Body Fat Percentage



  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    11-12% in this pic.

    1. This site will show you where you want to be for BF% given your age...

    2. Omron handheld units are within 2%, AccuFitness calipers can be within 1%, depending on human error (Amazon for both)

    3. Scales that show BF% are typically off by 5-7% high

    4. DEXA is accurate, but who can afford it consistently, and you don't even really need it if you use the Omron, its close enough

    fyi...have used Omron for several years with multiple people, results are consistent given the same conditions. It works on the principle of Bio Electrical Impedance Analysis. As muscle is 75% water, the more muscle you have, the more water you retain in the muscle, and the faster the current flow or less resistance....the less resistance (impedance), the lower the fat%. The more fat you have, the less water in your muscles, the higher the resistance, the higher the fat%.

    As a side note....believe the readings on the Omron, if it says your at 32% (example) and in the "red zone" from the accufitness chart, you need to see a Dr., stat. While its all fun and games for me to see how low i can tweak my body, for a lot of people a reading of 32% for example should have you scared to death. High Blood Pressure, Strokes, TypeII Diabetes, High Cholesterol,.....nothing to play around with.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    DEXA is the only one close to accurate. :)

    I wish i could get a DEXA scan, but cant find any place in CT that does it for body fat %
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    finding a bod pod is pretty easy in the US. just go here:

    and down near the bottom it asks to put in your zip code and how far you will travel. Bod Pods are slightly less accurate than DEXA but far more accurate than Bio-Electrical Impedance (body fat Scales) and usually a test costs between 25 and 50 bucks, insurance isn't really required for this (I mean, come on, it's 50 bucks or less, well worth it for this type of assessment).

    sorry but i'll have to pass on the Bod Pod, not that they're not accurate, but how often are you willing to dish out $25 - $50 for a BF analysis. The Omron handheld is under $30 and its yours and the results are within 1-2%, and unless you're in a fat loss competition, requiring 99% accuracy....its good enough. Its not like it will tell you that you're 40%, when you're really 25%....I've found first thing in the morning, after shower, pre-breakfast gives the most consistent results..
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    finding a bod pod is pretty easy in the US. just go here:

    and down near the bottom it asks to put in your zip code and how far you will travel. Bod Pods are slightly less accurate than DEXA but far more accurate than Bio-Electrical Impedance (body fat Scales) and usually a test costs between 25 and 50 bucks, insurance isn't really required for this (I mean, come on, it's 50 bucks or less, well worth it for this type of assessment).

    sorry but i'll have to pass on the Bod Pod, not that they're not accurate, but how often are you willing to dish out $25 - $50 for a BF analysis. The Omron handheld is under $30 and its yours and the results are within 1-2%, and unless you're in a fat loss competition, requiring 99% accuracy....its good enough. Its not like it will tell you that you're 40%, when you're really 25%....I've found first thing in the morning, after shower, pre-breakfast gives the most consistent results..

    Also the closest one is like 65 miles. No thank you. I think I'll order an Omron after payday this week. :drinker:
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    At one point, I really want to find out what my BFP was. But now I am just looking in the mirror. I don't even have a BFP goal anymore. I just want to be strong, and be able to lift heavier weights and do more pulls up.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Calculators say I am anywhere from 23-29% so who knows.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    finding a bod pod is pretty easy in the US. just go here:

    and down near the bottom it asks to put in your zip code and how far you will travel. Bod Pods are slightly less accurate than DEXA but far more accurate than Bio-Electrical Impedance (body fat Scales) and usually a test costs between 25 and 50 bucks, insurance isn't really required for this (I mean, come on, it's 50 bucks or less, well worth it for this type of assessment).

    sorry but i'll have to pass on the Bod Pod, not that they're not accurate, but how often are you willing to dish out $25 - $50 for a BF analysis. The Omron handheld is under $30 and its yours and the results are within 1-2%, and unless you're in a fat loss competition, requiring 99% accuracy....its good enough. Its not like it will tell you that you're 40%, when you're really 25%....I've found first thing in the morning, after shower, pre-breakfast gives the most consistent results..

    Also the closest one is like 65 miles. No thank you. I think I'll order an Omron after payday this week. :drinker:

    You do what you feel like you need to. For the record though, Impedance scales are generally considered the least effective way to measure body fat of all the electronic types by medical professionals that specialize in weight and nutrition, and while they might be fine for comparative analysis, they shouldn't be taken as an end-all be-all for your body fat %.

    I'll give 1 word of advice if you go with an impedance scale, follow the directions very carefully, as even small changes in hydration and/or time of day can drastically effect the numbers.

    Best of luck.

    I prefer to drive to the Bod Pod that is about 40 miles away. Since you only need to check body fat about once every 3 months (body fat percentages don't change all that quickly unless you're dropping massive weight), and the test only takes about 15 minutes and the one I go to costs 30 bucks, so I'm happy with that.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    hi , last year at this time I was 20% from too much drinking and parting with no exercise. I was between jobs, got lazy.

    12 months later I'm 15% (still getting leaner). Working since Jan 2012 and love to move.

    I do low carb dieting, eat all of my exercise calories, and exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. Heavy weights (HIIT) and a nice low intensity fat burn every other day has done it for me. I occasionally do a high intensity cardio burn, but that's to focus on increasing my VO2 max. If I'm not hungry (the rare occasion!), I will skip a meal.


    I'm a cpt, so let me know if you have any questions I can help you with.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    thats already really low for a woman hon.
    13% is lower than a lot of female athletes.
    you are unlikely to

    bwahhhahaaahahahaaaa :laugh:

    the insane myths that society perpetuates!!!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Yeah, 13% is much, much too low for a woman. That's like 3% for a man, which is in the danger zone of affecting one's health.

    really? tell that to Apollo Ono, who's at 2% body fat.

    how does he keep winning? if he's is so dangerously close to "bad health"?

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yeah, 13% is much, much too low for a woman. That's like 3% for a man, which is in the danger zone of affecting one's health.

    really? tell that to Apollo Ono, who's at 2% body fat.

    how does he keep winning? if he's is so dangerously close to "bad health"?

    males can have between 2 and 4 % of essential body fat

    Females need between 10 and 12% essential body fat

    going lower is dangerous. this is not myth, it's well documented accepted truth in the medical community.

    and I quote from the author of the article you posted, in that same article

    Professor Mourtzakis wanted to emphasize the risks associated with an extremely low body fat: "While it is possible for some athletes to reach 2 percent body fat, I would certainly not support this approach for athletes. Achieving this range presents health risks, including increased risk of infection and injury. This approach often supports unhealthy eating behaviors and patterns that are reflective of disordered eating behaviors. It is especially important for athletes to maintain adequate intake of all macronutrients (that is, protein, carbohydrates and fats) to achieve optimal performance and maintain their health."
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    really? tell that to Apollo Ono, who's at 2% body fat.
    From all the pictures I've seen of Ohno, there's no way he's 2% bodyfat. I call BS. At 2%, he'd be much more vascular and ripped to the bone, with clearly defined muscle striations everywhere. Look at a bodybuilder who's at competition-level bodyfat (which is usually somewhere around 3-5%) - Ohno is nowhere near that lean.
  • hparker2
    hparker2 Posts: 19 Member
    I had mine done a couple months ago and was 11.5 %, but I definitely don't look as ripped as the women in the photos at that percentage.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The calculator said it was 62%.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    really? tell that to Apollo Ono, who's at 2% body fat.
    From all the pictures I've seen of Ohno, there's no way he's 2% bodyfat. I call BS. At 2%, he'd be much more vascular and ripped to the bone, with clearly defined muscle striations everywhere. Look at a bodybuilder who's at competition-level bodyfat (which is usually somewhere around 3-5%) - Ohno is nowhere near that lean.

    agree. He may have reached 2% for a short period of time, but not a chance he maintains himself at that.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    some pretty good reads for those of you interested in body fat and athletes. Not talking body building here. Sorry to the OP if this is considered hijacking the thread. No disrespect intended, just replying to some of the other comments that seem to pertain to your topic.

    and athletes with that low body fat % like Ohno don't dehydrate like body builders do, so they will not look stringy, but rather plump. Still lean. Ohno is usually about 4 - 2% at peak for the Olympics.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    From the Gym:

    Body Comp Women men
    Essential 10-13% 3-5%
    Athlete 14-20% 6-13%
    Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
    Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
    Overweight 32%+ 26%+
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm at 25% now with goal of 19%. I've shifted away from cardio and am upping my strength training. Doing my best to increase protein intake too.
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    Um...that's a bit low. 19% is actually pretty good. Some websites tell me I'm at 27% while others say 41% so I have no idea where I am right now. :laugh:

    Same here! Lol. Ugh wish I knew which one was right lol.