Eating with a Spouse



  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    No i don't find it difficult to eat healthy with my booskie. I cook for me and he either eats it or he doesn't, if he cooks and it's not on my list of foods to eat. I portion control or substitute whatever the problem item is with veggies.

    My weight is my responsibility.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I don't find it difficult at all. I am the one who cooks ... when my husband and I moved in together it was our deal that I would cook and he would do the clean up. I make healthy meals most of the time. He gets more than I do. If it's an unhealthy meal I just have much less than he does.

    The only time I make meals different is when he eats meat. I am a vegetarian and he's not so I will cook meat for him and than make myself another option. If it's chicken, veggies and potatos for him I'll have the veggies and potatos and add something else for me.

    My husband choose to eat what I eat. I am making a lifestyle change and never expected him to follow me on it but he has which is great.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Initially it was difficult for my boyfriend and I, but I always made it very clear this was a priority to me. I love to cook, and even though we both have incredibly busy schedules, I make sure to cook at least one meal a week. Whenever I cook, the meal is always low cal and healthy, and I'm sure to tell him so after he comments on how delicious it is! He's definitely becoming more conscious of what he eats from hearing me talk about it. Slowly but surely, they come around :)
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    My husband is usually very supportive....however lately he has been on a frozen yogurt kick! I do go and if I have calories left will get a VERY small portion of low fat, but usually non fat yogurt! He is satisfied and I don't blow it! sister in law is another story! She is constantly trying to sabotage me! Went to her house Saturday and she had t-bones, twice baked potatoes, grilled portabella's, and wilted lettuce. I shared the t-bone with my husband (he got the most of it), measured out the potatoes (she couldn't believe that), had a spoonful of mushroom, and a spoonful of wilted lettuce! THEN...she brought out the cake (my nieces birthday) and homemade icecream. I had a small sliver of cake, and one scoop of vanilla, and one scoop of strawberry. She tried to add more ice cream to my bowl, but I wouldn't let her! At least she has finally stopped asking me if I want a cocktail! She knows I won't because of the calories and that I am not that big of a drinker! She did tell my other SIL that she would NEVER let me be thinner than her again! Guess she better hurry it up....cause I am!!
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    It's very difficult, but for a different reason. He's a big meat and potatoes guy, and I am the kind of person who when single would eat cereal for dinner. Maybe scrambled eggs or spaghetti if I was feeling super ambitious. I'm not a vegetarian but I don't like most meats- chicken breasts, pork chops, steak, etc. all taste dry to me. I have the palate of a 5 year old I guess. Anyways, before he and I were both on diets (I am trying to lose weight, he suffers from acid reflux and is cutting out all things acidic or fatty) it was enough of a struggle trying to come up with things we both liked and dinner time was supre stressful. Now that half our staples are out (chili, tacos, pasta, etc), it's even more challenging. Most days we just get takeout- he can get his meat and potatoes, and I'll get a salad. He doesn't mind if we order two different meals, but he's got a real hang-up about making two different meals, even simple ones. No clue why.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    It is difficult....I keep it simple. I make whatever I am going to eat. He either eats it...or he is on his own to get whatever he wants. I quit making two meals. He is a big boy and can feed himself :) If we go out, I make sure we are going someplace where I can get something that I want to eat also.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I modify meals for my husband. I have to keep some things in the house for him to eat as he needs a higher calorie intake. Although I eat rice, often I will make a primary dish and serve my portion over greens while server his over rice with a side of greens. He also realizes that I can't eat like him so he understands that if he has a snack in the middle of the day, I may not have a snack with him.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I have this problem for sure. My fiance can and does eat more than I believed to be humanly possible. For years growing up his family didn't buy anything that wasn't prepackaged or processed. Because of this he doesn't really know what is or is not healthy. I have seen that man put away an entire package of spaghetti noodles and Alfredo sauce by himself. In one sitting. He thought he was being healthy becuase it wasn't a frozen dinner, or a greasy burger. He also drinks soda like water, usually 2 Pepsis a day. It is hard for me to be around all the food he brings home. Not only do I want to indulge but I worry about his health in the future. My solution so far is to hide healthy stuff in out dinners. slowly but surely
  • barfleurjo
    I don't find it hard to eat heathily with my boyfriend. He's pretty fit, does archery and diving as his hobbies. He does have a big appetite though so I find myself cooking extra to make sure he has enough and then I end up putting more than I need on my own plate too. It's sharing a bottle of wine that's the problem. It sounds anal but I've actually measured on my wineglasses where a 175ml and 200ml amount would be so I can pour out the wine accordingly. I drink slower than him and then he usually ends up finishing the bottle. Probably not good for him but we'll address that issue another time!