My fat doesnt turn into muscle



  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    It seems no matter how much I work out, the fat around my core will not burn or turn into muscle. I lose inches no problem but i cant gain any muscle. I eat healthy and I drink plenty of water. I work out at least 3 times a week. Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.

    You do know you've triggered the politically correct people to respond right?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It seems no matter how much I work out, the fat around my core will not burn or turn into muscle. I lose inches no problem but i cant gain any muscle. I eat healthy and I drink plenty of water. I work out at least 3 times a week. Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.
    So why would your body create muscles it's not going to use..?
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I am a gainer so weights are more important to me that cardio, But this is me (, 10 lbs heavier than when I started (I plan to add 13 more at least) and I look pretty much the same size but tighter, more defined, so weights really are a great help for reshaping your body. I can't wait to build more noticeable muscle. Its really worth your time and effort to start some strength training if you want to see the fat go, and have muscles to show.
  • urfitnesspal2
    urfitnesspal2 Posts: 62 Member
    It seems no matter how much I work out, the fat around my core will not burn or turn into muscle. I lose inches no problem but i cant gain any muscle. I eat healthy and I drink plenty of water. I work out at least 3 times a week. Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.
    So why would your body create muscles it's not going to use..?
    That is a GREAT question! Something I need to remember myself.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The only way to gain muscle is to eat at a surplus of calories and do some form of resistance training.
  • ginabops
    ginabops Posts: 26
    Can't turn fat into muscle. You can raise your lean muscle and burn fat. Friend me and I can give you more details.
  • amorrowmuffin
    It seems no matter how much I work out, the fat around my core will not burn or turn into muscle. I lose inches no problem but i cant gain any muscle. I eat healthy and I drink plenty of water. I work out at least 3 times a week. Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.

    You do know you've triggered the politically correct people to respond right?

    YES LOL i knew what i meant and thats all that matters haha
  • amorrowmuffin
    ok so to be clear, I want to lose weight and gain muscle. I eat right and I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Yes i do mostly cardio, but when i say i want to gain muscle its because i literally have none. When my scoliosis started it felt like all my muscles shut down and turned to fat :(
  • mfkn_Titanium
    Work on eating closer to maintenance then and lift HEAVY weights.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    They are trying to tell you to do the opposite of this. lift heavy.
  • amorrowmuffin
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    They are trying to tell you to do the opposite of this. lift heavy.

    yes, but unfortunately i cant due to an injury to my back.
  • mfkn_Titanium
    What kind of injury? Lots of people who have injured their backs lift heavy.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It seems no matter how much I work out, the fat around my core will not burn or turn into muscle. I lose inches no problem but i cant gain any muscle. I eat healthy and I drink plenty of water. I work out at least 3 times a week. Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.

    You do know you've triggered the politically correct people to respond right?
    You have no idea what politically correct means, do you?
  • amorrowmuffin
    not really an injury, i have scoliosis...I have to be very careful.
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    They are trying to tell you to do the opposite of this. lift heavy.

    yes, but unfortunately i cant due to an injury to my back.

    I seriously doubt that it's completely impossible for you to do any kind of resistance training. You might want to consider seeing a physical therapist.
  • MrJase
    MrJase Posts: 88 Member
    The only way to gain muscle is to eat at a surplus of calories and do some form of resistance training.

    This pretty much hits the nail on the head! without lifing weights and eating more your unfortunately not going to build much muscle. I got told once "You can't build a house without bricks" same goes with your muscles and food.

    If you hate lifting weights you should start off with light weights and just break yourself in slowly to it.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Two different cell types, so nobody's fat can turn into muscle:laugh:

    Eat slightly above your TDEE (2-300 cals), set your macros at 40/30/30, then go pick up HEAVY things, put them down, and repeat!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I thought this was a joke until I saw you were new to the site, so I will take it easy on you this ONE time.

    What everyone else said...fat can not turn into muscle, add strength training, eat well....must have fuel for the body.
  • redlady82
    redlady82 Posts: 43 Member
    Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.

    Unfortunately, muscle does not come from those activities. You need to add strength training to grow muscle.

    Everything you are doing actually will eat away at fat and muscle which is why you are seeing size drops.

    I used to swim for the US team and yeah we lifted weights but swimming really does gain muscle mass big time, in muscles you didn't know you had. Swim 5000 yard and see how you feel. Belly dancing is great for the core and also you burn calories from dancing and whoever hated a dancers body!. Running pretty much will just get your legs but it at least helps you shed some fat. Work things slowly into your routine like dumbell flies, shoulder shrugs, lateral raises etc. There are some good websites out there for this as well.
  • amorrowmuffin
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    They are trying to tell you to do the opposite of this. lift heavy.

    yes, but unfortunately i cant due to an injury to my back.

    I seriously doubt that it's completely impossible for you to do any kind of resistance training. You might want to consider seeing a physical therapist.

    I didnt say that it was completely impossible for me to do any resistance training, I said i cant lift heavy weights. I have tried and I get muscle spasm fits for weeks days and i cant sleep because of them.