Women: Do You Take Protein?

Had my first session with a personal trainer last night, and we talked a lot about "lifting heavy" for shorter reps rather than doing the whole light weights-lots of reps things.

She knows my size and that my goal in lifting is to build enough muscle to increase metabolism so that I burn calories more efficiently, not to "bulk up" (LOL) and she advised having a protein shake directly after lifting. She recommended some lower cal ones but said that I definitely needed to do this to prevent my muscles from eating themselves, esp. if I am eating at a slight deficit most days.

What does chick-science say? Women that are lifting heavy, following NROLFW, etc., do you do the protein supplements after lifting?

ETA: The bulking up comment was a joke. Trust me, I know that that's not a real danger for me. I've been around these parts long enough to know how those comments go over. ;)


  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    What does chick-science say?

    It says that it doesn't matter when you get that protein, you don't need a postworkout shake. And you won't bulk unless you are on a surplus. The extra weight you're trying to lose won't be enough to bulk up unless you have elevated testosterone.

    ETA: Scrapped the intake grams from your diary, I misread them.

    ETA: Overall your intake is good. I say stick to it (if not increase a bit) and have chocolate milk after workout if you find yourself lacking energy!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    She is incorrect. The nutrients from food you eat before lifting will still be released into your bloodstream before during and after lifting. Protein powder\shakes are a convinience for hitting your protein goal for the day if for some reason you can not hit it eating solid foods. Forget about all the stupid marketing that talks about losing weight by having liquid calories. Getting calories from liquid is the same as getting them from solid food except one takes more energy to process and makes you feel full longer. Can you guess which is which?

    Specific info on post workout anabolic window etc. can be found here http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=131821473&p=678321011&viewfull=1#post678321011

    That and a ton more info on lifting, eating, gaining muscle, losing fat, etc can be found here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/686963-large-collection-of-info-for-beginners
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    It says that it doesn't matter when you get that protein, you don't need a postworkout shake. Try to keep a more stable protein intake though. On average you're in 50-60g with spikes of 100+ on some days. Taking that average to 80g+ a day as a start (or more if you're comfortable) will help your muscle recovery. And you won't bulk unless you are on a surplus. The extra weight you're trying to lose won't be enough to bulk up unless you have elevated testosterone.

    ^^ this, it doesn't matter when you consume it just get the right amount of protein, you can use protein supplements to build up your daily protein intake. I normally have one at breakfast :)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I don't think the timing matters, but I do have a 200-300 calorie shake immediately after lifting for 50-60 grams of protein. The one I make tastes like peanut butter cups, so I think of it as an award for lifting since it isn't my favorite thing to do lol.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    What does chick-science say?

    It says that it doesn't matter when you get that protein, you don't need a postworkout shake. Try to keep a more stable protein intake though. On average you're in 50-60g with spikes of 100+ on some days. Taking that average to 80g+ a day as a start (or more if you're comfortable) will help your muscle recovery. And you won't bulk unless you are on a surplus. The extra weight you're trying to lose won't be enough to bulk up unless you have elevated testosterone.

    Good answer. I'd say overall intake is more important than timing. Most people will recommend eating your lean body mass (in lbs) in grams of protein a day. For most women this is going to be around 100g most likely. If this requires protein supplements, probably best to get it after a workout. Personally I have a shake every day for breakfast because it's quick and convenient and supplements my intake up to 225-250g most days.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Never mind, mistook who the post was directed to. Sorry >.<
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I generally take a protein shake after lifting.. helps me feel less shaky because I tend to workout on an empty stomach.

    I also use it to help boost calories since my powder is 150 calories a scoop.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I always had something afterward so I wouldn't binge. Especially after my shower I'd be starving!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have one after working out, and somtimes as an afternoon snack. Delicious, and a good and cheap way of getting in extra protein IMO.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I don't lift a whole lot at all (just beginning a little bit here and there) but I drink a protein shake directly after my work out since I can't possibly consume enough fish/chicken in a day to get the protein I want!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I do a post-workout recovery with 4 parts carbs to one part protein and then a heavy protein meal about an hour afterwards. I'm doing P90X...I need to be consuming 40% of my cals from protein and it's almost impossible for me to consume that much protein from food alone since I'm allergic to whey, so I have to limit dairy consumption besides Greek yogurt (the whey is strained out) so thank God for egg white protein powder and Shakeology!
  • veronica_0920
    veronica_0920 Posts: 25 Member
    I eat protein with every meal and try to eat 40-40-20 (ish) diet most days.... I really actually enjoy my protein shake :-) I'm pretty simple about it- usually after my workout I mix with water and usually have a small fruit with it and it constitutes as one of my "meals". I generally eat about 6-7 small meals/day. Seems to work for me. My personal opinion from experience only seems that it is not the protein that could make one bulky, but the style of lifting instead... I think?
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member

    Lifting or not, protein is a must. But most def if you are lifting get that protein. Your muscles need it for sure.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Thanks for the responses, and for the link to all the info.

    I'm still a novice at the lifting thing.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I drink Muscle Milk or the ERA protein drinks generally before I work out so that I do not get shaky and seems to give me more energy.

    Other than that - I eat boiled eggs, fish, dinner, etc...to take protein.
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    I would use the low calorie- about 100 cal muscle milk light drinks. It helped with my recovery from heavy lifting. I didnt bulk up, but I definetely toned up, noticed that I was eating more and still staying the same size. It worked for me :)
  • SlimPossible8
    SlimPossible8 Posts: 71 Member
    Really woman can do the same workouts and nutrition as men to gain muscle and lose weight...we just need to adjust how much we are taking in. Woman will be not bulk up like the hulk unless they are taking major supliments to make them do so. We lack the hormones that men have to make us do that.

    Protein is NEEDED if you are lifting. Its needed anyway but esspecially if you are lifting! If you do any research about muscle fitness they will all tell you that protein is needed...and not the 50g that MFP recomends. You should be eating at LEAST your lean body mass if not more. The key is to keep it spread out throughout your day and try not to take in more than 30-40g per serving because your body will not be able to digest more than that at one time. If you do not give your body the "fuel" it needs to rebuild and recharge you will not see the results you want.

    I recommend a post workout shake because your muscles are screaming for food when they have been worked. if you drink it in the 30 minute window after you lift its ideal. It will get used up right away to feed those areas you just worked so hard on. Please DO NOT listen to people who tell you it doesnt matter and that you only need 50-60g for the whole day. That is horrible advice. I increased my protein and drink my shake after my workouts and ive been seeing MUCH BETTER results than what MFP was recomending.

    Hope you succeed!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's not about when, it's about what. If I were you I'd reset my protein goals in your diary, 58 or so per day is a little low. The person who said grams in lean body mass is right, I am for desired weight x 1.20 (about). I lift, about 1.5 hours later eat breakfast, high protein snack around 10 (yogurt with stuff including powder mixed in), lunch, snack shake, dinner, whatever snack. I use protein powder because I was finding it difficult to meet my desired grams of protein and stay within my goal macros without it. I have 2 I use, a really gritty vegan rice protein, and one-step wellness vanilla. I bulk a little her and there, but that's mostly because my diet is crap on the weekend taking me into aggregate surplus.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The key is to keep it spread out throughout your day and try not to take in more than 30-40g per serving because your body will not be able to digest more than that at one time.

    This part is not true. Your body will digest anything you give it, within reason. 30-40g of protein is nothing!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Really woman can do the same workouts and nutrition as men to gain muscle and lose weight...we just need to adjust how much we are taking in. Woman will be not bulk up like the hulk unless they are taking major supliments to make them do so. We lack the hormones that men have to make us do that.

    Protein is NEEDED if you are lifting. Its needed anyway but esspecially if you are lifting! If you do any research about muscle fitness they will all tell you that protein is needed...and not the 50g that MFP recomends. You should be eating at LEAST your lean body mass if not more. The key is to keep it spread out throughout your day and try not to take in more than 30-40g per serving because your body will not be able to digest more than that at one time. If you do not give your body the "fuel" it needs to rebuild and recharge you will not see the results you want.

    I recommend a post workout shake because your muscles are screaming for food when they have been worked. if you drink it in the 30 minute window after you lift its ideal. It will get used up right away to feed those areas you just worked so hard on. Please DO NOT listen to people who tell you it doesnt matter and that you only need 50-60g for the whole day. That is horrible advice. I increased my protein and drink my shake after my workouts and ive been seeing MUCH BETTER results than what MFP was recomending.

    Hope you succeed!

    The body only being able to digest 30-40g of protein from one meal is a myth. Your body immediately sucking up a protein shake after working out is a myth too. It still takes something like 40 minutes to digest whey powder, and as I said amino acids from the protein you have eaten BEFORE working out are still being released into your blood. You are correct though in that people should eat a MINIMUM of 1g protein per lb of LBM. Along with that a MINIMUM of .45g fat per lb of LBM.