I don't sweat???



  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    A girl at my office doesn't sweat either. She's very fit, eats very healthy, drinks plenty of water and barely glows. I ran a 5K with her last year and I swear she finished it in just under 30min and was bone dry. I say lucky you. An hour at the gym and I look like I just stepped out of a rain storm.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    hmmmmmmmm I WISH I didn't sweat - I rain instead of sweat!!!!! I agree with the hydration intake, drink more water :)

    Not this last Sunday's run but the week before, I thought that we were getting some sort of random sprinkling of rain while I was out on my run. I looked up at the cloud cover, but they didn't look like rain clouds. But around the five mile mark my arms had started getting hit with drops. Took me a little bit to figure out that it wasn't raining, it my own sweat dripping off of of my face/hair and hitting my arms as I ran. :blushing:
  • SHHitsKaty
    SHHitsKaty Posts: 301
    It has everything to do with how much water you drink. I used to barely sweat at all but I used to hardly ever drink water. Now it's about all I drink and I drink it all day long and now I am pouring sweat when I work out.
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    I have the opposite problem, even when I am not working out - the slightest warming of the temperature and I am drenched. I don't drink a lot of water. My bedclothes are soaked every night
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I don't sweat much if any when I work out. Ask me if it has made me sad or seemed to make a difference.
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    I just have to say I am insanely jealous of all of you people who barely sweat. After working out I am soaked and if it is remotely hot and I don't even move I will still visibly sweat all over my face. If I start walking in heat, I will have wet spots on the back of my shirt...and I am only about 15lbs overweight and a female. Sweating more than most guys do sucks.
  • SHHitsKaty
    SHHitsKaty Posts: 301
    I'm the same way Bridget, and I'm not even a big girl, I weigh 136 but if it's even remotely hot, I'm sweating a ton! Which is funny because I never used to really sweat at all.
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    True Bridget
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    When I was younger I never sweated, but now I do. I like it; it definitely feels like I'm getting a better workout in, even if it's just psychological. I'm pretty sure when I started sweating it had to do with hormonal changes/getting older, but we're about the same age, so it might not be the same issue.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Lucky! I literally drip sweat all over whenever I workout, lol... even when I'm not exerting myself that much. Don't know why :ohwell:

    I wouldn't call that "lucky". Sweating is an important part of your ability to regulate body temperature. It can be very dangerous, even fatal if you can't sweat at all. I would not envy that person at all!
  • Is that odd? That I don't sweat. I mean I barely break a sweat. There have been days I have done both my billy blanks, ran/walked 2-3 miles and got in some strength training and still nothing. Not even walking 14 miles made me sweat. My body just doesn't do it. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I know I am working hard, I am pushing past all my boundaries I can feel myself wanting to quit but keep going and still no sweat. I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue? I have been tested off the wall there is nothing wrong that they can see.

    Well have you gone to an endocrinologist they specialize in that area.. I used to barely break a sweat if any until INSANITY WORKOUT.... Def in a pool of it during my insanity workouts...
  • Is that odd? That I don't sweat. I mean I barely break a sweat. There have been days I have done both my billy blanks, ran/walked 2-3 miles and got in some strength training and still nothing. Not even walking 14 miles made me sweat. My body just doesn't do it. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I know I am working hard, I am pushing past all my boundaries I can feel myself wanting to quit but keep going and still no sweat. I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue? I have been tested off the wall there is nothing wrong that they can see.

    Well have you gone to an endocrinologist they specialize in that area.. I used to barely break a sweat if any until INSANITY WORKOUT.... Def in a pool of it during my insanity workouts...

    do you like the insanity workouts?
  • Everyone's body is different when they work out. Some sweat a lot and others don't.
    I wouldn't worry too much about it, rather stay hydrated and keep track of your heart rate and how many calories you're burning.
    Sweating a lot doesn't necessarily mean you're burning more calories than someone who doesn't sweat. :)