Dangers of low calorie diets - link



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Check the link above.
    No sense in eating 800 cals to lose weight when you can lose it eating like a human.

    Eat like a human and lift things like a human and youll lose weight.

    VLCDs are destined to bounce back and the problem when they do....more fat gains than before!

    Find your true TDEE, cut 20-30% off it.
    Eat right and move right and youll shed fat and maintain lean mass.
    No need to lower RMR or anything.
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    best thing I ever did. I eat like a champ, aaaaand I have never plateaued. It is NOT rocket science. Treat your body right and it will reward you. Low calorie diets are NOT a life long solution, you're setting yourself up for failure. You didn't gain all the weight in a day, what makes anyone believe it is going to come off that fast.

  • MaggieAudiologist
    I have PCOS and its really getting on my nerves with the gaining then losing then gaining.
    I have tried upping my cals and it didn't work. I plateaued for 2 months despite being on 1200-1300 a day.
    I am at a loss as to what to do now really but thank you all for the advice, I do genuinely appreciate any advice given!
    I have PCOS too, and I'm trying a low gi diet. I feel pretty good on this diet. My energy level is better than ever. I plateaued for about 3 weeks not long ago, and was feeling pretty discouraged. I decided to change my exercise time, from after putting the kids to bed, to first thing in the morning. And I started my day with a higher protein and lower carb breakfast. (2 hard boiled eggs and some greek yogurt). These changes seemed to kick start things for me again.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I am sorry, but there are plenty of instances where a low calorie way of eating is applicable and healthy.

    With the obesity rate where it is at, the majority of human beings have plenty of fat to spare where a low calorie way of eating IS the way to go.

    Of course someone with 25 pounds or less to lose would not want to eat low calorie, but the remainder of overweight people will do just fine eating low calorie.

    No need to get all in a frenzy about it.
    Actually your wrong, under eating does far more damage to your body than overeating, your body cannot survive on tiny amounts of food, the organds and your brain, need sugars and fat and carbs to work, I dont care what anyone else says, your a idiot if you think different.We all want to lose weight but in a safe way, not the eating disorder way.

    Eating too little is just as dangerous as over eating or maybe worse. That's all I'm saying.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Anyone who is on 1200 cals a day or lower should ABSOLUTELY be under the guidance of their doctor.... having regular bloodwork taken to check on any deficiencies.....take a daily multi vitamin.... take vitamin D....keep protein between 60-80 grams daily to maintain lean muscle mass.... drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
    I started eating 1200 cal and fine tuning things feb 25th 2011. I even went a few weeks while on liquids averaging 600-800 cal a day....ALL under a docs care and supervision. I never was weak...never hungry... and full of energy. By dec 6th 2011 i had 200 pounds off.

    I lifted weights all during my weight loss and gained a bit of muscle and still lost weight.

    only time i experience a slight headache was when I had cut my carbs n stopped eating bread n pasta when i went on 1200 cal. it lasted maybe a day or two then never had them again. i ate balance healthy meals and remained healthy as a horse...and still am an now am eating at least 1100 = 1200 cal and somedays i know of my portioning i am up to 1300 if not more.
    i hate it when people down eating lower than 1200. If it is done safely with a docs care and with proper nutrition etc it is a ok

    Amazing amount of weight loss! If you took an extremely slow route to weight loss you would probably still be obese now.

    very true, and I wouldnt be off 170 units of insulin a day....with perfect blood sugars, a 1.9 cholesterol level, off all blood pressure meds with an excellent BP. Healthiness was my reason for it all and remains my reason to keep it off. Mind you there are many other issues one must contend with but being mindful and the want to learn about yourself and your body in the process helps immensely. Too many these day want a quick fast way to lose weight...n true it can be done...but the want to change lifestyle and thinking on food and fitness isnt there...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Did you go to the doctor since March when you joined? You had similar concerns then, and everyone advised seeing a doctor and seeing a nutritionist.

    I don't have the money for a nutritionist and all he's going to tell me is to eat more calories. Especially when I workout. If I tell him I have trouble eating at the recommended amount because I don't want to gain anymore fat, he'll probably be Really concerned and send me somewhere and I don't want that.

    I want to be able to eat more and workout again. I want my leaner body back so badly.... I'm tired if feeling and living this way. I miss how I use to look, too.

    That's what we are telling you too. If you eat more, and lift, like Dan is suggesting, then what you fear will not happen.
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member
    just finished 10 weeks and lost 50lbs,,,glad I never read that arcticle till now,,,
    look up Dr. Bernstein,he must have it all wrong???

    I wonder how much of that was body fat and how much was lean muscle? Also whats your calorie count now? 50 lbs in 10 weeks is really fast and I dont want any part of it. Weight like that comes back and bring more lbs with it.

    Rapid weight loss brought on by a severely restricted caloric intake can also increase your cholesterol levels. This puts a strain on your heart, causing it to work harder

    blood work perfect,heart rate perfect,dropped pressure pill by half likely going to stop taking it,still as strong as before,haters gonna hate,,lol

    Well done!
    I read later 450 calories but perhaps its okay if a short amount of time and now you are upping the cals. Do you know what percentage was lean muscle or are you not bothered as most appears to be fat? Plus you have all those improved health markers.

    yes Dr Bernstein diet,If you enter a state known as ketosis you will make your body use the fat it has stored,1lb of fat is about 3000 to 3500 calories.Fat is an awesome fuel,stores well and is readily available when needed.We burn it every day in our cars and it is millions of years old!!!The body likes to store it rather then use it,so as long as it is getting surgar and carbs to use it will keep storing it.The headaches most people are having is likely from trying to break this cycle,and would be short lived,again,see a doc!!!
    I leg pressed x weight 10 weeks ago,and today I started again,at the same amount with no problem.If there was any muscle loss it was marginal.The idea that you HAVE to excersise to loose weight is bunk.Walking is an easy one for better results,and let your body do the rest.Once you cut the weight start a good program then,why complicate it? Including the fat burn I was surviving on over 3000 cal a day!!!
    (haters gonna hate)
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member

    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Did you go to the doctor since March when you joined? You had similar concerns then, and everyone advised seeing a doctor and seeing a nutritionist.

    I don't have the money for a nutritionist and all he's going to tell me is to eat more calories. Especially when I workout. If I tell him I have trouble eating at the recommended amount because I don't want to gain anymore fat, he'll probably be Really concerned and send me somewhere and I don't want that.

    I want to be able to eat more and workout again. I want my leaner body back so badly.... I'm tired if feeling and living this way. I miss how I use to look, too.

    PM me the name of your Nutritionist and I would gladly make a donation on your behalf!!!
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    If you follow "Eat to Live" by Dr Fuhrman, you can hit and excede all of your nutrient goals, while eating very low cal. I've been doing it for 5 weeks, have lost 25 lbs, eat more food (volume) than I ate when I was gaining weight, and I'm getting much more nutrients than when I was eating more calories on the Standard Amercian Diet. I feel extremely satisfied after every meal, don't have to count calories, and my toxic hunger cravings have disappeared. This is the best I've felt in years.

    The problem most people run into when going low-cal, is that they are depriving themselves of nutrients. This IS absolutely unhealthy. Eat to Live is referred to as a nutritarian diet, where the primary concern is eating foods with the highest nutrient per calorie ratio, so one does not run into this problem.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    If you follow "Eat to Live" by Dr Fuhrman, you can hit and excede all of your nutrient goals, while eating very low cal. I've been doing it for 5 weeks, have lost 25 lbs, eat more food (volume) than I ate when I was gaining weight, and I'm getting much more nutrients than when I was eating more calories on the Standard Amercian Diet. I feel extremely satisfied after every meal, don't have to count calories, and my toxic hunger cravings have disappeared. This is the best I've felt in years.

    The problem most people run into when going low-cal, is that they are depriving themselves of nutrients. This IS absolutely unhealthy. Eat to Live is referred to as a nutritarian diet, where the primary concern is eating foods with the highest nutrient per calorie ratio, so one does not run into this problem.

    I agree, though if you're under in calories your body will take them from your muscles. Nutrients are very important, yes, but if you want to build muscle and get lean, you're gonna have to eat more calories, too. If you don't need to lose pounds of fat then you really don't need to lower your calories so much. I'm slowly learning this but it's hard to actually do it.... : (
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member

    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Did you go to the doctor since March when you joined? You had similar concerns then, and everyone advised seeing a doctor and seeing a nutritionist.

    I don't have the money for a nutritionist and all he's going to tell me is to eat more calories. Especially when I workout. If I tell him I have trouble eating at the recommended amount because I don't want to gain anymore fat, he'll probably be Really concerned and send me somewhere and I don't want that.

    I want to be able to eat more and workout again. I want my leaner body back so badly.... I'm tired if feeling and living this way. I miss how I use to look, too.

    PM me the name of your Nutritionist and I would gladly make a donation on your behalf!!!

    I don't have one...
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Wow, that's such a good point. I'm sure nobody understood that already .. . .
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I don't know how to get working out if I can't even start. I'm too weak for my strength training and I get tired easily with cardio now. If I eat more but can't perform any strength training, it'll only be stored as fat, right? I don't know how to get through a strength workout now without feeling crappy during and after.

    Well you need to start working out, otherwise you're setting yourself up the skinny fat cycle. That is, you lose both muscle and fat, but when you gain it's only fat. If you work out, you'll lose mostly fat, and regain mostly muscle.

    So it sounds like you do need to up your calories a bit, and if you work out it's important you body has energy to do it. Have some easily digested carbs, do resistance training, then eat protein afterward. Don't be so obsessive about the exact number of calories eaten and burned. Instead be obssesive about making gains in your physical fitness. Temporarilly set goals to get in better shape (eg lifting more, running faster, etc). Then once you're exercising regularly you can go back to cutting fat.
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    I agree, though if you're under in calories your body will take them from your muscles. Nutrients are very important, yes, but if you want to build muscle and get lean, you're gonna have to eat more calories, too. If you don't need to lose pounds of fat then you really don't need to lower your calories so much. I'm slowly learning this but it's hard to actually do it.... : (

    That's true, and one certainly should not be starving themselves. But it doesn't work exactly like everyone thinks it does. Let me explain.
    -Your brain requires carbohydrates
    -Carbs cannot be made from fat, they either need to be ingested, or created from protein.
    -Muscle requires enough protein to repare itself
    -Exercising, moving around, etc... can consume nearly all needed energy from fat
    -Once meeting the carb, protein, and micronutrient requirements, your body can get the rest of the needed energy from stored fat, no problemo. If you are NOT ingesting adequate carbs/protein, your body will destroy muscle tissue to meet the brain's energy needs. If you're eating healthfully, your body will tell you it's hungry, and you should eat to meet the needs of your hunger.
    -Naturally, once you hit your ideal weight, your body will require you to eat more to meet its energy needs, and will send the signals that you're hungry and need to eat (assuming you're eating healthfully)
    _ If you're strength training and exercising, your body will naturally send you the signals that you need to eat more and you should eat to fill that need (again, this is assuming your eating a healthy diet that does not create toxic hunger.)

  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    On average 450 a day with no working out, strict food groups... check my diary. Two shots of vitamin B6 and one of B12 a week, all part of the program.
    I have been in maintenance for 10 days eating about 800 a day I have always maintained 10,000 steps a day and I am now doing 20,000, no other exercise at the present time.
    Last Saturday I walked up a mountain with my wife, 2 1/2 hours up and 1 1/2 down. I will start a formal training program in the next few months.

    I have two friends who have done this diet. They lost the weight quickly, easily, and looked great... for about three months. Even with the increase in exercise, they gained all of it back and then some. They've gone on it again, done the same things, lost the weight... gained it all back within three months of increasing their calories.

    I hope that doesn't happen to you, but don't claim victory just yet. You've only just finished.
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member
    On average 450 a day with no working out, strict food groups... check my diary. Two shots of vitamin B6 and one of B12 a week, all part of the program.
    I have been in maintenance for 10 days eating about 800 a day I have always maintained 10,000 steps a day and I am now doing 20,000, no other exercise at the present time.
    Last Saturday I walked up a mountain with my wife, 2 1/2 hours up and 1 1/2 down. I will start a formal training program in the next few months.

    I have two friends who have done this diet. They lost the weight quickly, easily, and looked great... for about three months. Even with the increase in exercise, they gained all of it back and then some. They've gone on it again, done the same things, lost the weight... gained it all back within three months of increasing their calories.

    I hope that doesn't happen to you, but don't claim victory just yet. You've only just finished.

    the only way they could gain it back was to fall into the same eating patterns they had before the diet.Dr B also offers a 2week/3month/1 year maintainance,if they had sighned up for that, that would never have happened.If you are not prepared to make changes long term,then no diet will benefit you,ever,,,WOL,,,way of life
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member

    Well, muscle weighs more than fat does so I'll most likely weigh more once I start building muscle. I know once I figure out how to, the fat will come off quickly and I can have my body back again...

    I'm not even sure how much I weight right now but I'll ask my exact height and weight on Friday at the doctors. I just put im 110lbs but my grandmas scale says I'm 106.... Ours at home is broken so I don't trust it anymore.

    I'll be talking to him about how concerned I am about the muscle loss even though he already said I'm fine but I know I'm not. I'm talking to him again about it and how I've been feeling. I hope he doesn't suggest a therapist or something.

    A couple of things..... muscle is more dense than fat. 1 pound is always going to be 1 pound, but 1 pound of muscle is going to take up less room than 1 pound of fat.

    Did you go to the doctor since March when you joined? You had similar concerns then, and everyone advised seeing a doctor and seeing a nutritionist.

    I don't have the money for a nutritionist and all he's going to tell me is to eat more calories. Especially when I workout. If I tell him I have trouble eating at the recommended amount because I don't want to gain anymore fat, he'll probably be Really concerned and send me somewhere and I don't want that.

    I want to be able to eat more and workout again. I want my leaner body back so badly.... I'm tired if feeling and living this way. I miss how I use to look, too.

    PM me the name of your Nutritionist and I would gladly make a donation on your behalf!!!

    I don't have one...

    My daughter is 2nd yr Mac BSN and can give a name or 2.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Anyone who is on 1200 cals a day or lower should ABSOLUTELY be under the guidance of their doctor.... having regular bloodwork taken to check on any deficiencies.....take a daily multi vitamin.... take vitamin D....keep protein between 60-80 grams daily to maintain lean muscle mass.... drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
    I started eating 1200 cal and fine tuning things feb 25th 2011. I even went a few weeks while on liquids averaging 600-800 cal a day....ALL under a docs care and supervision. I never was weak...never hungry... and full of energy. By dec 6th 2011 i had 200 pounds off.

    I lifted weights all during my weight loss and gained a bit of muscle and still lost weight.

    only time i experience a slight headache was when I had cut my carbs n stopped eating bread n pasta when i went on 1200 cal. it lasted maybe a day or two then never had them again. i ate balance healthy meals and remained healthy as a horse...and still am an now am eating at least 1100 = 1200 cal and somedays i know of my portioning i am up to 1300 if not more.
    i hate it when people down eating lower than 1200. If it is done safely with a docs care and with proper nutrition etc it is a ok

    Amazing amount of weight loss! If you took an extremely slow route to weight loss you would probably still be obese now.

    very true, and I wouldnt be off 170 units of insulin a day....with perfect blood sugars, a 1.9 cholesterol level, off all blood pressure meds with an excellent BP. Healthiness was my reason for it all and remains my reason to keep it off. Mind you there are many other issues one must contend with but being mindful and the want to learn about yourself and your body in the process helps immensely. Too many these day want a quick fast way to lose weight...n true it can be done...but the want to change lifestyle and thinking on food and fitness isnt there...

    WOW, that is a success story. You definitely need to change a lot of things when embarking on a weight loss and then maintenance journey.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I agree, though if you're under in calories your body will take them from your muscles. Nutrients are very important, yes, but if you want to build muscle and get lean, you're gonna have to eat more calories, too. If you don't need to lose pounds of fat then you really don't need to lower your calories so much. I'm slowly learning this but it's hard to actually do it.... : (

    That's true, and one certainly should not be starving themselves. But it doesn't work exactly like everyone thinks it does. Let me explain.
    -Your brain requires carbohydrates
    -Carbs cannot be made from fat, they either need to be ingested, or created from protein.
    -Muscle requires enough protein to repare itself
    -Exercising, moving around, etc... can consume nearly all needed energy from fat
    -Once meeting the carb, protein, and micronutrient requirements, your body can get the rest of the needed energy from stored fat, no problemo. If you are NOT ingesting adequate carbs/protein, your body will destroy muscle tissue to meet the brain's energy needs. If you're eating healthfully, your body will tell you it's hungry, and you should eat to meet the needs of your hunger.
    -Naturally, once you hit your ideal weight, your body will require you to eat more to meet its energy needs, and will send the signals that you're hungry and need to eat (assuming you're eating healthfully)
    _ If you're strength training and exercising, your body will naturally send you the signals that you need to eat more and you should eat to fill that need (again, this is assuming your eating a healthy diet that does not create toxic hunger.)


    This is a vegan diet I believe? Glucose can be made from the glycerol portion of triglycerides. Important to up the protein if carbohydrates low. Brain can run perfectly well on ketones.

    Handy little pic:
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Sorry to say but any hypochondriac can read an article and think they have all the symptoms. Just saying, it happens every day.