Restaurants are Irresponsible.



  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member're blaming someone else for your issues?? Easily solution. Stop going to resturants!

    There....all better? :drinker:
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    losing weight is trial and error anyways. For some people the subway diet may work incredible since the other option for them is a meal with fatty sausage and pepperoni take out pizza with garlic cheese bread, some chicken wings and a 2 liter of pop. For those with a lot more weight to lose this may be a simple option for them.

    No one has ever looked at me funny and I order the chx breast with all the vegies on whole grain bread. No cheese. I order water and never get chips or cookies for myself.

    I take full personal responsibilty for what I order and what I place into my mouth and at least subway has some healthy options to order. There are a few places we eat that I have no way to leave full and have helathy options.
    I went to dairy queen a while back and the chic in front of me ordered a grilled chicken salad. They were out of bacon, tomatoes, and 1/2 of the other toppings and didn't tell her till she had it in front of her with just lettuce and chicken. I think that is about the only healthy choice on their menu too.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    You'll find that making your own food, ie a pack up, will not only cost less you have complete control of it all. It makes sense.

    I try and not to eat out- you have so little control over anything- and change it to the kind of calories and other criteria you'd need.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I don't think restaurants are irresponsible, I think there's a degree of individual responsibility needed. It looks like the OP is doing that. Making your own food is usually the better option.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Restaurants are not irresponsible. They are all about making money. They (sometimes) choose to market food that is supposedly good for you, whether it is or not. THEY DO THIS TO MAKE MONEY. It is irresponsibility of the person who chooses to eat at these establishments when they indulge too often and do not keep track of what they are eating.

    I agree with many of the other posters in that packing/preparing your own food will not only cost less but will give you 100% control of what you eat including how it is prepared, your portion sizes, and quality of ingredients.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Sweet zombie jesus - is today pass the buck day on MFP?

    Take responsibility for what you put in your faces and what you do with your bodies, people. Restaurants are in business to make money, not to look out for your waistline or your health. That's your job.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Sweet zombie jesus - is today pass the buck day on MFP?

    Take responsibility for what you put in your faces and what you do with your bodies, people. Restaurants are in business to make money, not to look out for your waistline or your health. That's your job.

    LOL. This exactly. They didn't MAKE you do anything.
  • orly_spock.gif

    Did they make you eat mayonnaise?

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You're correct. Restaurants are irresponsible, but then it's not their job to be responsible. They are in the money making business.

    That's why we must be responsible for ourselves. If you had walked 4 miles to Subway like Jared did the sandwich may not have made you gain weight. I don't mind the cheese or the mayo (though I usually go for the spicy mustard) at Subway as much as I do the exceedingly thick bread. All you can taste is bread. I'm NOT a low carber and have no problem with bread, but I'd like to taste the stuff between too!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Restaurants are not irresponsible - people make irresponsible food choices.

    You could try making and packing your lunch - easier on the belly and wallet. :)

    I think its irresponsible to base the majority of their adverizing on how healthy it is and how it is better for you when a realistic experience is rarely close to what they advertize. I dont have as much problem with what they sell and how they sell it as the implication that the majority of what you get there is good for you.

    How is it irresponsible when they have all this stated on the glass at the stores. It tells you what condiments to chose to stay under and that it is without cheese. They should make you read the postings?
  • You have got to kidding!

    Restaurants are trying to make a freaking buck. People are irresponsible for throwing crap food down their throats. But guess what? It's their own choice. Just like going to subway was YOUR choice.

    And I'm always curious on these threads. OP, were you expecting people to be all on your side on this one?
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    LMAO!!! I'm not sure why but this has me cracking up right now!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Besides the fact that normal fast food places are horribly bad for you, I have even fell in to the trap of Subway being misleading. They have Jared for years telling us about 6 subs with under 6 grams of fat. But when you go to the place (as I do 5 days a week), its much different.

    I used to get about what they advertize. I'd get a 6 inch turkey sub. Good so far. Then they immediately ask you what kind of cheese you want and if you say "none" as you would have to to stay under 6 grams of fat, they make you confirm it as if you are abnormal. Move down for veggies and then get your sauce. Virtually all fo them are bad for you. I used to get light mayonase. Its LIGHT so it must not be too bad. The problem is that legally "light" only has to be 30% better for you than the original, no matter how fatty that is. Then the serving size is 1 table spoon, but they would put about 2 times that on the sub. Now at 400+ calories and 17 grams of fat, they want me to get a drink and chips or a cookie. Unless i get a diet coke and no chips or cookies, those numbers go up again. Then double that on the days I got hungry and got a 12" sub.

    Bottom line - I was gaining weight eating subway on a regular basis.

    These days I still eat there but get a grilled chicken salad with no cheese or dressing and fat free Lays and I net about 250 calories.

    Yep...had to get used to no cheese and no mayo! LOL! I go to the same Subway about every 2 - 3 weeks, and they still look at me funny when I say no cheese!
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I've been going to Subway relatively frequently since I started dieting almost 10 years ago. It wasn't hard for me to figure out that I needed to avoid cheese and mayo.

    I kind of understand the point you're trying to make, but yeah they're going to ask you if you want cheese because the majority of customers do want cheese. I've always gotten wheat bread, meat (usually turkey but roast beef or something if I'm feeling adventurous), mustard, lettuce, tomato and pickles. That's... pretty harmless.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    Responsibility lies with the one making decisions on what to eat in the restaurant.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Agreed, before I eat out at any restaurant I check on MFP, the restaurant website or google to find out what kind of nutritional information their meals have and then *I* make my food choices based on the information I have found. Eat out responsibly, don't let other people make decisions for you.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I disagree about the claim that restaurants are irresponsible, but I think there is a point to your post. The advertising can be misleading to those out there that don't do their homework and/or pay attention to the disclaimers & explanations that come with Subway's claims.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    And let me guess, you think that cigarette companys should be held accountable for causing cancer.

    This is exactly what is wrong with some people today. They don't take responsiblity for anything. It's everyones fault but their own.
    No it's not Restaurants being irresponsible, it's consumers being irresponsible and not taking a moment to look something up.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I guess that since I don't eat out then I can only blame pots and pans (and my fork!) for the fact that I'm fat. :huh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    LMAO!!! I'm not sure why but this has me cracking up right now!

    You're laughing because it's funny. It might be funnier if butter and syrup were dripping off of it though. :laugh: :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Restaurants are not irresponsible - people make irresponsible food choices.

    You could try making and packing your lunch - easier on the belly and wallet. :)

    I think its irresponsible to base the majority of their adverizing on how healthy it is and how it is better for you when a realistic experience is rarely close to what they advertize. I dont have as much problem with what they sell and how they sell it as the implication that the majority of what you get there is good for you.

    They aren't claiming that it's healthy. They are claiming that it's healthier than other choices. If you'll recall, the "Jared commercials" were about him making different choices. Yes, most of the sandwiches at Subway are a lot healthier than say, a large chocolate shake and french fries and a bacon double cheeseburger.