My fat doesnt turn into muscle



  • jennajocummings
    If cardio built muscle I'd be a as strong as a superhero! You gotta hit the weights. That's the only way to build muscle. I lift atleast 5 times a week. When you start out it may be intimidating but once you get into a routine it's addicting. If you don't want to do the free weights, do circuit training... 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Keep pushing harder. Hope this helps. =)
  • amorrowmuffin
    Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.

    Unfortunately, muscle does not come from those activities. You need to add strength training to grow muscle.

    Everything you are doing actually will eat away at fat and muscle which is why you are seeing size drops.

    I used to swim for the US team and yeah we lifted weights but swimming really does gain muscle mass big time, in muscles you didn't know you had. Swim 5000 yard and see how you feel. Belly dancing is great for the core and also you burn calories from dancing and whoever hated a dancers body!. Running pretty much will just get your legs but it at least helps you shed some fat. Work things slowly into your routine like dumbell flies, shoulder shrugs, lateral raises etc. There are some good websites out there for this as well.

    Great thanks for the advice and i agree swimming is amazing.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Lift weights and lift as heavy as you can so that your workouts are short. You only need to lift heavy 2 times a week, focusing on upper body one time and lower body the next time. Just keep doing your cardio as usual, eating healthy with a little extra protein to help your muscles.

    Set you macros on MFP at 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat and try to eat like that for a while. This should help you get to your goal.
  • InsaneReidy
    your doing the wright thing buy doing your cardio this is the only way you can reveal your abs!

    Your abs are there its just that stubborn bit off fat is the last place that burns off ( Frustrating as it is)!!

    Sounds like your on the right path, Just remember calories eat and calories burnt my be worth figuring these sums out, just dont get obsessed like some people do, Also you might want to increase your workouts and/or intensity to burn that stubborn bit off fat to hell!

    AS far as the muscle goes resistance weight training is the only way when you weight train it rips your muscle forcing it to grow back bigger and stronger

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing, walking, running. tennis.

    You need to lift weights. Fat doesn't turn into muscle. You have the muscle you have and you condition it and lift heavy to build it up. And this will not be achieved by high reps, low weight...that's just spinning the wheels and wasting your time. If you're serious about wanting a defined stomach, cut back on the cardio obsession, lift heavy, and really make sure your diet is well...without a good diet, the muscle isn't going to just appear.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    They are trying to tell you to do the opposite of this. lift heavy.

    yes, but unfortunately i cant due to an injury to my back.

    I seriously doubt that it's completely impossible for you to do any kind of resistance training. You might want to consider seeing a physical therapist.

    I didnt say that it was completely impossible for me to do any resistance training, I said i cant lift heavy weights. I have tried and I get muscle spasm fits for weeks days and i cant sleep because of them.
    Put a lifting belt on and start with bodyweight exercises then.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    To OP, Just some photos of what "lifting heavy" can do for you. (or at a level that stresses you continually, with lower reps)

    Resistance bands would probably be very helpful for you to start with, as an option, just be sure to progressively increase your resistance, as opposed to multiple reps with lower levels. Bodyweight exercises are also a good start, though eventually you will stop progressing, and will want to add in heavier weights.

    See Stacy's story and the changes she had going from a cardio only plan, to adding in heavy weight lifting (link is below

    This is an old post I made, that I repost often, just for the visuals :) You are new, so may not have seen it yet.

    Heres some pictures that may help you.
    My results have been similar, I am 10-15 pounds heavier then my "rough goal weight" but am already AT my goal clothing size, and physically I am about 1-2 times smaller clothing wise, then last time I was at my goal weight (when I had less muscle) - So I look tighter leaner and smaller, then before at my "small" weight. (size 7/8)
    So to everyone else I look like I am already at my goal weight. But I am scale weight heavier, which is fine :) Ignore the scale.
    Less weight - yep you will look good dressed and may fit the smaller clothing size - but, add more muscle and a bit more scale weight - you also fit the smaller clothing size, AND look good dressed AND look good nakkid. Thats a win-win :)

    5 lbs heavier in after pic, but tighter and leaner

    Different girls but both size 4

    Stacy, read her story here: She is 14 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    Different girl, but both size 2

    5 pounds difference - big body change


    Fat vs Muscle
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    your doing the wright thing buy doing your cardio this is the only way you can reveal your abs!

    Your abs are there its just that stubborn bit off fat is the last place that burns off ( Frustrating as it is)!!

    Sounds like your on the right path, Just remember calories eat and calories burnt my be worth figuring these sums out, just dont get obsessed like some people do, Also you might want to increase your workouts and/or intensity to burn that stubborn bit off fat to hell!

    GOOD LUCK!!!
    Oh god...

    Cardio is not the only way to reveal your abs. A calorie deficit will reveal your abs, no matter how you achieve it, once your bodyfat is low enough.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Fat won't turn to muscle.

    If you want to GAIN muscle you need to do more then cardio. You should do some circuit work, plyometrics, calisthenics, weights, etc. if you want to gain muscle.

    ^This, took the words right outa my mouth;)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....

    That's your main problem. How do you expect to build muscle without heavy resistance training?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Body weight exercises are good too for building strength - pushups, planks, squats, lunges and other calisthenics. Just google and you can get a ton of ideas. Also Yoga!

  • dancer4308
    If you hate lifting weights, why not try some activities that use your own weight. For example, I love barre classes and if we use weights we only use 3-5 pound weights and many times we just use our own body weight. Find what is a right fit for you and your comfort level. You can also try any of the Jilllian Michael's DVD's. She uses low weights and you definitely see results - more so than if you just stick to cardio!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I have this same problem, however it's with money. My leaves on my plants haven't turned into currency, I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong?
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    Try kettlebells - they're actually fun and burn fat like crazy.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    If you hate weights, then heavy really is the way to go. You can accomplish a lot more in a shorter time. :smile:

    Why spend an hour doing light weights, high reps when you can spend a half hour doing heavier with low reps and get better results?
  • amorrowmuffin
    Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....

    That's your main problem. How do you expect to build muscle without heavy resistance training?

    I cant do heavy yet, i have a bad back
  • dualcollision
    dualcollision Posts: 87 Member
    I know I do about 30 mins of cardio 5-6 days a week and I'm still overweight, but my stomach muscles are starting to show, I think some of it is genetics, I think the other part is I do a light ab workout every workout day, after my workouts, for about 15 mins, and mondays when I do core, I do about 3 sets of 50 crunches with a 25lb weight on my chest. I suggest, starting to do crunches, then when you can do 200-300 crunches pretty easily in a few sets. start putting 5lbs of weight on your chest til it keeps getting easier. That's my advice.
  • amorrowmuffin
    Thanks, im going to buy myself some kettlebells :)
  • mlashay
    mlashay Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
    Unfortunately I HATE weights LOL but ill up the cardio and start working with light weights high reps!

    I was the same way! Hated weights, terrified of them. But the more I began to do them, and the stronger I felt myself getting, and the quicker the weight was coming off....eventually I fell in love.

    “If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always gotten.”

    Sometimes we just gotta change things up and try something different. (I apply this to eating new things too since I'm THE pickiest eater on the planet):tongue:

    Good luck girl!:happy:
  • OneFitDude16
    This is because muscle burns fat fat does not turn into muscle lol