Bestest things your S/O has ever done for you



  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    I would say that the best thing my husband has ever done for me is kind of all inclusive. He's not really romantic or sappy or sentimental (neither am I, so it works), but he is sooooo supportive of me. He lets me BE ME. He knows all my faults and loves me regardless. He is the hardest working man I've ever met and is a great provider for our family. We started out with practically nothing, and now we're looking to build our first house. He communicates with me. He is honest. He apologizes when he's done something to hurt me (being able to say, "I'm sorry" is a big deal for me). He washes his own laundry! Haha. He is a great daddy. He is truly my best friend. :heart:

    Doesn't get much better than that, does it?
  • yankeesforever
    She has been real hard on me lately, but she made me a nice dinner the other night when she saw some girl flirting with me on MFP.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Hmmm… Probably a toss up between:

    our anniversary when he brought Ivy home to me as a gift. She was 8 weeks old and I was so not expecting her. I’d been making a big fuss over her in the ferret tank at Petco a few days earlier and I cried when I had to leave her. I don’t normally advocate buying ferrets as adoption is always better but this little one just had me hooked. He told me he was going out to get dinner and he came home with her. She’s been my bestest buddy ever since.


    last week when he drove 40 minutes on his “off” day to bring me my purse because I’d forgotten it. He didn’t want to come with me to the tattoo place since I was just going to put down a deposit on a piece and he really was looking forward to not having to leave the house that day. So I went alone. I got all the way to the place and realized I left my purse with my money and id inside it at home. I called him and without questioning it, he grabbed my purse and drove through 40 minutes of traffic to bring it to me so I could pay my deposit.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    He gave me children I have always wanted <3
    sign the divorce decree..

    maybe this wasnt what you were looking for?

    LOL - I will agree with your answser. That was the best for me also!
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    The night he bared his soul to me when we were newly dating. It was really beautiful the vulnerability, honesty and trust he showed me that night.

    And, orgasms are best.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Everything. He buys me flowers, cleans the house, comforts me....he's my best friend. He is so patient with me. I have rage control issues....I get angry over EVERYTHING...but he's there every second putting a smile on my face. He's just amazing.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Got all of my family together for a surprise birthday party... he is not a social person, so for him to call everyone and plan it all out was huge...
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    Even though she is my ex, I still love her for what she has done. She pretty much sacrificed her body so that we could have babies. She has given me my beautiful kids.

    Awww... I love you for this quote!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Marry me. Then ask me to marry him again after we divorced. 51 days til our second and last wedding ;)
    The the divorce.Win!!!!

    ^^^^ THIS -- two amazing daughters and my freedom.

    Yep - :heart: My Handsome little boy :heart: and the divorce decree signature.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Married me. He's been protecting me from myself ever since!! ;)
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    My guy rocks.

    The biggest things that stand out would be when we moved 3 hours away from our hometown to go to school, he planned a big surprise birthday party for me and invited all my family and friends. He told me he was taking me out for dinner at my favourite restaurant, and when he opened the doors to the dining room there, everyone popped out and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He also decorated the restaurant, baked me a special cake (he always bakes cakes for my birthday), footed the bill (hard to do when you're broke college students) and managed to sneakily decorate our apartment with a million "19"s dangling from the ceiling.

    He missed one of my birthdays when I was traveling on a school trip, and when I came back, I found an invitation from him in the mail (we lived together haha) inviting me to my own birthday party--location: upstairs, last room at the end of the hallway, this house. He baked me a cake, decorated the room, and had a pinata (I'd never had one before!) with pin the tail on the donkey :laugh:

    That guy rocks at birthdays. This past year he baked me my cake and made crab legs, which was amazing considering we had spent the past few hours on a plane and hadn't had any sleep that night.

    He's good at surprises, too. I've been blindfolded and driven to conservation parks for romantic hikes, fairs, special dinners...:love:

    Brb. Gotta go smother him with some lovin now
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    completely supports my dreams to become a fitness model and bikini competitor.
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    Very simple answer......He loved me.

    ^^This.... it's not so much what he does but who he is. And that he loves me unconditionally. He truly is my best friend!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Wow, he has done quiet a few actually.

    The one year for Valentine's Day he hired someone to come to the house to give me a private massage. He wanted me so pampered that I wouldn't even need to leave the house.

    A few months ago I was stressed so when the kids went to bed he told me to go put on my comfy clothes. Came down in yoga pants and tank top... he had the roll out mattress on the floor and candles lit, soft music... and gave me the best hot stone massage ever!

    But.. I have to say the top of the top.... last March I broke my left tib / fib in multiple locations and had to have major surgery. I couldn't do stairs for +2months and was in a wheelchair .... turned the front room into my bedroom and he slept downstairs the entire time. Brought down mattress from spare room and used that as his bed every single night until I was able to start using stairs......... THAT is love.
  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    It was Mother's Day weekend this year and I had planned my dad's surprise 60th Birthday Party. There was tons of overtime being offered where my boyfriend worked, so he wasn't able to come. I had to travel 6 1/2 hours to the birthday party. I arranged to take the bus to my aunt's 2 1/2 hours away and go the rest of the way with her. My aunt ended up getting sick and told me the day before the party that she wasn't going to go. By that time it was too late to take the bus all the way home to where the party was going to be, so I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to be going home for the surprise birthday party I planned for my dad. My boyfriend went to leave for work and said I'll see you in a couple days. I look at him start bawling and said I'm not going, I no longer have a way there, and explained what happened. He got home after midnight from work, and said wake me up at 8am, and we'll go to the birthday party. He gave up overtime, and saving up money to bring his family to Canada, to take me home, after only dating 3 months. He's a pretty awesome boyfriend!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    He wasn't my boyfriend at the time. It was just our first date. But he did what pretty much no guy has ever done for me. First, he actually asked me out on a date ... none of that "you want to hang out sometime?" nonsense. Secondly, he planned an entire evening for us. He actually mapped the whole thing out on paper ... dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, dessert at a local ice cream shop, and a round of miniature golf. And he sent me hydrangeas the day before because I had mentioned they were my favorite flower. For once, I felt special. I felt like he was pursuing me and trying to win me over, rather than walking around with the attitude that I should be grateful he was willing to spend time with me. I still have the sheet of paper he planned our first date on.

    Two and a half months later, I would say one of the things I appreciate about him the most is that he knows exactly how to handle me when I am acting like a toddler. It's not very often, but it has happened, usually when we're about to be apart for a long time. I'll pick a fight over something small and stupid to avoid dealing with the fact that I'm sad about him leaving (or me leaving). He doesn't give in and play along. He lets me know (in a firm but gentle way) that I'm being ridiculous and that he is not going to indulge my behavior. This has taught me to be more appreciative of the time we have together, and it has given me more respect for him as a man because he is not willing to give me a false apology and act like he did something wrong when he knows full well that he didn't.
  • Lisha_R
    Lisha_R Posts: 92 Member
    There are many. With my weight loss he has been supportive. I was trying to decide between a fitbit or heart rate monitor watch. I choose the watch. I discussed with him how it would help me keep in a good heart rate range while walking. He said buy it. After talking about how I had been exercising for 3 wks he asked about calorie burning doing things during the day. I told him about the fitbit and he said I should get it if I think it will help with my goal. He wants me to succeed.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member

    I work full time and carry 13 credits. He cooks and cleans so I have time to study. He opens doors for me. He walks on the traffic side of the sidewalk. He respects me. He helps me with my coat and my chair. He drops me off and picks me up at the door if the weather is bad. And if the weather is good, he offers his arm as we walk to the door together. He always puts gas in my car and washes the windows. He always drives when we go out.

    Honestly it drives my mom nuts that the independant daughter she raised allows a man to do all this for her. My reply is that although I can take care of myself, it makes him happy to do these things for me. And what am I losing by making him happy in these small ways?

    The best part? He thinks he is the luckiest man in the world.