Mud Runs - People talk the talk...

But then fail when it comes to the follow-through...

So many times I've told friends about whatever. Most recently stand-up paddle boarding. "Oh that seems like SO MUCH FUN! I want to try it!" So I arrange for them to come to my town and rent boards and give lessons and no one wants to commit. Not ONE!

And now I'm trying to wrangle up some friends for a Spartan race... lol...
Come ON people! Don't be afraid of trying new things in front of other people! Pride is an entirely ridiculous thing. Give it up and have some fun!!

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Would you sign up for a Spartan Race or mud run? Have you done one? I want to hear your stories.


  • HoneyBadgerVin
    I totally feel you on this! I'm currently scheduled to do Run For Your Lives in Oct alone because all 4 other people who said they'd do it with me didn't come through. But I'm used to it by now. That's why I'm happier in my life than all those flakers are. Cuz all they do is wish. I just do.
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    I have done a mud run! I did the Camp Pendleton 10K mud run in June. It was the MOST fun, and I highly recommend it. We didn't run for time, we ran to get as dirty as we could possibly get. :bigsmile:

    But, of my team of five, only one ran it. I hear you on the flakey doodles. I won't be a team captain again (that's not the first time they've done that). They all made sad faces when they saw the pictures. :sad:
  • ChristinaK69
    I ran 2 mud runs last year. One with my 14 year old son and one with my 18 year old. I think that was the best part is doing something with my boys. The run in Seattle was awesome. Drizzling rain, lots of mud, so many people having fun. The one in Spokane was a disappointment. Not organized and pretty dry much of the course, until you got to the end.
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    I do mud runs all the time. It's called running trails in the pouring rain. ;)

    LOL I think I have a mud phobia. I can, and have, been caked in mud and have no issues with it from about the knees on down. But crawling through it on hands, knees, stomach? No thanks.

    As far as other people are concerned I don't do a lot of campaigning to get people to do stuff with me. A big part of that is that "Hey, do you want to do a 50 miler?" generally doesn't go over too well with the uninitiated. What's been more interesting to me is that as I go about just doing my own thing friends have started to quietly ask very pointed questions about ultras. It's actually been really cool to see them (six people so far) go from curiosity to signing up for their first all from just observing me. And I didn't think anyone was paying that much attention. lol
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I do mud runs all the time. It's called running trails in the pouring rain. ;)

    LOL I think I have a mud phobia. I can, and have, been caked in mud and have no issues with it from about the knees on down. But crawling through it on hands, knees, stomach? No thanks.

    As far as other people are concerned I don't do a lot of campaigning to get people to do stuff with me. A big part of that is that "Hey, do you want to do a 50 miler?" generally doesn't go over too well with the uninitiated. What's been more interesting to me is that as I go about just doing my own thing friends have started to quietly ask very pointed questions about ultras. It's actually been really cool to see them (six people so far) go from curiosity to signing up for their first all from just observing me. And I didn't think anyone was paying that much attention. lol

    Yes... I get that no one is going to jump on an ultra unless they have multiple full marathons and such in their pocket. But I'm talking about all my friends who run... those who run half marathon distances and who talk about wanting to do these things - Spartan, Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash... whatever. Then I say, "Okay, here's a race... let's do it!"

    Dead silence.

    I've had lots of non-runners see my running progress and ask about it, get back into it or take it up in the first place... that's cool! But those like me who say they want to do these things should be willing to go ahead and do them. Or stop talking about it.
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    Every year a group of friends and I do the Sacramento, CA mud run on Halloween weekend. Most of us (including me) do the 5K (there is a 10K option) and it's a boatload of fun! They have a kids' run as well (1 mile) and some people dress up in halloween costumes and run in those (there are even prizes for the best costume, etc.)

    If you want something more difficult, then try a Muddy Buddy race - I've heard that's an endurance/military style run.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Not in a million years. Obstacle course based events look fun but the fact of the matter is I don't have the motor control to be able to do them and I struggle with being exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods.
  • kriselayne1
    kriselayne1 Posts: 28 Member
    Ugh I have no friends with any interest in doing anything of the sort. I even asked my husband to do the tough mudder run and he didn't want to do it but I know he would prob really enjoy it. He runs almost daily and I think it would be a great expereince for him. He's a tough mudda so, Honey if your reading this, I think you should do this one!!! LOL ok but I wouldn't mind trying a mud race I think it would be loads of fun.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I really want to do a mud run but I'm 150 lbs overweight and pretty close to the worst shape of my life.

    When I get below 200 though, its on.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Last year for the Tough Mudder we did, we had lots of enthusiasm, about 10 sign up and 3 bail....after paying that massive reg fee! Couldn't believe it!

    I just made the team for this year, we've got a few from last year and two newbies ( my cousin and her boyfriend) after hearing all about it and seeing the photos they were really interested. Yay!!!

    We had the best luck recruiting friends we had made at bootcamp classes and run 5Ks with. They're already into that kind of training and it was the next natural step for them. Since Tough Mudder, our little team has done a marathon relay & another road race. We looking at a half marathon and a triathalon next. Our little group has quietly formed itself and I feel like we have an unbreakable bond now. If you can wrangle just one friend, it grows from there.

    In the meantime, keep on doing the fun stuff and you'll mostly likely make new friends!
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    see my picture! Dirty Girl Run MN!!! I had to push hard (ok, my cousin had to almost literally push me because it was uphill and i din't train right) but I did finish and felt an amazing sense of accomplishment.

    You have to have some workout buddies or buddies from classes that will do thing with you. I don't think any of my normal social friends would ever do that with me. You have to love to push your limits. It is new for me! My cousins asked and I agreed so started excersizing to get healthier before trying it, and it just stuck! I love to work out now.

    Doing a 5k uphill mid september. Trying to find time between group workouts to run a bit before hand this time. Plan to fill in lots more events so I have goals to work towards and hopefully get better every time!
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I have done the Warrior Dash and Foam Race. I would sign up for the Spartan Race. My new passion is mud races. I am signed up for Mud and Guts and Gladaitor Run for the month of Oct. I want to do one a month. I would say challenge yourself and go out a do it. It is so much fun. It is not like a 5k.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Last year for the Tough Mudder we did, we had lots of enthusiasm, about 10 sign up and 3 bail....after paying that massive reg fee! Couldn't believe it!

    I just made the team for this year, we've got a few from last year and two newbies ( my cousin and her boyfriend) after hearing all about it and seeing the photos they were really interested. Yay!!!

    We had the best luck recruiting friends we had made at bootcamp classes and run 5Ks with. They're already into that kind of training and it was the next natural step for them. Since Tough Mudder, our little team has done a marathon relay & another road race. We looking at a half marathon and a triathalon next. Our little group has quietly formed itself and I feel like we have an unbreakable bond now. If you can wrangle just one friend, it grows from there.

    In the meantime, keep on doing the fun stuff and you'll mostly likely make new friends!

    I want some friends like yours!!!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I have done the Warrior Dash and Foam Race. I would sign up for the Spartan Race. My new passion is mud races. I am signed up for Mud and Guts and Gladaitor Run for the month of Oct. I want to do one a month. I would say challenge yourself and go out a do it. It is so much fun. It is not like a 5k.

    The one I'm looking at is the Super Spartan. It's 12k/8mi with about 20 obstacles. Not as long as Tough Mudder but more than a dash/sprint. I can't imagine doing it alone though. Need at team.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I completed the warrior dash in July.... taking on Tough Mudder on Sunday... it's too bad you're at the other end of the country cause I'd be joining your team!!!! :)
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I'm signing up with a few friends for a mud run in September! Training to get some endurance up and see what I can do. We're doing a group competetion as the teenage mutant ninja turtles. Doubt we will place, but I'm doing it more so for the fun, experience, and to donate money to leukemia research!
  • mirandamayhem

    Got a friend who loves them. Me I hate hate hate mud. Did an assault course once through mud, more than enough of an experience for me.
    Paddle boarding sounds fun though!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I'm doing the Marine Mud Run on Sept 15th-and I cannot get any of my friends to join me either. They suck! Talk talk talk until its time to sign up! I couldn't even get anyone to join me for last months Color Run-WTH?

    this is way outside my comfort zone as I HATE getting dirty but the experience looks fun-so I am suckin it up!
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    I've done a bunch of 5K and 10K mud runs, I am doing the Rebel Race on Saturday and I'm signed up for the Spartan Beast in December. I've run most of these with my girlfriend, my dad, brother, and sister. I'm doing the Rebel Race and the Beast on my own though. I'll be doing a lot more next year too. I love these things.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    I ran the Warrior Dash back in June and had so much fun I signed up for another one in September! I think they are a blast and really change up the typical 5k mentality. I will DEFINITELY be doing more in the future!