Greedy People Make Me Sick!



  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    This will be my first initial discussion post since joining MFP in December 2011, but yes… I am going to go there…
    Quick backdrop- I work in an office environment with mostly women. I love to test my hand in baking new things, and instead of having all of those delicious treats tempting me (or going bad) at home, I bring them in to work to share with my coworkers. On these occasions, I will either put a note on the item or walk around and let everyone know they are available.

    Yesterday, I baked some German Chocolate cupcakes for one of my coworkers’ birthday. I brought them in to work today and planned on waiting for her to get in before we wished her a happy birthday and all shared the cakes. When she came in and I wished her a Happy Birthday, we proceeded to the kitchen where (out of the 12 cupcakes) we found 4 remaining.
    Is it wrong of me to be completely pissed off? I mean… I just believe that people should respect each other’s things. I have NO problem ALWAYS bringing in items for everyone, but this situation has me doubting I will ever do it again. I would NEVER take something that was not directly offered to me. Greediness!

    Also… I get so flippin mad when I come into work and these women start talking about how I’m “boney” and “skinny”. I am far from either of those things! Coming from a family were 9 out of 10 family members are obese, I try so very hard to watch what I eat and work out all the time. For these particular people (whom I know are lazy which causes them to be overweight) to say those things while sneaking my cupcakes out of the kitchen makes me sick!

    What do you think? Am I wrong?

    You are not wrong. I absolutely HATED working in an office, hated it. Everyone was greedy about food and would say stuff behind my back because I made healthy choices and was not overweight. I understand why you are angry! I would be too. Good luck.

    Oh, I work from home now and I LOVE IT!!!!!!
  • nikki_att84
    nikki_att84 Posts: 152 Member
    its happened 2 me once at work that i went to go grab MY LUNCHBOX! left in the fridge! and when i sat down to eat MY LUNCH half my sandwich was gone!!! eaten!!!!!!!!! i was furious when i found out who it was that had eaten it!! i asked them y and they responded coz they were hungry but to lazy to go get something at the vending machine!!!! i took the damn other half of my sandwich and threw it at his face!!
  • jenwalton
    jenwalton Posts: 87 Member
    This is a huge pet peeve for me. Our church has baked goods in a kitchen area after services. They are free, donated by women who bake them and bring them in. 4 or 5 women. They can only bake so much. There is a congregation of over 300. First, would it kill more people to contribute? But second and most irritating are the people who take a plate and fill it up with one or two of everything. Screw the other 299 people behind them. Or let their kids go through and take 3 cupcakes. I don't eat the stuff, but I always tell my grandkids, choose one item so there is enough for others to have some as well. I want to slap the ones waddling to their table with their plate piled high with everything they can cram on it, knowing the people in the back of the line aren't going to get anything. What the Hell is wrong with people? (Obviously, I need to spend more time in the service!)

    That is terrible!!!!!! I feel bad for the generous women who lovingly and painstakingly prepare these treats with open hearts, only to be taken advantage of by the greedy waddlers!!!! I am also a baker / feeder of the masses. I love baking and cooking for people, and I know I should be doing this with a generous spirit and an open heart, but I get so angry when people not only take it for granted, but do so with such entitlement! (ie, "Didn't you make any cupcakes without sprinkles?") ARGH!!!!!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    going into someone's lunch is completely different than eating CUPCAKES which is a common thing for people to bring TO SHARE with the office.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if i saw food sitting in a common kitchen area, i would assume it is for everyone.
    i wouldn't cut into a cake, but cupcakes? i'd be all over them.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Why didnt you keep the cupcakes at your desk until the birthday co-worker came in and then presented them to her. Let her get a couple or whatever and then set them out for everyone else to enjoy? You are part at fault.

    I don't think it is a matter of being greedy they probably thought it was normal treats that you always bring into the office.
  • nikki_att84
    nikki_att84 Posts: 152 Member
    going into someone's lunch is completely different than eating CUPCAKES which is a common thing for people to bring TO SHARE with the office.

    its 10times worstt!!! but we r talking about greedy people!!
  • KatieDelamatie
    Why didnt you keep the cupcakes at your desk until the birthday co-worker came in and then presented them to her. Let her get a couple or whatever and then set them out for everyone else to enjoy? You are part at fault.

    I don't think it is a matter of being greedy they probably thought it was normal treats that you always bring into the office.

    Good point. Once I cooled down, I was kind of kicking myself. Just because I wouldn't do something like that, doesn't mean I should expect others not to.
  • KatieDelamatie
    i don't think they're GREEDY if you put the cupcakes in a common space. That generally means they're fair game. Your bad not theirs. Sheesh get over yourself.
    It's not gross,nor something to get upset about. It's the rule of thumb in 9/10 environments like that.

    lol... Get over myself? Are you in the habit of taking things without asking? Your mother should have taught you better.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I have 2 jobs - at one, we have a common table sorta area, where, if food is left out, it's generally considered fair game. Anyway, there are only a few of us working there, so usually we just kinda yell out, hey, whose chips are these?, and then ask if they are up for grabs. It works for our small office setting, where most of us share food anyway.

    At my other job, there are REGULARLY people stealing other people's lunches, taking people's mugs, etc, etc. It's appalling. If something is up for grabs, there is either A) a note, reading, please eat me, B) an email sent out, reading, I made carrot cake, and if you'd like some it's in a white container in the fridge. Otherwise, it should be assumed that it belongs to someone else. If food is in a container in a fridge with no note on it, I can't for the life of me understand why ANYONE would think it's public domain. You're in an office, of course people put their lunches in a communal fridge!

    Now, I could understand if you left these cupcakes out on a table that regularly houses food or other items for free... Otherwise, I think you were right to expect people to keep out. A note is a good idea for next time.

    And for the record, I DO think it's gross to eat food if you don't know where it came from, or how long it's been there.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    i don't think they're GREEDY if you put the cupcakes in a common space. That generally means they're fair game. Your bad not theirs. Sheesh get over yourself.
    It's not gross,nor something to get upset about. It's the rule of thumb in 9/10 environments like that.

    lol... Get over myself? Are you in the habit of taking things without asking? Your mother should have taught you better.

    I don't but I'm smart enough to know what the culture is in the place where I work and not get angry if I do something that results in others behaving in a manner i should expect .
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    i don't think they're GREEDY if you put the cupcakes in a common space. That generally means they're fair game. Your bad not theirs. Sheesh get over yourself.
    It's not gross,nor something to get upset about. It's the rule of thumb in 9/10 environments like that.

    lol... Get over myself? Are you in the habit of taking things without asking? Your mother should have taught you better.
    Someone should have taught you that food left out in the breakroom is there for people to take. Don't blame your mistake on other people.
  • KatieDelamatie
    i don't think they're GREEDY if you put the cupcakes in a common space. That generally means they're fair game. Your bad not theirs. Sheesh get over yourself.
    It's not gross,nor something to get upset about. It's the rule of thumb in 9/10 environments like that.

    lol... Get over myself? Are you in the habit of taking things without asking? Your mother should have taught you better.
    Someone should have taught you that food left out in the breakroom is there for people to take. Don't blame your mistake on other people.
    Bad mommy I guess... I bet if it were Broccoli in a sealed container that was put away... it wouldn't have been touched. Maybe I should give that to people for their birthdays. :drinker:
  • KatieDelamatie
    i don't think they're GREEDY if you put the cupcakes in a common space. That generally means they're fair game. Your bad not theirs. Sheesh get over yourself.
    It's not gross,nor something to get upset about. It's the rule of thumb in 9/10 environments like that.

    lol... Get over myself? Are you in the habit of taking things without asking? Your mother should have taught you better.

    I don't but I'm smart enough to know what the culture is in the place where I work and not get angry if I do something that results in others behaving in a manner i should expect .
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I don't think you should have to expect to come back and find half of them eaten. I think you're right - people shouldn't take things without asking, even if they are in a common place. I wouldn't take them unless there was a note on them saying I was welcome to.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,130 Member
    At my office, a couple of us (including me) bake occasionally and bring stuff in. Word gets around quickly and people that had no reason to be around end up dropping in to say hi... One time, I watched a guy who walked past a tray of cookies 14 times in the space of an hour, taking one cookie each time he passed. Greedy? Oh yeah!