Beginner Runners

I downloaded this app [10K Trainer] on my iPod, which helps get couch potatoes into running. From a 5K to a 10K. I tried Day 1 of Week 1 and couldn't do it past the third jogging time. I felt so down about it that I've not tried it again.

I've never been the best runner. My best mile run was around 11 minutes and that was three and a half years ago. I take too many breaks. The longest time I could go without stopping is around a 90 seconds. I feel so embarassed about it.

I really want to conquer the hills at the park I run at without breaks. Not to mention run a 5K. Any advice is appreciated. :)

Also, share your stories! I'd love to know the ups and downs of starting you weight loss journey.


  • emmaskye15
    emmaskye15 Posts: 60 Member
    Waaa I cant run either As must as I try my body wont do it!
  • caseye98
    caseye98 Posts: 34 Member
    I started the C25K last week. Finished the 3rd day of the 1st week today. I will be doing week one over again. I can do all 8 runs in it which last 60 seconds each but by about the 6th time, I feel like I am dying and I am slower than when starting out on the first run. I am so looking forward though to the day I can actually run this and not jog with it and then do a 5K. I am about 209lbs and 5'3" and definitely not in shape but I am learning that it's not an overnight process. I didn't gain this weight over night. I am learning to eat right too along with it. Trying to stay away from processed but still eating some and staying away from fried foods and soda. But....this C25K I will conquer and you will conquer your 10K... :)
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
    Don't give up! It will get easier. I was never a runner, but I learned to love it and ran my first 5K one week before my 40th birthday. I will now be running my first 10K in November..:0)
  • georgebob1991
    running seriously SUCKS at first. my first run (a couple of months ago now) i struggled to run a mile, stopped 3 times, it took 20 minutes! yesterday i ran 7.8km in 37 minutes! stick with it, it gets a LOT easier. more importantly, once you are good at it, it becomes a lot of fun :D
  • micheleyarbrough
    micheleyarbrough Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it!!
  • sjakma402
    sjakma402 Posts: 5 Member
    Don't give up. It will get easier. It is amazing how the body adapts each week to running longer distances. When I first started, I could not run for more than 15 seconds without feeling like I was going to die. Started the C25K many times and gave up before finally succeeding. Since then I have run 7 marathons & a 50k. Recently took some time off due to injuries but back on the trail again with hopes of running a 100 miler in 2013.

    Check with local running shoe stores to see if there are any running clubs in your area. Also check out Road Runners of America. I have found it much easier training with a group than going out by myself.
  • Fit_Vixen
    Fit_Vixen Posts: 201
    I justed started my 2nd week today. And I just about die everytime I run. HOW, does this get easier?!?! LOL!! If every new week looks tougher. Like I said, I just started the 2nd week today, I looked at week ahead & I was like "oh heck no" lol. If I'm dying now, how can I do next week? lol. I bet if I was to do the first week again, I'd still struggle as well! I'm soooooooo bad with running. And now my shins feel bruised, only they're not, So again, how does it get easier?
  • liddc
    liddc Posts: 1
    You should try a Couch to 5k app first... it will start out a bit slower but it's a good way of easing into it and getting your confidence up, and you'll be less likely to injure yourself as well!
  • hg5159
    hg5159 Posts: 76 Member
    Ditto the previous poster, try a c25K app first. It's designed to start you off slow. If you've never run before it WILL work. I hated running and c25K has worked for me. I ran 4 miles barefoot on the beach last week and I never in a million years would have thought that's something I would do and enjoy. You can do it!!! C25K really works if you give it a chance. Don't feel bad if you need to repeat a day or a week. I repeated weeks when I felt the need. It does get better. :)
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    I started running in June, and I would run as far as I could (less than a minute) then walk, then run, etc.

    I did that for a week, then ran a mile straight for a few weeks.

    I have since been upping it by a quarter mile every few weeks and now I am running 1.75 miles without stopping.

    For me, that's huge!

    Keep it up, it WILL get better, and you WILL be able to run before you know it!!!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I downloaded this app [10K Trainer] on my iPod, which helps get couch potatoes into running. From a 5K to a 10K.
    It sounds like you got the "bridge" app to take you from a 5K to a 10K. But from your post it sounds like you are not yet at the 5K level. Try the C25K app first; the bridge app is designed with the assumption that you are already running 5Ks successfully.

    My advice is to do your run intervals SLOW SLOW SLOW at first. Your biggest benefit will come from consistently putting in the miles. You don't need to run fast to get faster, especially as a new runner.

    I started running 15 years ago and did walk/run intervals (before C25K existed) on a treadmill - 60 seconds jogging at a 5mph, 2 minutes walking, for 20 minutes at a time. This year I'm shooting for a 22:30 5K. Stick with it, be consistent, be patient!
  • tommygirl2
    tommygirl2 Posts: 26 Member
    I started C25K yesterday. Was able to complete (not going t oo fast). I'm looking forward to tomorrow...sort of:) We can do it!!!
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    Oh, and as an added benefit the "runner's high" you always hear about is real, you will feel great after you accomplish whatever distance it is you set out to do :bigsmile:
  • Killy250r
    That's exactly how I feel; dread for the next running session. I'll probably have to repeat the first few weeks before I can move forward... I'll have to be more positive.
  • hazel240
    hazel240 Posts: 12 Member
    "Ease into 5k" is the app I'm using, and I love it! The first week started pretty simple running times were 30, 45 & 60 seconds. Then they creep up... I'm in the middle of week 4, and I'm running for 6 minutes at a time! I still can't believe it! LOL!

    The best part is trying to beat your pace from the last workout, or feeling that the running segments are getting a little bit easier. :) I'd suggest you move down to a 5k program. You might find it more suitable for your level.
  • Fit_Vixen
    Fit_Vixen Posts: 201
    I am using a Simple C25K app. Today I ran the 1st day of the 2nd week. I'm pretty sure I will have to repeat this week before I move on to week 3.
  • veraa62
    veraa62 Posts: 1 Member
    I've also started the C25K app - on week two but will be repeating it next week :) I haven't ran/jogged in 20 years but plan to complete my first 5K Run on 10/6 with my sister!
  • Killy250r
    The 10K starts the same the C25K until I reach 5K. The difference is that it finishes at 10K. If that makes sense.

    Thanks for your advice. I guess, I feel the need to keep up with my brother... I'll go a lot more slower so I don't get tired out too quickly
  • rozeltf
    rozeltf Posts: 23 Member
    Only advice I can offer is keep doing the program. I had a herniated disc last August, could barely walk, felt better this Spring lost some weight and started C25K on June 14. Struggled running 90 seconds in Week 1. Just ran a 5k race this past Thursday 36:34
  • lleesmann
    Honestly, with running once you master the breathing it gets a lot easier. You just need to keep going and don't get frustrated. You can do this!