constantly wanting to step on the scale?



  • I have only been on this site and life style changed for a few days- I weigh myself a few times a day and laugh at the differences in it. I know I can't get upset if the scale goes up, or to excited when it goes down (all its done so far is go down). As long as you arent stressing out over the number I don't see a problem weighing how ever often you want.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I agree with those who say it's okay of you don't let it get to you. I weigh myself every morning (and sometimes at night just out of curiosity). A pound here or there doesn't stress me out. I had to travel for work for almost 2 weeks no scale...guess what when I got back, I was up 5 pounds(and I promise it wasn't water weight)!

    The number I see every day does make me feel better if I'm trying to lose and I do....but otherwise it's just interesting information. I kinda just think "huh must have been the extra salt yesterday, more water today" and I jump in the shower and move on. If you can do that I think you'll be fine. If not maybe putting it on the top shelf of the closet is a good idea your hubby can reach it if he can't take it and you'll learn to go more than a day.

    Good Luck!
  • arenkel
    arenkel Posts: 77
    I weigh myself just about every morning before I shower. I don't take it too seriously-- it's almost a game for me. Do I weigh less than yesterday, or more? For some odd reason, I like watching those small fluctuations due to water weight. If I suddenly noticed I was up/down more than a kilo or two, I'd probably change my habits. For now, though, I seem to be right where I want to be-- maintaining my weight.
  • jen350z
    jen350z Posts: 48
    I can't even handle just doing it in the morning. I weigh myself like 5 times today. I need to stop.
  • me too!
  • Cassandram333
    Cassandram333 Posts: 36 Member
    I am so bad at it. its jsut as tempting as food somtimes haha.
  • SJP9180
    SJP9180 Posts: 10 Member
    Every day, morning and night! I feel like I should break the habit but I get a real motivational boost when I see the weight coming off!
  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    i am really obsessive its so bad i think about weighing myself constantly too, sometimes 3 times a day! its like a really strong erge, ive fought myself not to weigh myself this morn bt am really tempted to just go jump on them, i might get my man to hide them that sounds like a good idea but might try and hunt them out hahaha
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    Chucked out my scales as I used to get on several times a day and it would affect my mood so badly if the numbers where not what I wanted..

    Switched my focus exercise stats. My focus is now training and improving my stats every week. I eat reasonably well and I have never dropped weight so fast as I have since I stopped weighing myself. My clothes are bigger, people are commenting - and you know what - I have no idea what I weigh.

    Life it too short to be tied to the numbers on the scales :)
  • ggof
    ggof Posts: 41
    i'm the opposite .. i piled on my weight becoz i didn't have/use scales, so i kept lying to myself that i was curvy not obese .. do what works for u i say .. u clearly see the urge to weigh-in as a problem, which is the first step to change in anything in life !!

    i know for a fact that from now on i will live with scales in the house and will weigh each week becoz if i don't i'll lie to myself again..

    and btw i weighed in this morning and found i'd hit the -20kg mark :) happy anniversary me LOL ..

    good luck !
  • The scale is a tool, just like a hammer or a saw is a tool. Some people are perfectly content never using an ax or a shovel, and it works for them. Others use a hammer a couple times, bang their fingers each time, and say never again.

    My point is, every tool has a purpose but may not be needed by every single person. Every tool also has the potential to be mistreated or misused, but also be of great benefit.

    Now for the scale. There are some people who just need to see a number every day while others don't care about that particular number, and still more people are content with once a week/month/year....whatever sort of time frame they set. The easy part is knowing how often you want to use the scale. The trickier part is knowing what to do with the numbers you see from them.

    For those of you who do not like scales, that's great. This section does not pertain to you. That being said, everyone who uses a scale, no matter when they weigh in, needs a general principle. That is to weigh yourself the same time of day every time you weigh. By this I mean right when you get up if that's what you like, or right before bed if that is when you do it. But comparing weight in the morning one day to the evening another does not work. You have eaten more at the end of the day than you do at the beginning, so obviously you will be heavier at the end of the day. This renders the scale useless.

    For the daily weighers, you can do a couple different things. The first thing, is to weigh yourself every day, and compare each day to the previous. This is the most basic weigh to do it, and also the least helpful except to possibly set a goal saying "I did this yesterday, so maybe I will do something different." What I find to be better is to weigh yourself every day, and write the number down somewhere (preferably a spreadsheet on the computer or something). Then, the next day, you write the number in another column. You will end up with seven columns, one for each day of the week. Then, you start another row for the next week, so the Mondays are all in one column, Tuesdays are all in another, etc. Then you can compare your Mondays to your Mondays and so on, which becomes more useful than simply comparing one day to the next. There are a couple reasons I suggest putting the weigh ins in a computerized spreadsheet. The first reason is that you can add notes saying what time you weighed yourself (before bed or in the morning), if you had anything to eat before weighing yourself, and other personal notes. The second is that you can create a graph that will show graphically what your weight is doing over a period of time, with each line representing a day of the week. If there are any abnormalities you can look back at that particular day in your food diary and see what you did differently.

    Now for the people who weigh themselves, but not daily. You pretty much have things in hand. Just be sure to weigh yourself on the same day of the week each time, and do it at the same time of day each time. The spreadsheet idea could be useful, but it isn't as important for you as it is for the daily weight checkers.

    Sorry about the length of the post.
  • courthulien09
    courthulien09 Posts: 16 Member
    I step on it EVERY morning, but I tell myself it doesn't count until my weight in day, which is Wednesday. So reguarless of what it says, in my head, if it isn't Wednesday, I didnt gain or lose any weight from one day to the next. I think I just do it every morning so that I know where I am for my weekly weight loss goal, kinda like knowing how likely it is that I will reach it by Wednesday. If I still have 1.5 out of 2 pounds to lose by Wed and its Monday, then I realize its not likely, I tell myself its gonna be fine if I dont make it and then when Wednesday comes, Ive accepted it and moved on.
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    twice a day for me. but the morning weight is what i truly pay attention to. i like doing it for motivation--whether i lose or gain.