Beginner Runners



  • Killy250r
    I'll have to download it. It's seems easier than the C25K.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Know what u mean ... I am using the 5k runner app & no matter what I try can't seem to go over 2 min without being out of breath and side pains. Will try ck25 hope that works better as I am not willing to give up my goal of running the 5k
    rat race next year.

    Keep at it ... In this case being pig headed is a good thing :)
  • Killy250r
    Ugh, it's so hard trying not to breathe through my mouth. I'll be a lot more persistent next time.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you can't run all the intervals - then run what you can and walk the rest.
    Aim to run a little more each time. It really is as easy as that.
    Don't try to run too fast - better to build up endurance first, speed will come later.

    If you give up as soon as you start you'll never succeed!

    PS. I breath through my mouth. Not a problem for me.
  • Killy250r
    Persistence: that's the key. I'll have to keep myself motivated. Like you, I really want to run a marathon next year; it's to do with marine conservation. What exactly is the rat race?
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Ugh, it's so hard trying not to breathe through my mouth. I'll be a lot more persistent next time.
    There's nothing wrong with breathing through your mouth, as long as you learn how to pace it and not hyperventilate. When I'm really into cardio, I often inhale through my nose and sort of blow/puff out through my mouth. It keeps my oxygen level high (your muscles need that). Inhaling through my nose keeps my throat from drying out, and exhaling through my mouth helps me power through the tough parts. It's better than screaming. ;)
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Every single time I run - and that is 5-6 days a week, the first mile is always the worst, Seems it takes me that long to get my stride . If I just don't feel it (and some days I don't), then I'll alternate running and walking. One day a week I'll do a 5-7 mile run; the other days 2-4, but it may be doing all running or half/half. I don't ever get mad at myself, I just know the days when I can make it all running, I feel like I've accomplished so much! Hang in there and keep on trying!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Know what u mean ... I am using the 5k runner app & no matter what I try can't seem to go over 2 min without being out of breath and side pains. Will try ck25 hope that works better as I am not willing to give up my goal of running the 5k
    rat race next year.

    Keep at it ... In this case being pig headed is a good thing :)

    Run SLOWLY. It it feels like you are already running slowly - run slower!
    I think this really is the key to building up distance.
  • oOMusicBabii
    C25k is a wonderful program.

    I've tried it a couple time but I've realized that there are a couple weeks I need to repeat 2 or 3 times before moving on. Sometimes you just need to repeat and alter the plan a bit. Also, I agree with everyone that says run slower. If you can run longer and farther at a slower pace then do it. Once you can maintain that long distance, then you can speed up.

    Keep going and I bet you will succeed.
  • xxvogue
    xxvogue Posts: 172 Member
    I was gonna' make sure that you were really starting with C25k and not bridge to 10k, but it sounds like you are!

    I just want to say, it DOES get easier. I remember my first week of c25k, I could finish it, but it was SOOO hard. I think you might have better luck if you do the jog x seconds, walk, walk, walk jog x seconds, walk, walk, walk, jog x seconds. So, alternate every "run" with a walk. Try that for a week, then try running on every run.

    I remember when doing c25k, the first time I ran 8 minutes without stopping and the first time I ran a mile. I called everyone I knew. I stopped running for awhile, but when I picked it up again my endurance was a lot better. It stays decent, I was running 2 miles (in nice weather). In the current Florida heat I make it 2 miles, with some brief walk breaks, I will be at a 5k by the end of next month as a personal goal.

    You can do it! Just keep plugging away and repeat weeks if you need to! That's 100% OK.

    And yes, breathe through your mouth!! Most people ideally inhale every 3 steps and exhale every 3. Some do it in 5. But you should be at least breathing in for 2 steps or so to insure you're not hyperventilating. My own pattern is 3 steps inhale, 2 steps exhale (3:2). The military recommends this pattern for extended running, but a 2:2 pattern for sprinting (and most elites run a 2:2 or 3:3). I know that a 3:2 can prevent side stitches, so that's probably why it's recommended.
  • rozeltf
    rozeltf Posts: 23 Member
    Whats wrong with breathing through your mouth?

    Open Your Mouth
    Your mouth is larger than your nostrils, so it's more effective at taking in oxygen. Also, keeping your mouth open keeps your face more relaxed, which makes it easier to breathe deeply.

  • FlyRobynFly
    I feel the same way, it is way harder to run, as opposed to using an elliptical. I can last about 1/2 mile, very slow pace, but really want to work up to a 5K by November. I hope it becomes easier and less painful with more weight loss. Maybe try to supplement with other cardio activity to improve your endurance and work other muscle groups...
  • lindidit
    lindidit Posts: 16 Member
    I just ran my very first 5km race today.

    Believe me. You CAN do this!

    I have never been a runner on my life. Always kinda loathed it, actually. I'm much happier walking. BUT- I wanted to be able to say I could do it. Even just once. I've been training myself since the beginning of June. It was horrible at first. I could barely make it through without wanting to collapse on the pavement. But I stuck with it. I did have to stop for about a week and a half after developing runners knee. I just wasn't stretching enough, was all. Once I was back on track, I just kept plodding along. Sometimes I needed to repeat a set of runs etc. but here I I ran 5 km!!!

    Start slow. Take as long as you need because there's no rush. Go to cool running and download their 8 or 9 week program for a C25K and modify it as you see fit. If a particular run is a struggle, try repeating it a couple times before you move to the next level. I did that a lot!

    Pace is also important. I found that I tried to run too fast and had to keep slowing myself down so that I would have the endurance to go for 5km as well. I'm running a 10 minute mile now and I'm happy with that. But when I was training, there were many days when I ran a 12minute mile...or longer. Just as long as I kept running and moving those feet, I didn't care how fast or slow I was going. So many days I wold be chanting in my head over and over: "just keep going. It doesn't have to be sexy. You just have to keep going!"

    The other thing I did was to do cross-training. So I alternated my running days with days of biking and took the occasional day off to let my muscles rest. You need to take the occasional day for rest. Trust me. It will make you feel SO strong the next time you run!

    Stick with it! If I can do it, so can you!!!
  • oOMusicBabii
    Whats wrong with breathing through your mouth?

    Open Your Mouth
    Your mouth is larger than your nostrils, so it's more effective at taking in oxygen. Also, keeping your mouth open keeps your face more relaxed, which makes it easier to breathe deeply.


    I always thought this too and make an effort to breathe through my mouth and maximize oxygen intake.

    If it's the other way well then.
  • BigDaddy0825
    i just finished C25K W2D3 this morning. i weigh 390 pounds and have ALWAYS hated running!! BUT, this time is different!! I tried C25K a couple of months ago, but I decided I was in shape enough to skip straight to week 2 ... EPIC FAIL!! this time i have commited to doing the program exactly as its laid out!! and right now, i am SO EXCITED!! i actually WANT to run every day!! i get so excited on my days to run!! fight for it!! don't quit ... don't give up ... KEEP GOING!! we ALL can do this!!
  • lsherrill1965
    you can do this! I could not run one lap and I decided to set a goal to run 1/2 marathon. I found Hal Higdon website, there you will find his beginners guide to running and a training program . he has a program for 5k 1/2 marathon full marathon etc. I followed it exactly and was able to run the entire 1/2 marathon without stopping. When you are training just remember this is for you and no one else. if you can only run 1 lap then walk the rest do that. thats what i did. if you start running and feel like you need to stop then stop! run/walk run! that is the key .. I was always told by other runners to not pay attention to the way you breath concentrate on running and breath however you are comfortable. Good luck you can do this... you will be at the finish line in no time :)
  • Killy250r
    I was gonna' make sure that you were really starting with C25k and not bridge to 10k, but it sounds like you are!

    I should have made myself more clear. Yes, I'm starting with 5K, which will LEAD to 10K way in the future. :D
  • Killy250r
    Congrats! Are you going to do the 10K challenge?
  • Killy250r
    I've always heard to breathe through you're nose. And when I see runners, no one is breathing through their so I just assumed I was breathing the wrong way. Plus, my throat gets dry and becomes a little sore.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    bump for help