Addicted to Soda all my life.



  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    First off Im happy here and you looking to get healthy and I wish you the best! Secondly a couple of things.... pop is ok in moderation and yes even diet pop. If ya search the message boards there is a load of topics on pop/diet with good information.
  • cocoa320
    cocoa320 Posts: 1
    I have given up soda for a month now with the exception of an occasional one on the weekend when I go out to eat with the family. I have lost 8 pounds since I started logging in to my fitness pal and tracking my calories. I have discovered that I don't drink nearly as much water as I should and that I was consuming way too many sweets before and just didn't realize it. On a typical day, I would get munchy and consume over 2000 calories. No wonder I was putting on weight! I have multiple food allergies that also contributed to my weight gain. Here I can keep track of what I am eating, and as long as I exercise, not eat foods that I'm allergic to (which can add as much as 5 pounds on me in one day), and drink enough water, I don't crave the pop as much now. After going without, when I drink it now, it seems way too sweet for me. The diary is a great way to "keep you honest" as you pursue your goals. I find myself "cheating" less and less now and eating what I am supposed to. :) I wish you the best of luck!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Sent you a friend request. I am not a soda drinker, but I did quit smoking 6 months ago. Cried everyday for weeks. All self pity because I didn't want to give it up and I was mad. I feel great now of course and am ready to deal with the weight.

    Can't wait to hear YOUR success story.
  • cheliekayy
    cheliekayy Posts: 37 Member
    Anyone who knows me will tell you I BLEED Dr. Pepper. At best, my habit was 6 cans a day. At worst 8-10. I gave it up for 6 months a couple of years ago and lost 30 lbs without blinking. Then I went back, gained the 30lbs plus some back.

    This time I've decided not to completely deprive myself. I've allowed myself one can per day, but have lost 17#'s in about six weeks (I'm also counting calories, but to be honest - I wasn't eating that many before ... I was drinking them all).

    I think eventually I'll drop that one can per day and only have one once in awhile, but for me to be down to one a day is a HUGE HUGE HUGE improvement.
  • tattooedmadre
    I'm in the process of doing this (2 weeks in now) and have been basically hooked, addicted, reliable, etc on some form of soda all of my life. Since about the age of 9 I would say. I could easily went through an entire 12 pack in a day. So, when I got together with my friend, who is a personal trainer, I was told the first step is to get away from the soda ASAP!! So, on March 1st of this year, I started going from anywhere between 1-4 Pepsi Max (0 carb, 0 fat, etc) BUT DO NOT LET THOSE WORDS FOOL YOU!!!!!!! It is STILL packed with sugar in some form or another, and wreaks havoc on your body. It confuses your kidneys and thus gets stores as fat. You could exercise all day and eat better but those sodas will still hang on and hold you back. I am happy to say that on March 1st, I started coming off with 1/2 a soda a day and for the past 4 days, I have had absolutely NO soda at all!! You can do it! I would love to add you on here if you'd like, I think it could be very beneficial to have someone that knows your struggle cheering you on all the way. I never, ever thought I'd be able to give up sodas altogether. But look at me....I have done it, and I don't feel bad at all! Yes, it was rough at first, but I am so glad I did it. I can tell SUCH a huge change already in just the short time I have cut down and ultimately quit them altogether. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or even just want to talk or vent! I hope it is okay to add you. :)
  • tattooedmadre
    I think if people had any idea how bad pop is for us .. they would stop drinking it. Yes ... even diet pop. It is just as bad.

    Google is your friend ... just do some online research and you will soon see that pop really is very very bad for us. Then we wonder why there is such an obesity issue .. pop is a major contributor.

    Contrary to what some people think on this thread .. there is no such thing as good pop. Why do you think that companies like Coke spend billions of dollars trying to convince us that pop isn't bad for us.

    People that think that buying a soda machine .. and all things will be fine are just kidding themselves.

    You are so right. I wish more people would look up the word 'aspartame' and the affects it can have on your body. When I was drinking soda and heard it was linked to cancer in a major way, I just thought "EVERYTHING is linked to cancer nowadays!!! whatever!", but if you really dig deep, you will see cancer would actually be if you got lucky out of all the stuff you could end up with drinking that crap regularly. :noway:
  • tattooedmadre
    If anyone needs help and motivation, or just new friends on here, please feel free to add me!!! I drank sodas non-stop since I was about 8 or 9 years old, up to a 12 pack a day...sometimes more. I did switch to "diet" over the past year, but it is just as bad, if not worse! I can tell you a lot of stuff about soda and what it can do to you and offer motivation and advice to coming off of it if anyone wants to add me. That's what this site is for, right?! I just came off it completely days ago, so I know how you all feel! Please don't hesitate to message me if you'd like to talk, or add me if you want to be friends. I'm here for all of you, cheering you on!
  • tattooedmadre
    I have to say that when I gave up soda the headaches killed me for the first two days. Since then, I have felt a ton better and have not had a headache since. I now have a lot more energy. Also, I never thought I would be able to drink just straight water with no flavor, but I was wrong. I often am looking forward to a super cold glass of water since most of what I drink is at room temp.

    This is saying alot considering I was drinking a two liter a day of either Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper.

    Yes, that is caffeine withdrawal. I have "energy mints" that have 50mg of caffeine in each. If I feel a headache coming on, I pop one of those and it's gone!
  • autotek
    autotek Posts: 66 Member
    mt. dew my whole life,at least a 12 pack a day
    gave up cold turkey now i drink 1/2 a can a day or every other day

    as with anything do it your self,no need for pills or patches etc..

    i quit smoking 3 packs of Marlboro reds 25's a day "cold turkey"
    i quit drinking alcohol "cold turkey"
    i quit other stuff "cold turkey"

    it's been over 12 years now
    no one helped me
    you can do it to
    just "believe" in yourself
    and reap the rewards from it
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    I haven't completely given up soda, but I have drastically cut down on it. I was drinking a 2 liter a day and on days I worked, a 2 liter and 2- 20oz's. Now I have roughly a can of soda a day, sometimes I splurge and have two (if I'm having a headachey day or something). I lost 11lbs the first week I cut back on soda (course part of that was I went on blood pressure meds and they made me pee ALL THE TIME). I have to say though the worst part of it wasn't headaches for me, it was the stomach and gut cramps cause my body was in shock from NOT getting the soda. It's been almost a month since I have cut back and I'm drinking a ton of water and juices (just make sure they are 100% juice and not sugar flavored water).

    Tip for the water if it's boring, you can add so many things than just lemon to the water. My sisters done watermelon, cucumber, strawberries, all kinds of fruit and some veggies you can add to flavor the water.
  • michellep1963
    I lost 20 lbs over 10 years ago just by giving up soda. I didn't even change my eating habits. You are right, it is difficult to shake the addiction. I kept the weight off for a long time but once I started sipping soda again, I was back up to a 12 sodas per day. Now 10 years later, I am again getting off the stuff again. I am treating it as an addiction; meaning I cannot have any at all, not even a taste. I am very weak when it comes to having it, one will not do.

    I am on day 6 of not drinking any type of carbonated beverage. I have lost 4 lbs without even changing my eating habits or exercise. I know that this will soon hit a wall and I will start needing to incorporate more exercise and note what I eat.
    However, this does support how bad carbonated sugared drinks are. Without any other changes, the calories I am taking in are vastly smaller.

    Also noted in just 6 days, my ankles are not swelling. I attribute that to the lower intake of sodium. Soda is bad in so many ways. Between the empty calories, high levels of sodium, sugar, and carbonation being removed, my body is already showing signs of recovery. I sleep better with less caffeine in my body and I have taken to drinking spa water (add a fruit, mint, and/or ginger my water. I looked up and it is good used in moderation when craving more flavor for your water.

    I fortunately have not encountered the caffeine headache but only time will tell.
  • brucewolf
    brucewolf Posts: 1
    Hi all,
    This is my first attempt to giving up pop. Had tons of people telling me for years this stuff was bad but wouldn't listen. After drinking around 14+ cans a day for 18 years and topping out now at 403 lbs its time to make changes. In addition to eating better and more exercise I have decided to kick the pop habit. Any words of wisdom or encouragement is greatly appreciated.