Big Calories Bad Surprise



  • ladyjh578
    How about a banana 200 calories and to think I was doing a good thing there!!!

  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    peanut butter......190 cals for 2's EASY to use that much or more on a sandwich or spread on an apple or banana!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    How about a banana 200 calories and to think I was doing a good thing there!!!


    Hey, just cuz it's high in calories doesn't mean it's a bad food. Bananas are WONDERFUL for you.
    Besides, where did you see that a banana is 200 cals? I just looked it up on calorieking, and 1 banana (make sure you don't calculate for the skin!) is 100 calories or so (medium sized banana 7 to 7.5 inches). Plus it has some GREAT stuff. like lots of calcium, potassium, fiber, low low fat, and the sugar is all the good kind, it does have some carbs, but not a huge amount. It's a great pre-workout food because it gives you almost the perfect amount of energy for an hour of hard cardio.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I love bananas. They do fill me up and give me energy. Often just a cup of yogurt and a banana in the morning is enough to get me going.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    As far as the banana is concerned, if you look at the serving size it is 1 cup (at least the one I use)
    I looked it up elsewhere and most bananas are about 100 calories so when I log it in I use a half a serving.
    There is no way 1 banana is 1 cup
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    You could just use the drop down menu and select the serving size I use 7 to 7-7/8" banana serving for 105 cal
  • Erica92627
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    Not worth it/high calories

    What food item have you found to have unexpectedly high calories. Recently I found out that the toast that comes on the side at Ruby Tuesdays has 160 calories and a large popcorn at the movies can have from 900 to 1200 calories.

    Great taste/low calories

    There are these little crunchy merangue cookies that I get at the grocery store that are only 20 calories and 0 fat.

    Thats upsetting to me because i work at a ruby tuesday and they just changed their toast so it would be healthier but i guess it not!!!!

    If they changed it to be 'healthier" I wonder how much worse it was lol
  • KCole
    KCole Posts: 7
    I didn't get overweight from eating too many bananas though! It was probably the brownies, chips, cheese, ahhhh....:noway:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I didn't get overweight from eating too many bananas though! It was probably the brownies, chips, cheese, ahhhh....:noway:

    Same here!

    Second the motion on raisins! I love those little guys but had no idea that they had so many calories.

    I still eat avocados -- ususally I spread 1/4 of one on bread and use it instead of mayo or other spreads. If you're going to have fat, that's the kind to have.

    Granola is definitely a no-no. Such a shame because it is sooooo good!

    Someone told me the other day that ONE bite of cheesecake has 100 calories in it, and I've never been able to forget that. Also that Dunkin' Donuts puts sugar in the their coffee grounds. Also that Tasti-D-Lite frozen yogurt has the same fat/ calories as Haagen Daaz! Have I ruined everybody's day now?

    Finally, and this broke my heart, I stopped eating Cool Whip. I have been trying to follow Dr. Oz's guidelines of watching out for the first four ingredients in your food, and Cool Whip had three out of his four ingredients to avoid!!!!
  • lirpAattirG
    As far as the banana is concerned, if you look at the serving size it is 1 cup (at least the one I use)
    I looked it up elsewhere and most bananas are about 100 calories so when I log it in I use a half a serving.
    There is no way 1 banana is 1 cup
    That is totaly true. Try to make 1 banana fit into a measureing cup, it sure won't fill it up, so everybody enjoy your banana! Also on the rasin issue, I do know 1/4 of a cup of golden rasins is 130 cals if that helps any.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I didn't get overweight from eating too many bananas though! It was probably the brownies, chips, cheese, ahhhh....:noway:

    Same here!

    Second the motion on raisins! I love those little guys but had no idea that they had so many calories.

    I still eat avocados -- ususally I spread 1/4 of one on bread and use it instead of mayo or other spreads. If you're going to have fat, that's the kind to have.

    Granola is definitely a no-no. Such a shame because it is sooooo good!

    Someone told me the other day that ONE bite of cheesecake has 100 calories in it, and I've never been able to forget that. Also that Dunkin' Donuts puts sugar in the their coffee grounds. Also that Tasti-D-Lite frozen yogurt has the same fat/ calories as Haagen Daaz! Have I ruined everybody's day now?

    Finally, and this broke my heart, I stopped eating Cool Whip. I have been trying to follow Dr. Oz's guidelines of watching out for the first four ingredients in your food, and Cool Whip had three out of his four ingredients to avoid!!!!

    Are you serious?? Sugar in the coffee?? Is that legal??? Man!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    What about...vegan baked goods. Are they healthier than things made with eggs and whole wheat flour? I always thought they were low-calorie too, but really they seem to be just as bad. Am I wrong?
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    a slice of pizza is what kills me....sigh! we ordered pizza last Friday and I was really good only one slice and tons of salad to fill me up, I could have eaten two more slices no problem but that would have been omg like 3/4 of my daily calories!!! and the sodium would have sent me into shock LOL

    I hear thin crust is much better but I love that doughy stuff! lol
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member

    Thats upsetting to me because i work at a ruby tuesday and they just changed their toast so it would be healthier but i guess it not!!!!

    If they changed it to be 'healthier" I wonder how much worse it was lol

    I seem to remember that it was about 400 calories at one time. Maybe it was a nightmare but that number does stick in my head.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    $30 for a food scale - at any kitchen store or Amazon. Some apples are 80grams, some apples are 190grams. Same with bananas. The scales measure in grams and/or ounces. Mine goes up to 15 pounds. It will keep you honest.

  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    peanut butter......190 cals for 2's EASY to use that much or more on a sandwich or spread on an apple or banana!

    I love peabut butter and I HATE that it's so high in calories!!! I could eat it three times a day!