1200 CAN'T be enough

I decided to start my weight loss journey today. I did great all dad and walked outside 50 minutes. I'm pretty sedentary so my calorie goal in around 1200 as the site instructed.

I'm 20. This really can't be right can it? I was still starving afterwhile so I ate more. (granted a healthy food) and I had around 1500 today.

what do you all think? :/


  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I decided to start my weight loss journey today. I did great all dad and walked outside 50 minutes. I'm pretty sedentary so my calorie goal in around 1200 as the site instructed.

    I'm 20. This really can't be right can it? I was still starving afterwhile so I ate more. (granted a healthy food) and I had around 1500 today.

    what do you all think? :/

    What's your height and weight? And have you set your weight loss goal to 2lbs/week?
  • patroleumjam
    5'3 150 lbs. I set it to 1 lb per week.
  • patroleumjam
    anyone? :/
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    5'3 150 lbs. I set it to 1 lb per week.

    1200 is low if you've been eating let's say 2000cals so far. Your basal metabolic rate is around 1500 calories or so says the formulae, normally that's the minimum calories your body needs to function and most people wouldn't want to go below that.

    If you try to restrain your calories low like today, you will feel tired and depressed because of continuous hunger. As a start, stick to 1500 calories like today. If you need to, lower gradually.

    What you need to do, though, is to make good food choices. You need the kind of food that will keep you full.

    Adjust your macronutrient goals through My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom. Set a higher protein goal and decrease your carbs a bit. Normally MFP sets the carbohydrates high and without complex carbohydrates like whole grains, you won't feel satiated.

    Eat more lean meats, eggs, good dairy high in protein like greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Get your carbohydrates from good sources like vegetables, fruits, beans and lentils. Have a handful of nuts everyday for good fat intake, as well as olive oil, coconut oil or alike.

    More protein will most probably help with the hunger issues.

    Oh, and drink water.

    Next is to start on some exercise. Walk, run, look up for bodyweight exercises on youtube and spare 30 minutes a day for your exercise.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    it is enough
  • Presleyforpresident
    i feel like a lot of people are going to disagree with me, but i find 1,200 to be plenty for me.
    i used to have a borderline eating disorder, so sometimes (like today, for example) i can't even hit the 1,000 mark.
    i also have/used to have BED (binge eating disorder) so some days 1,200 feels like nothing and i eat 2,500.
    but generally, i feel like 1,200 is doing the trick.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I decided to start my weight loss journey today. I did great all dad and walked outside 50 minutes. I'm pretty sedentary so my calorie goal in around 1200 as the site instructed.

    I'm 20. This really can't be right can it? I was still starving afterwhile so I ate more. (granted a healthy food) and I had around 1500 today.

    what do you all think? :/

    If you're hungry, eat.

    Set your weight loss goal to half a pound a week. Exercise, and eat your calories you burn from exercise (but be careful, MFP's burn estimates are often inaccurate). Try eating more protein and fat and fewer carbs than MFP recommends, as protein and fat will help keep you feeling more satisfied. Learn to differentiate between physical hunger (stomach growling, shaky hands, etc.) and mental/emotional hunger, if you haven't already. Drink enough water to hydrate, but not too much -- just make sure your urine is almost clear. No more, no less.

    You'll be fine. :)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member


    Use one of these sites and enter your information. Be honest about your activity level. Many people underestimate. If you work out several times a week you are likely moderate. This will tell you how much you should be eating for your weight, height, and age. If you use the scooby site, choose a 15% deficit. This is a modest deficit and will help to keep your weight loss from stalling out. Whichever number you get as your calorie number, enter into MFP manually as your calorie goal. MFP tends to underestimate the calories that you need.

    If you want more information on how to find the correct calorie level for you, there is a group here on MFP that's full of information and a lot of helpful people who will take time to answer your questions.

    Eat More 2 Weigh Less

    You can also find the website. http://www.eatmore2weighless.com

    I wish you the best on your journey!
  • patroleumjam
    it is enough

    then why am I starving?
  • drayNOTdre
    drayNOTdre Posts: 14 Member
    it's not. look up the Eat more 2 Weigh less group. lot's of helpful tips:happy:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Read the first thread in this post if you're tired of starving yourself and want to eat enough, yet still lose weight:

  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just started eating for the weight I wanted to be. for me that is 1800 per day. But I am 6' 1". MFP is set to give you a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance calorie count. 1200 might be correct. In any case, be consistent about how many calories you are using, or you won't be able to dial it in if it is wrong.
  • LittlestStar
    LittlestStar Posts: 18 Member
    I think if you're starting, you should ease into it so you don't burn out. If 1500 is easier, start with that and some exercise.

    You can feel fuller for less calories if you really bulk up on stuff like steamed vegetables, fresh fruit (especially stuff like strawberries and blueberries - they have very low calorie counts and tons of nutrients), greens, and then lots of beans/legumes, whole grains (not necessarily bread or pasta, but more like brown rice, quinoa, etc - though bread/pasta are ok in moderation), and nuts/seeds in moderation. I LOVE www.greenkitchenstories.com for recipes.

    Meat and dairy aren't necessary, but in very very low amounts are probably fine in the short term. I never really lost much weight or kept weight off when those were on the table, plus I think I'm a bit lactose intolerant. But I digress...
  • rebeccasedwards
    My doctor said it was enough for me though I'm doing 1270 right now. It is very tough in the beginning. I starved all the time. Now my body has seemed to adjust.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Do 1500 for a few weeks and see how it feels and see if you are losing. If you are, great. If you can do this without feeling starving all the time then why put yourself through that?
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    I hear ya - its really really difficult to do at first, but your body will get used to it. Try to eat filling foods like protein and complex carbs.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Because IT'S NOT ENOUGH!!!!:sick:

    I'm eating over 2000 cals a day and loosing, I'm 5'5" 175# 55 yo...if I can do it so can you!

    Listen to your body and feed it:wink:
  • memaw578
    I only started on the 7th of Aug. and to me 1200 calories is a lot to eat if you are eating good whole foods. I just ate some cereal to up my calories closer to 1200. Try adding more fruit and veggies to your day, and watch the bad carbs.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It was too low for me and I'm twice your age. You'll still lose weight eating more than the bare minimum.

    Double check your settings. At your age and size, I would think one pound a week would put you in the 1350-1400 range.
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    I usually try and stay around 1200 but there are many people on here that believe it's better to eat more calories. I think if you don't adjust to the 1200 cal mark and are still feeling bad and hungry, then bumping it up to 1400 or so would be okay.

    Also, did you consider your workout calories from your walk? You can eat those calories back.

    Another thing is that 1200 calories of high protein filling foods will be a lot easier to maintain than 1200 calories of high calorie foods that are more unhealthy. In other words, try and eat lower calorie foods high in protein and they will keep you more full for longer.

    Again, if 1200 seems too low for you and you don't think you'll be able to stick to it, bump it up a little for awhile and see how that goes. Good luck!