Man, I love Family Guy but...



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    We all generally choose to laugh at the other jokes bar the ones that offend our particular sensibilities.
    Me, the Jewish Jokes in Southpark that push it a bit too far.
    Especially as this has seeped in to popular culture in the UK, where it wasn't before Southpark - the use of 'Jew' as a general put down etc.
    But, I'm sure the Christians* feel similar about their depiction of Jesus.

    *I'm not religious at all - the last religious step in my family was Grandparents (and an Aunt) who were. However, grand parent on one side had Jewish Origins, having escaped Nazi Germany prior to the war I believe.
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    I love Family Guy! I have every episode, I'm obsessed :laugh:
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    One thing I will say about Family Guy (other than my love for it!) is that it's fairly non-discriminate in terms of who it mocks.

    I wouldn't say bulimics were any more mocked than women/black people/Jews/Christians/Mexicans/insert other group mocked by Family Guy here. I think we just choose to be more offended at the jokes that can be made at ourselves.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Family guy followed by South Park are my favorites, i find nothing offensive and if you find something offensive they did their job well :laugh:
  • virgocoley
    virgocoley Posts: 80 Member
    Sometimes it is a bit close to the mark however it is as funny as hell, if you think it is offensive then don't watch it - end of
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    South Park and Family Guy are hilarious.

    I wonder when there will be a Penn State South Park episode.

    There already was one:
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I love family guy, but apparently there is an episode where quagmire rapes marge simpson. Haven't seen that one but my friend mentioned it because it pissed him off too...NOT funny at all.

    He didn't rape her. They had sex off screen then cut to the outside of Marge's house where she was like wow Glenn that was amazing. Then homer came in and you hear gun blast. Then Marge says she's calling the cops...gun fire...Bart says aye carumba (sp)) gun fire, etc.

    Exactly! No rape, just an affair and murder. Good times.

    gotcha! I heard it described as rape....WHEW so glad its just a good ol' affair/murder lol
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    South Park and Family Guy are hilarious.

    I wonder when there will be a Penn State South Park episode.

    There already was one:

    Damn I gotta check it out!
  • stufielding
    stufielding Posts: 49 Member
    I love Family Guy! I have every episode, I'm obsessed :laugh:


    I dont really get offended easily... not by jokes and they tend to poke fun at ALL types of different things. The stuff I dont like to see are these FB groups and ppl on twitter etc promoting hate and being generally distasteful...
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I thought of another one! The old man and the dog. ): I feel so bad for that dog. Whenever they hint at what he's 'done' to it I just cringe. I don't find that particularly funny, just creepy and sad.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    I love Family Guy and American Dad, and yes they can be very offensive, but that's the whole premise of the shows really I guess. I can't think of anything they took too far, I think when it comes to those shows I just turn my sensitivity button off!

    If people are easily offended they shouldn't be watching. Shock value is what they are going for. For those kinds of shows nothing is off limits.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    Reminding me of Isaac Hayes (who plays the voice of Chef on South Park) quitting the show because of them crossing the line on the issue of Scientology. It's fun to joke about everything but once it's something that hits home for you, it's no longer funny. Seems hypocritical to me. Some people can't handle that kind of satire. It obviously gets them ratings so they are doing something right.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I think that Family Guy tries way, way too hard to be offensive. It used to be funny but not so much anymore. There's a fine line of offensive being funny and just being ... well... and they're always on the other side of it.

    I really appreciate and love South Park though. They're on equal playing ground with ripping the piss out of everyone andI like how much social/political stuff is plugged into their episodes. It's crude and offensive but it's really smart, too.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member

    “South Park” co-creator Matt Stone responded sharply in an interview with The Associated Press Monday, saying, “This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem — and he’s cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians.”

    ^That basically sums it up^
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I love Family Guy- I just don't watch the ones that I feel push me too far. I absolutely HATED the "prom night dumpster baby" song...blegh. But when it bothers me I don't watch. It's pretty simple really...
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    No such thing as too far. Change the channel.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Reminding me of Isaac Hayes (who plays the voice of Chef on South Park) quitting the show because of them crossing the line on the issue of Scientology. It's fun to joke about everything but once it's something that hits home for you, it's no longer funny. Seems hypocritical to me. Some people can't handle that kind of satire. It obviously gets them ratings so they are doing something right.

    That guy is a hypocrite. He supported all that other stuff, because he collected a paycheck, but when they poke fun at his beliefs...OHHH LAWD NOOO!
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    Reminding me of Isaac Hayes (who plays the voice of Chef on South Park) quitting the show because of them crossing the line on the issue of Scientology. It's fun to joke about everything but once it's something that hits home for you, it's no longer funny. Seems hypocritical to me. Some people can't handle that kind of satire. It obviously gets them ratings so they are doing something right.

    That guy is a hypocrite. He supported all that other stuff, because he collected a paycheck, but when they poke fun at his beliefs...OHHH LAWD NOOO!
    Exactly. Another quote from that article:

    "Stone told The AP he and co-creator Trey Parker “never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology. He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin.”"
  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    I love both Family Guy and South Park.

    In South Park they did an episode about Steve Irwin with a sting ray hanging off his chest. I didn't find it offensive but did think that it was pretty early to do something like that for a second anyway. Still thought it was funny as hell.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I love Family Guy, it's hilarious! If it offends you, don't watch it and don't whine about it!
    I'm not a fan of 2 And A Half Men, I think it's stupid so I don't watch it. Simple as that.