
Do you have people who always say negative stuff? Like you are gonna fall of the bandwagon. Also they try to sabotage my diet by giving me chocolate. I give it back! I refuse to be fat forever!


  • turbodog14
    turbodog14 Posts: 12 Member
    I have had some of the naysays... screw 'em, I say.

    What I have found to be more sabotage-y is when I hear comments like "omg, you are too skinny" or "you are wasting away". Those comments, even though they are meant as compliments, feel negative and don't help push me along. Its hard work making this transformation.

    I typically respond with "uhh.. I'm finally not in the obese category and have another 30 lbs until I'm at a healthy weight". That shuts them up :)
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Yeah, but I don't let it bother me. Plus, I've proved a lot of them wrong so far.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Yes. Unfortunately, I'm 43 and since birth I've had haters in my life. Sabateurs that would make James Bond say WTF,
    Rather than bore you with details, I've finally gotten the cahonas to rid myself of toxic situations and people. It's been lonely, scary but so much more productive. I found a great network of friends on MFP and I actually don't mind the loneliness because it's better than the alternative.
    I've learned humility and how to toughen my skin. It's actually quite exhilarating.:drinker:
  • alliebug42560
    alliebug42560 Posts: 6 Member
    Ugh! My husband the worst for sabotage! He throws chocolate in my lap. Sometimes it's too much temptation and I eat it. I went to a vegan diet three years ago for health reasons; no it also gives an excuse to turn down the "pushers" I just smile and say, " Oh, no thank you, I'm on a good food plan and don't want to blow it!" It takes time to learn to say no, but I have realized the people who sabotage are usually heavy; it threatens them when you begin to get healthy. Good luck!
  • carpetbagger12000
    carpetbagger12000 Posts: 41 Member
    I find the worst underminers are the ones who look at me and say, “You look great! Why do you want to lose weight?” They are mostly my in-laws, most of whom are overweight/obese and to them I *am* a sylph. They are the ones who will serve me too much food on my plate or give me a full piece of pie when I only ask for a spoonful. I would rather be an example to these people than an object of criticism.
  • candaceenglefnp
    yes, I have a few people that always try to feed me. It is hard to say "no" because I don't want to hurt their feelings, and I love good food, but I continue to say "no" because it will be worth it!! thankfully, my immediate family is very supportive and helps me stay morivated!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    My one co-worker was the worst!!!!! She walks around complaining about being fat but does nothing about it, and keeps shoving the bad foods in her face and runs her mouth!!! I stopped being her friend back in March, I couldn't take the negativity. Cut those negative ppl from your life, if you can, and you'll be much happier; trust me :flowerforyou:
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    My one co-worker was the worst!!!!! She walks around complaining about being fat but does nothing about it, and keeps shoving the bad foods in her face and runs her mouth!!! I stopped being her friend back in March, I couldn't take the negativity. Cut those negative ppl from your life, if you can, and you'll be much happier; trust me :flowerforyou:

    Same here! To make permanent changes in life, sometimes we need to change our playmates & playgrounds!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    The only real issue I have this time around is the food my in-laws prepare for dinner, since we eat there a LOT (they watch my daughter during the day and it is easier to eat there). It is better then the Sodium-filled "eat out" food so i dont complain.

    Last time, my M.I.L. used to say, "Oh, you are fine, you dont need to lose anymore" and even now, she tells my husband that he is destined to be heavy because she and my F.I.L. are. UM, NO!!! Only if he chooses to be!! :)
  • staceface519
    Theres a lot of people on here that say negative things all the time when they shouldnt. . . the other day a woman critisized me on my food diary because i had a bad day and ate accordingly. . . . she ruffled my feathers for her ignorance but when i looked at her pictures i could have said some mean things back to her and her weigt. . as her diary was private. . . so i let her know that im the one losing weight and i will eat whatever i choose and shouldnt be judged for it. . . just over look the negativity and look to the future. . .

    I also have people that try to feed me but i tell them if im not hungry i cant eat or if i dont like the food i cant eat it but appreciate the thought. . surprisingly they stopped trying to feed me after 2 years of constant nagging. . lol

    if someone is being negative, they arent worth being in your life and bring u down.
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I actually have in-laws that point out how fast or how much I eat. It makes me super uncomfortable and embarrassed. I guess I'm supposed to eat like a bird. :-(

    The thing is, I actually made wise(r) choices... I pass on the alcohol and desserts and rolls, I reach mostly for veggies, and my plate is never overflowing like theirs. HOWEVER - I'm HUNGRY. So I finish before everyone else... but pointing out how I ate 3 ears of corn or something isn't making the situation any better.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    My one co-worker was the worst!!!!! She walks around complaining about being fat but does nothing about it, and keeps shoving the bad foods in her face and runs her mouth!!! I stopped being her friend back in March, I couldn't take the negativity. Cut those negative ppl from your life, if you can, and you'll be much happier; trust me :flowerforyou:

    OMG I so feel your pain! I worked with someone who would talk about needing to lose weight (she's morbidly obese). She tried to tell me she did a 1200 calorie diet for a month but never lost a pound.. I knew it was BS but I kept my mouth shut. Then one day in the breakroom she was going on and on about losing weight so I said well here is what I would do and she about took my head off. It took everything I had not to tell her off right then and there :smile: Obviously I've kept the weight off for several years now so I do know a little bit about how to lose and keep weight off! And she was the same way, one minute saying she needed to lose weight and eating a donut the next...drove me crazy! I don't work there anymore but I saw her a couple of months ago and she's gotten bigger...guess that 1200 calorie diet still isn't working :tongue: So I've learned that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink!
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    My parents and boyfriend a few months ago (currently my ex) were the worst. My parents would go out and buy fast food and bring it home to me. While I did resist quite a bit there would always be times I felt so guilty that they bought food I would just eat it (didn't want to waste money or food).

    My ex would literally tell me that I was loosing too much weight and that he doesn't want me to get too skinny.

    I just try and ignore the haters and focus on myself.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Reply by saying: "You ought to have higher expectations and standards, not just for me, but for yourself."

    It's a way to shut someone up and make them realize that they're a moron.

    Parenthetically, getting results has a way of making these people look really dumb.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    Do you have people who always say negative stuff? Like you are gonna fall of the bandwagon. Also they try to sabotage my diet by giving me chocolate. I give it back! I refuse to be fat forever!

    Yes. Even now, several years after I started this journey, I still have people who say oh you need to eat a donut :smile: At my old workplace it got quite bad early on. I was so dedicated to taking the weight off that I passed up all kinds of goodies that were brought in to the office. I heard some snide remarks like well I bet Chris isn't going to eat any of that. It wasn't so much what they said but how they said it! I finally learned that it was jealousy and envy because I was doing something they wanted to do but for whatever reason they were not willing to do it. Well that is fine but why try to sabotage my progress. When I started to run it was pretty much the same thing. I had someone say well all you talk about is running...again envy and jealousy :wink: With the exception of one that is part of my family, the rest are no longer in my life!
  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    I know, I get the "if you lose any more weight the wind is going to blow you away. I just say, I guess I'll just have to see you later.LOL It's ok. There will always be haters, just take it as a compliment and keep on keeping on!!!!!

    Good luck and keep up the good work!!!
  • EmilyG34
    EmilyG34 Posts: 23 Member
    I find that a lot of the people that try to sabotage my diet and workout schedule, tend to act as if they want to workout with me and bail, or try to lessen ,y intensity while we are at the gym together.when at the gym and this happens I usually push the strength training harder ( 9/10 I do a mini cardio workout by myself before I meet up with them) If we go out to dinner they want to order an appetizer and a dessert. When I decline both of the those, it comes with a very condescending remark.
    It's just something that I think comes with the territory.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Do you have people who always say negative stuff?

    Appropriate response "U MAD BRO?"
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I feel kind of like bish saying this, but NO! I have never, ever had anyone try to sabotage my efforts and I have been at this for over a year and a half! I don't know what the difference is between my friends and family and yours, but it makes me sad that EVERYONE does not have the kind of support I do!
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Eat bacon in front of them.... and say they will get fat from it and you wont!