger will give you a placebo effect. Then about 2 hours before the wedding, without eating anything "scull" 1 700ml bottle of Jim Beam white label, and follow that up with a second bottle, except use a different spirit, like vodka or rum.

    This, combined with the fasting will give you a mental effect similar to 50lbs of weight loss (if you remain conscious), especially if you violently assault one of the brides family members while you are intoxicated.

    They certainly will not be paying any attention to your weight.

    If I drank still (and it would be Jager, not Jim Beam or rum), the wedding party consisted of more than 25 people (which it doesn't), and I didn't hate one of the guests then I would consider drinking before I went. Yet, seeing how I havent had alcohol in over two years I would like to keep it that way.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    If I lost inches that had the look of a major weight loss I would be just as happy

    Shape underwear. Seriously it's AMAZING. Stick to your calorie limit, do your walks and be confident. You'll look amazing.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I've lost 22 pounds in the last 60 days. So that's 11 pounds every 30 days. And that's from restricting calories and exercising every single day.

    I'm so sorry to tell you this, but you are not going to lose 30-50 pounds in a month and a half. You have six weeks until the wedding. Safe weight loss is 2 pounds a week. So that's 12 pounds you could lose by the wedding, maybe a little bit more. I think you could even do 15-17 pounds if you exercise every day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Tape worm....
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Do what i did and eat what i ate...I lost 55.5 lbs in 54 days, because im the best that ever was....mostly walking too!

    Diary acccess code 1776
  • Monnietron
    Monnietron Posts: 96 Member
    I understand you're not getting great help, but that is because you have a unrealistic goal. Shoot for 10-20 lbs, watch your intake, walk as much as your knee will take (buy a brace) and buy spanx for the wedding. It's great, really, lol.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't say this to be unkind, but if you're pushing 300 pounds, what difference do you think losing 30 pounds for the wedding is going to make? At 270 you're still going to look and be very're still going to look fat in the photos.

    Yes you need to lose the weight, I'm not saying you don't need to lose weight or that 30-50 pounds makes no difference to your health or anything. What I am saying is, is that 270 pounds is still very fat. You're wanting to drop a lot of weight very quickly and possibly damage your body and for what outcome? You're still going to be and look fat in the pics.

    I was 238 in January, and 192.2 now, and guess what? I still look fat in photos. Not AS fat, but it's still obvious I have quite a bit more to lose.

    So don't worry about the photos, and/or what other people think. Your family already knows that you are fat. I am sure your brother and his fiancé just want you there to celebrate this special day with them.
  • willia123
    willia123 Posts: 60 Member
    You're heavier to begin with so I guess you could lose upwards of 20 lbs by then if you really buckle down. Truthfully though, on 300 lbs you'll barely notice in your appearance. BUT, you will FEEL worlds different by that time if you've put 100% into your diet and fitness program. That will make a huge difference as far as enjoying your day and feeling beautiful. Look for a flattering dress and get some spanx like people suggested. Now is as good a time as any to get serious. Good luck and remember to enjoy the events leading up to the wedding. Don't let your weight put a dark cloud over everything.
  • luckyroot
    luckyroot Posts: 31 Member
    I think you know (as SO many other posters have pointed out) that 50 lbs. in 2 months is probably an unrealistic, and UNHEALTHY goal.

    However, I certainly can understand your wish to achieve it. Have you considered talking to your doctor and going on a medically supervised liquid diet? important words: MEDICALLY SUPERVISED.

    You could achieve excellent results, but ONLY under a doctor's strict care, to ensure you are taking in proper nutrients.

    Speak with your doctor, and see if that is an option. I wish you luck. Everyone here knows that weight loss isn't easy - we're all in the same boat!
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds to me like you need a bit of friendly encouragement. I lost 30kg in less than 6 months (25 of those kg I lost in less than 4 months) a few years ago - it was tough going but I did it. And I was the healthiest I have ever been in my life, based on numerous fitness & blood tests - so I'm not sure what others are talking about when they say that quick weight loss is "dangerous". I would dare to suggest that being obese is slightly more dangerous!!! What I found was that if you're able to really restrict your calories, very low carb, decent amounts of protein & lots of exercise to increase lean muscle (could you stick with handweights??) you will stand to lose quite alot of weight. I do agree that you are unlikely to lose as much as you'd really like to but take heart in the amount you can feasibly do by then (you've been through alot recently so be kind to yourself). I look forward to seeing all your great results!!
  • skatei
    skatei Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with leejayem. We are all here for the encouragement with our weight loss, not to be told that we are fat. We know that already.
    Choose a plan and stick with it. Even if you lose 10 pds you will feel so much better and will want to continue your weight loss journey long after your brothers wedding and that is what this is about.
    Good luck.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    I think you know (as SO many other posters have pointed out) that 50 lbs. in 2 months is probably an unrealistic, and UNHEALTHY goal.

    However, I certainly can understand your wish to achieve it. Have you considered talking to your doctor and going on a medically supervised liquid diet? important words: MEDICALLY SUPERVISED.

    You could achieve excellent results, but ONLY under a doctor's strict care, to ensure you are taking in proper nutrients.

    Speak with your doctor, and see if that is an option. I wish you luck. Everyone here knows that weight loss isn't easy - we're all in the same boat!

    Doctors kill people all the time, and besides this person has not even lost 1 lb, so consider your sources!
  • terri1020
    I think you know (as SO many other posters have pointed out) that 50 lbs. in 2 months is probably an unrealistic, and UNHEALTHY goal.

    However, I certainly can understand your wish to achieve it. Have you considered talking to your doctor and going on a medically supervised liquid diet? important words: MEDICALLY SUPERVISED.

    You could achieve excellent results, but ONLY under a doctor's strict care, to ensure you are taking in proper nutrients.

    Speak with your doctor, and see if that is an option. I wish you luck. Everyone here knows that weight loss isn't easy - we're all in the same boat!

    Doctors kill people all the time, and besides this person has not even lost 1 lb, so consider your sources!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I think you know (as SO many other posters have pointed out) that 50 lbs. in 2 months is probably an unrealistic, and UNHEALTHY goal.

    However, I certainly can understand your wish to achieve it. Have you considered talking to your doctor and going on a medically supervised liquid diet? important words: MEDICALLY SUPERVISED.

    You could achieve excellent results, but ONLY under a doctor's strict care, to ensure you are taking in proper nutrients.

    Speak with your doctor, and see if that is an option. I wish you luck. Everyone here knows that weight loss isn't easy - we're all in the same boat!

    Doctors kill people all the time, and besides this person has not even lost 1 lb, so consider your sources!

    3lbs loss as of this morning
  • jlaurena
    jlaurena Posts: 60
    what tips or pointers do you guys have to help me reach my 30-50 pound goal?

    Fast for 3 or 4 days prior to the wedding. You won't lose much weight but you'll feel like you are and the hunger will give you a placebo effect. Then about 2 hours before the wedding, without eating anything "scull" 1 700ml bottle of Jim Beam white label, and follow that up with a second bottle, except use a different spirit, like vodka or rum.

    This, combined with the fasting will give you a mental effect similar to 50lbs of weight loss (if you remain conscious), especially if you violently assault one of the brides family members while you are intoxicated.

    They certainly will not be paying any attention to your weight.

    amazing. that is all. :smokin:
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    It is not like I am waiting till the last possible minutes to lose weight.

    I beg to differ.
  • jheye
    jheye Posts: 36 Member
    I don't think you can lose more than about 20 lbs in a month, but the fastest way to lose would probably be to follow a low carb plan like Atkins induction. Many posters on MFP do not like low carb diets, but they are an effective way to lose large amounts of weight in a relatively short time, and they tend to work well for people who are significantly overweight. Do try to walk everyday, and consider strength training also.
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    You're not going to lose 30-50 lbs by then, but you can do enough to see and feel a difference. Cut out alcohol, added salt and processed foods. Eat things like egg whites, lean meats and complex carbs (think veggies not white bread). When you do have bread make sure it's wheat. Make sure to get LOTS of protein each day so you don't get hungry. Drink nothing but water and cut out most dairy. Add in an hour of exercise a day you should see a difference. Or if you REALLY want to go for it do 2 hours a day. But with an injured knee that's going to be hard.

    I know that's a lot, but I feel like you need some friendly encouragement and realistic goals/strategies :)

    Whatever you do, don't fast. You'll get hungry at some point or another and will eat/gain it all back.
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    I see losing 10 lb, maybe 15, in that time, but not 30-50. The weight didn't come on that quickly and surely will not come off that quickly either. I think moe5474 has good advice to have a noticable difference in the short time you have. Good luck.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Falling short of some exceedingly harsh diet changes (ie only 1200 and not eating back exercise calories) and exercising for at least an hour day (something like walking or biking) you're probably not going to get there.

    Instead set yourself a more realistic goal, loose the weight progressively and shop to find a dress that suits your current figure and as the first poster said control under wear (my size 12 bbf still wears it so there's no shame!). At least this way you'd have lost some weight (and sometimes that's visible, too!) and you're still getting healthy!