Paleo diet? Your thought?

What do yall think about the paleo diet? Its based mostly on protein and veggies. No carbs, dairy, or sugar seems kinda strict. Any input would be great! <3


  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    There are several paleo groups here on MFP that would be great to check out for resources.
    It tends to be a really polarizing issue here on the main boards ;-).

    I have tried it, and while it does seen restrictive at first, i never feltdeprived or had any trouble sticking to it for the time i set out to do it. I'm a hobbyist baker, among other vices, so it really wasn't for me in the long term, though.

    I think it can be a very healthy way of living/eating, and i know several people in my personal life and here who have made it a lifestyle and love it.

    *edited because grammar is hard. lol
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    The most popular 24 diets were ranked in 2011 and 2012 for quality, safety, and effectiveness. Paleo finished dead last both times.

    The science behind it is not only disputed, but never proven to begin with, and it's basically just a fad.

    That being said, if it makes someone happy and it helps them to lose weight, more power to them.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I would miss grains and dairy too much. My opinion.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    In the sense that it keeps you from eating junk, it's a good thing. It's not a magic pill, and grains and fruit aren't the evil killer that some paleo purists make them out to be. In a sense, it's like IF. Not magic, just helps you eat healthier and to meet your nutritional goals.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    You do eat carbs and sugar with Paleo, but they come from veggies and fruit. Post your question in the paleo group and you'll get answers from people who are knowledgable about the lifestyle.
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    I had a boyfriend who was fanatical about this diet, so I tried it. Gained a lot of weight fast and it was not muscle. I guess it works for some people, but not for me. I also am very skeptical about the science behind it.
  • JackShow70
    The most popular 24 diets were ranked in 2011 and 2012 for quality, safety, and effectiveness. Paleo finished dead last both times.

    The science behind it is not only disputed, but never proven to begin with, and it's basically just a fad.

    That being said, if it makes someone happy and it helps them to lose weight, more power to them.

    Could you post a link to these rankings? What is your source?
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm personally on this fad diet. My weight has dropped, my energy is high, rashes that I had for 12 years are gone , i dont have cravings like i did before, and my hypertension is under control. So it may not be for every one but I'm a big fan. I guess it's a good thing I don't go off of USA today popularity polls.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    In the sense that it keeps you from eating junk, it's a good thing. It's not a magic pill, and grains and fruit aren't the evil killer that some paleo purists make them out to be. In a sense, it's like IF. Not magic, just helps you eat healthier and to meet your nutritional goals.

    This. I follow it off and on, mostly because I personally fee better when I eat that way. It also reduces my cravings as well. Its not for everyone, and its definitely not the only way to lose weight. Its actually very easy to gain on a paleo diet as well if you don't track carefully.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    The most popular 24 diets were ranked in 2011 and 2012 for quality, safety, and effectiveness. Paleo finished dead last both times.

    The science behind it is not only disputed, but never proven to begin with, and it's basically just a fad.

    That being said, if it makes someone happy and it helps them to lose weight, more power to them.

    Could you post a link to these rankings? What is your source?

    This was a US New and World Report ranking from last year. You can read Dr Cordain's rebuttal here:
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    In the sense that it keeps you from eating junk, it's a good thing. It's not a magic pill, and grains and fruit aren't the evil killer that some paleo purists make them out to be. In a sense, it's like IF. Not magic, just helps you eat healthier and to meet your nutritional goals.
    What paleo purist thinks fruit is bad?
  • cherylhirons
    cherylhirons Posts: 37 Member
    My internal medicine Dr. suggests it. She is thin and just healthy so she doesn't diet but I think she eats very little grains. My newest Dr. since I moved swears that I should go vegan and eat lots of oats and grain, heck no, I am a meat lover!!!
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I can't do it. I looooove me some fancy cheese! But I do limit my dairy and grains. I tend to gain more weight eating a lot of starches ergo... I try to cut them out. The paleo diet will flat out not be sustainable for me, but it seems like a pretty good plan to me if you can swing it
  • AmbitionStrong
    AmbitionStrong Posts: 46 Member
    I don't like to think of Paleo as a diet, but more like a template. Start with the basics. Give it 30 days (to cleanse out food additives that can cause addiction), then if you want add back a few things at a time to see how you really feel eating them (quality dairy or sourdough bread, etc). Its a great way to start, but personalization is key. Some people find that an Oreo just doesn't taste the same after eating entirely real food, like a gorgeous juicy steak, sweet potato, and veggie dinner, with bowl of berries as more divine appealing dessert choice

    Now that there are more and more people thriving on the Paleo/Primal way of eating, there is more and more information out there to help troubleshoot diet. Some people do great with little fruit, some people with more fruit. Just like with anything else, its trial and error.

    But you dont tell someone recovering from crack addiction that a little crack is ok. And grain and sugar can be like crack. (the reason fruit can be seen as demonized is mostly by those who suffer severe sugar addiction and use fruit as their addiction, causing them them to binge on other sugars eventually, same goes for grain)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I've never done it myself...but I have MFP friends who do it and love it. Try it....there's nothing that says you have to stick with it!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I can't do it. I looooove me some fancy cheese! But I do limit my dairy and grains. I tend to gain more weight eating a lot of starches ergo... I try to cut them out. The paleo diet will flat out not be sustainable for me, but it seems like a pretty good plan to me if you can swing it

    Strict Paleo eliminates dairy. Primal Blueprint does not. I love cheese, butter, and cream so I eat it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think people can do whatever works for them, but personally, anything that restrictive that bans entire food groups is not going to work for me long term. If I can't do it or am not willing to do it forever, I won't waste my time on it at all. I eat all kinds of foods, I just choose the healthiest, freshest and least processed versions I can find.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Anything that minimises food that is potentially harmful to the body and replaces it with nutrient-dense, natural fodder is OK by me.

    I will happily minimise grains, legumes and sugar (and processed foods) but I like my cheese (I can live without milk so no worries there) so that is my main deviation from the Paleo Gospel. ;)

    Less hunger, less compulsion to shovel stuff in my gob every few hours, better mood compared to the 'balanced' calorie restriction of the past ... works for me.

    I also treat it like a framework, I have ice cream daily, not Paleo but very tasty after a day of generally avoiding artificially sweet things :) Having said that our bell peppers are lovely and sweet now I am not swimming in sugar.

    We can argue the toss about what our ancestors ate all we like but in the end the results count so it's a "try it and see" :)
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member

    Strict Paleo eliminates dairy. Primal Blueprint does not. I love cheese, butter, and cream so I eat it.

    You are officially my best friend. I get cheese?! may have to try this.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    What do yall think about the paleo diet? Its based mostly on protein and veggies. No carbs, dairy, or sugar seems kinda strict. Any input would be great! <3

    Protein, veggies and FAT.

    Fat intake is both necessary and desirable.

    There are carbs involved too, just not the kind that come in a box :)