Are you frustrated with yourself and your choices? I am.

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
What is the point of putting in 3 or 4 awesome days of being at or under your calorie goal, and then blowing it on a tub of ice cream or cheesecake or...some other ridiculously high calorie food? Ya know, if I had been really good with my food since June when I started, I would probably have an extra 10 pounds off by now...maybe more. I don't want to waste a potential 10 pounds every few goal is to look and feel so much better by time summer rolls around again, and I don't want to get there knowing I could have been 20 or 30 pounds lighter just because I make ridiculous choices every few days. I don't even REALLY enjoy half of the stuff I'm wasting all of these calories on- that's the sad part, but I can't seem to stop doing it, and I keep whining about it...on here, to my daughter (who is no help, because teenagers love to she's always in my ear, "buy the the cookies...just for won't've been good all week..." She's like the devil sitting on my shoulder, and the little angel on the other side doesn't stand a chance. Egads! I'm weak.

I posted a note on my fridge in big letters: Good Choices = No Regrets. That's a really good motto, and I'm going to keep repeating it to myself (and my daughter) until it's burned into our brains.


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Brenda, your doing so well........look at that almost 40 pounds gone forever!!

    Thanks for posting this because I have strayed from healthy eating...not too far, but enough that it could start to build up again.

    I make a list for the grocery store and refuse to buy anything not listed. If someone in my house wants junk, they will have to go buy it themselves!

    An apple, orange or peach is just as tasty as a brownie.........and gives me some nutrients too!!

    Good luck! I am posting a note on the fridge right now!:drinker:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Jayzus, Girl, you've lost 40 lbs! That's not NOTHING.... Just keep trying, and chip away at things, and it'll come along. It's not like weight loss ceases on November 1st and doesn't pick up again til March 1st!! Your expectations are different than what your body has in mind, so please have patience - it'll happen!

    If you can't keep from eating a little extra ice cream, put yourself on the tready or elliptical for an extra 15. Study your habits and find that one or two things that you can alter that will make a difference for you! It can be done!

    I discovered something about myself. I started using a HALF TEASPOON of sugar on my cereal three weeks ago, and over that time span, I've picked up the nasty habit of eating SNICKERS BARS twice a week? Am I nuts? No....sugar set off a compulsion in me, so I had to squelch it to regain control of the slippery slope.

    Keep us posted!!

    Edit -- any chance you can leave your daughter HOME during shopping??? LOL....
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hey girls, we all do it and I am guilty of it as well. Last night, I ate a cupcake and some halloween candy and I have a big sweet tooth. Posting a note on the fridge is a great idea. But I have learned that it is ok to allow ourselves a treat every once in a while. I just have to be careful because with me, one treat turns into two, then three :laugh:
    Great job everyone :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey girls, we all do it and I am guilty of it as well. Last night, I ate a cupcake and some halloween candy and I have a big sweet tooth. Posting a note on the fridge is a great idea. But I have learned that it is ok to allow ourselves a treat every once in a while. I just have to be careful because with me, one treat turns into two, then three :laugh:
    Great job everyone :heart:

    I am bad Jen.............I allowed for a piece of Halloween candy.........that was 2 wks ago and now I have had a cupcake, 3 brownies, 20 pcs of candy, and chocolate milk.

    So I have subbed a pc of fruit now, to get back on track. Slippery slope for sure:flowerforyou:
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    you've gotten "tired" and you are frustrated. :noway: I know. I've been there, girl. I just came through a tough 2-3 weeks myself and the weight loss really slowed. :grumble: I was so discouraged. :cry: This is the time a lot of people slip back into their old ways. :sad: This is the time it is CRITICAL you re-evaluate what you are eating and commit to one day at a time. :wink: ...Just like you did when you first started. You CAN do this. Don't you quit!! :angry: We won't let you! You have come too far. :smile: Now I want you to commit, just to today. Just to this morning. Then just to the afternnon. Take it one decision at a time. :wink: If you can commit to doing great today, you will turn this slippery slope around. Come on, Brenda! :wink: :flowerforyou: It's worth it. YOU are worth it. :flowerforyou: You are going to make it!!:happy:

    By the way, I finally broke through and dropped another pound after struggling with sickness, Halloween and my birthday cake & being the same or even UP a little over the past couple of weeks.
    I was SO happy! You can be too!!! :heart:


    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Yes, I am. I have been here for 10 months as of November 1st and I keep messing up and gaining some weight and then losing it back, but I think about how much I could have lost by now. I have got to get back on track and get with it. :flowerforyou:
  • I too have been there and vowed today to try and get back on track with the good choices. As you say summer is coming and had I been truly faithful I could have been to my goal weight by now. Good - Luck
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    i'm going threw it week i'm at one weight and than the nexted i'm up a few pounds...but i look at it this why...i'm not where i started at 152 so if is only a few pounds i just keep going at it until i get to where i want to be even if i stay at 135-136 for the rest of my life...i think i will be ok with that...
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    been there done that....
    I think such a huge part of all of this is mental....
    I'm reading a new book now called the Beck can be applied to any diet and it's really about re-training your thoughts around eating and feeling proud and confident that you made good food choices rather than feeling sad/deprived that you can't eat certain non-healthy things etc

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I have teenagers in the house too. I have quit buying pop and chips. If they want that stuff, they go to the store and use their own money. Even tho, they're young and thin doesn't mean they should be eating that stuff either.

    Remember, if your goals are to be heathier and make life style changes then you need to buy smaller tubs of ice cream. Don't buy a whole cheesecake, buy one piece. I am not saying you can't have these things because that would be unrealistic.

    Also, looks as tho you have lost a bit of weight already. Be kind to yourself. I like the post-it on the fridge. Maybe have a piece of inspiration clothing that you want to wear hanging in your room in full view. It's a good visual also.
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I lost 40 lbs several years ago (pre kids) and I didn't know about websites so did my own list of rules and one of them was one desert a week. (the rules were 3-4 hard workouts/week-45 min eliptical plus weights, fast food once a week and then a kids meal/diet soda/side salad, 5 fruits/veggies a day). I planned all week for that desert. ALL WEEK. I did it on Sunday. Maybe something like that would work for you?
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I lost 40 lbs several years ago (pre kids) and I didn't know about websites so did my own list of rules and one of them was one desert a week. (the rules were 3-4 hard workouts/week-45 min eliptical plus weights, fast food once a week and then a kids meal/diet soda/side salad, 5 fruits/veggies a day). I planned all week for that desert. ALL WEEK. I did it on Sunday. Maybe something like that would work for you?

    I do this really helps me to stay on track. It is easier for me to keep a goal if there is a "carrot" dangling at the end. In my case it is Ben & Jerry's pistachio pistachio ice cream on Saturday nights. It helps me to make it a specific day because if I hit Thursday or Friday and want ice cream I can usually talk myself out of it by saying it is only one more day until Saturday.....

    The other thing I have to do is there no taking the whole tub to the couch with me. I have measure out exactly how much I can have and put the rest away. Otherwise next thing I know I have hit the bottom of hte tub and have gone way over what I was supposed to.
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    I have teenagers in the house too. I have quit buying pop and chips. If they want that stuff, they go to the store and use their own money. Even tho, they're young and thin doesn't mean they should be eating that stuff either.

    I like this! We may have to provide food and shelter for our kids but we don't have to provide JUNK food. If you hit them in the wallet, they may think twice about buying it and you don't have to be that bad guy that lectures them about the evils of sugar!

    I'm having the same struggle with commitment and focus - weekdays are fine, but weekends are killing me! My goal this week is to do better menu planning. For me it's about not planning my meals and looking for quick and easy on the weekend! I need to shop for quick, easy HEALTHY staples I can pull weekend meals together with.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I would probably have an extra 10 pounds off by now...maybe more. I don't want to waste a potential 10 pounds every few months...

    You are doing wonderful and have lost 39 pounds :flowerforyou: Step back and think about where you would be if you weren't doing this - maybe at plus 49 pounds.... Even heavier than when you started. This is your life and you need to enjoy it as you make changes. Don't think about regrets - think about the positive things you have done.
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    Love the motto!:laugh:
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Good Motto! :smile: :heart: Our brains definitely do need to have some things burned into them!:happy:

    I found out a long time ago that I for one have never been successful in the long term if I went into deprivation mode.:frown:
    Slow and Steady wins the race and whether it's budgeting finances or food for me at least my desire for the unnecessary increases if I totally deprive myself.
    I have learned a lot from Dr Oz's book "You on a Diet" that helps in understanding the body's cravings and how to curb them. I do not agree with everything in the book, but it is very useful.

    I won't go on and on, but knowledge about how your body works and triggers that can send it off course is power that will give you the upper hand!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:

    Much success to you! Be patient with yourself, and learn all you can!:wink:

    A note from a older but still lively friend!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    For me, this is all about momentum. With me, if my momentum is moving in the right direction (I've been doing really well) then it's easier to continue to do very well. If my momentum is moving in the wrong direction (haven't been doing well), then it's easier to continue down that path. For me personally, with every great day I get behind me, it's gets easier (still not easy, but easier) to continue doing good. So, I know that for me, 1 slip up, or 1 "treat" just starts to swing my momentum back the other way. It's all about learning what works for you and what doesn't. I can say to myself "I'm going to have 1 piece of candy as a treat" but I've learned that that is much more than just 1 piece of candy for me- it will start my momentum the wrong way, so it's not even worth it.

    You can do this, keep at it! :flowerforyou:
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I have lost the same 12 pds for the last 6 months and counting. Well, I KNOW if I eat one piece of sugar, i am a gonner.

    So here's to the one's who see this. I say no more to this current weight. I say no more to my whinning about it. I say I will look ahead, today, with my blasted sugar headache, that I am off sugar for today.

    for today, November 7, I will eat no processed, no sugar. Only healthy food. We can DO THIS!


    (hope you guys don't think I've lost it) kc
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Brenda, I hit a major self induced plateau for a couple of months. Luckily I kept exercising hard, it was the eating that went seriously wrong. I had a hard time finding focus for a while but have finally found it again. I kept reminding myself how strong I was when I first started losing weight. It seemed almost overwhelming to me again even though I have passed the halfway mark. I started back with the mini goals and I mean mini. Can I eat well for one day? Yes I can. Then I just keep repeating.... one good day turns into one good week and eventually it can be one good month.

    When the hard times hit in weight loss, we feel so weak and annoyed with ourselves. You can turn this around.... start with baby steps again
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    yes, I like the thought of mini steps. I just took my first one today. I wrote down what I hope to eat for the day. Thanks for the positive ideas. kc
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