Jillian M. 30 day Shred!

Alright I read an earlier post back in 2011 about doing the 30 day shred with before and after pictures. Really motivating to see! I want to start doing the 30 days this week and wondering if any one else wants to join me? I just started myfitnesspal and would love to meet some people to help keep me motivated and I them!
I am 27yrs old, female, student, and want to lose around 10-15lbs as well as become very toned. Let me know!


  • Ndtaber9211
    Ndtaber9211 Posts: 13 Member
    I am starting this DVD tomorrow and would love some company. I did this once before with a group of MFP'ers and it really helped keep me motivated. Feel free to add me!
  • mellydelly
    mellydelly Posts: 11 Member
    I just started it today, there's a group I just joined also that just strted it as well!
  • kiaram03
    kiaram03 Posts: 12 Member
    I started it two days ago, thought I was going to die the first day and the second was tons easier. I don't know if its because I knew what to expect or what. It definitely gets you sweating and burning calories. I'm pumped for day 3, can't wait to see results.
  • emily992
    mine just arrived this morning! & im starting tomorrow as ive worn myself out already today (wrong attitude? maybe but oh well!)
    im looking forward to us all doing it together :)

    im a twenty year old student, 5ft 8 & 77.2kg (approx 12 stone 2) which makes me just enter into the overweight catagory of bmis, ive never been big or little but now i can see myself heading that way and want to reverse it as soon as possible... so bring it on Jillian!

    good luck everyone!
  • joymcclung
    joymcclung Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I started the 30 Day Shred on Saturday, so I have completed 5 days of it now and am slightly ahead of you, which means I can give one very important tip . . . do NOT skip a day, regardless of how sore you become!

    I am a 25 yr old female, 5' 5" looking to lose only about 10 lbs (belly fat) and tone up. I made it through day 1 pretty well, but on day 2 and then day 3 I was miserably sore. Hobbling around because my calves were horribly painful. I read a lot about whether to keep going or to skip a day and let my muscles heal. Some people said it's dangerous to continue, but I knew I wasn't injured, just miserably sore. So I decided to push through it. I couldn't do everything (all the jump rope and butt kicks) because it hurt when I landed, but I kept moving and pushed myself. Yesterday (day 5) I was determined to push as hard as I could and I did the entire workout no stopping and my legs finally started feeling better. Just keep going and you'll naturally work the soreness out.

    I am considering adding in more cardio for my second week of this since, while I do feel that the 30 Day Shred alone is doing something, I am really focused on burning fat also. So I will probably start running or some other form of cardio maybe 30 min – 60 min in the mornings (I do the 30 Day Shred at night after work) just to amp things up.

    I am also combining this with a modified diet, cutting out as many carbs as possible (chips, bread, pasta, rice, cereal, etc), filling in those gaps with fruits/veggies, and using the wonderful MyFitnessPal to help keep track of my calories. I am pretty hungry most of the time now, but it's worth it.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Me. I was just talking about this earlier. I'm in x
  • JosianneC
    JosianneC Posts: 141 Member
    I was debating buying the DVD. I would like to do this with you all! You should start a group so we can all post our updates, thoughts ect on the 30DS.

    I will buy it this weekend, and start it Monday!
  • SonoraflowerKim
    I will stay in touch here, I started it 8 days ago but would love to see what others think about it along the way. I will move to level 2 on Sunday the 19th.

    :=( I didn't buy it, its on Youtube...all three levels. :-)
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    Alright I read an earlier post back in 2011 about doing the 30 day shred with before and after pictures. Really motivating to see! I want to start doing the 30 days this week and wondering if any one else wants to join me? I just started myfitnesspal and would love to meet some people to help keep me motivated and I them!
    I am 27yrs old, female, student, and want to lose around 10-15lbs as well as become very toned. Let me know!

    I just started yesterday!!!! I would love someone to do it with!!! ...I'll add you now :happy:
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    I will do it with you :) I've done it once already, but that about 2 months ago... I don't mind doing it again, cause I really did see the difference, and not only me :happy:
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I have a love hate relationship with the 30 day shred. I try to fit it into my routine at least 3 times a week, if possible. For some reason, I start it one week and then stop. Start it over again and stop once again. Like I said, it's a love/hate relationship. I am currently on level 2.

    I will say this though. Jillian Michaels will torture you for 20 minutes but you will have a big smile on your face once it's over.

    Good Luck and feel free to add me if you need some encouragement.
  • ericachristie85
    ericachristie85 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm on day four and very motivated! I'm here for you!
  • rlcooper76
    I am picking it up this afternoon to start on Saturday, feel free to add me! Would love the encouragement
  • Sloth_TurtleGirl
    Sloth_TurtleGirl Posts: 79 Member
    I just bought it. Am I understanding right that you do each level for so many days? Or is there one for each day. I did the first one today and it looked like there were only three. This was every exercise I hated in gym class way, way back in high school. I am vowing to stick with it and my boxing and eventually start couch to 5k.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Hey there. I started it last week and am currently on Level 1 Day 9. I'm loving it thusfar and have lost about 2 pounds since starting it. Can't wait to see my final results but I know it is working. There are a couple 30 day shred groups I am in..you should join them. Feel free to add me if you like .:)
  • scrapbooklady
    scrapbooklady Posts: 77 Member
    Just logged on here to post about this as well Was planning to start. My question is does this count as cardio or strength training? I really am not a fan of strength training but LOVE cardio. If this counts as strength training and will tone my arms & legs I am happy to join in but I don;t want to use it as cardio because I LOVE running! Anyone know what the expected results are?
  • joymcclung
    joymcclung Posts: 2 Member
    I am on level 1 and it's made up of 3 circuits (cardio, strength, and abs). You do each circuit then repeat with new exercises. There's not enough cardio in it to replace running I don't feel. In fact, I am planning on adding cardio because I don't feel I am getting enough with 30DS alone.
  • scrapbooklady
    scrapbooklady Posts: 77 Member
    Just finished Day 1! Shouldl we form a group to hold each other accountable and share successes?
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I started it on Monday. Would love some friends to shred with! I only have a few lbs left to lose and a lot of defining to do!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Hey all!

    I started this yesterday im on day 2 today and boy am i feeling it. Id love some shredding buds :) Im going to add in her 6 weeks to six-pack after the first level of the shred :)