Help...Look at my diary.



  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    Hello my friend. I see you got some great advice, and I see you have started to track your sodium, great job on taking the advice. What I have been doing is eating 5 times a day. This way I never get hungry (though a couple days i have and was told its normal) My calories are set pretty low, 1300, so Im trying to eat 200-300 calories at a time, but you could eat more like 300-400. To do this I bought a small cooler lunch sack and re-ferezable ice pack. I eat breakfast at home, then take with me my food for the day, then eat dinner back at home. It takes some serious planning but is worth it. I cook on my days off so I have easy to assemble meals and dinners on my working days. When I make my meals I track them right into MFP to see their calories, etc. From there I portion them out to 3-4 portions so I know exactly what I am eating. I also like to pre-enter foods to see where I will be at for the day. That helps me decide if I can have a bigger dinner, add some extra rice, things like that. I can help you with some of the meal planning if you want. Its good you are working at it, dont get discouraged, you can do it! Stick with it, it will be worth it.