No More Excuses - Week One



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    My name is Tammy. I just joined MFP and would like to join your group. My weight has gone up and down all my life. I started my first diet around age 14 and now I'm 38. I lost about 50 pounds with Weight Watchers 2 years ago, but I have gained 20 of it back. I am trying to get back on track before I gain it all back. I currently weigh 184 pounds and would like to weigh 150. MFP says I should eat 1,500 calories a day. I try to do some exercise every day. I am trying the Couch to 5K program. I have never been a runner but a friend from high school did it and is now running 5 K's regularly. I am excited to have a group to chat with. Maybe it will help me stay on track. This is my first support group so I'm not sure if there is anything I need to be doing. I'll keep a check on the message board.

  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    We could do a "weigh" in on Sunday and start the 1% challenge there!

    We can also do fitness challenges like 20 push ups for three out of 7 days... or something of that nature.

    What does everyone think?
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Welcome, TNTPete and Tammy.

    I think this should be our weigh in week and start the 1% challenge for next week. I also love the idea of some sort of physical challenge to go along with that.

    I would be happy to have everybody send their weight to me and I will put it in a chart. I will figure it out or if somebody else wants the job, I don't want to step on toes. :smile:
  • amaline
    Weigh in Sunday and starting the challenge then suits me. I currently weigh 80kg (176 pounds, sorry but I think in Metric) so would have to lose 0.8kg or 1.7pounds. My goal is 1pound a week but I am willing to work extra hard next week to try and make it!

    Amanda: thanks for offering to tally :smile:

    TNT: Push up challenge sounds good. I know some people find them hard so we could make it any kind of pushups - full, knee or wall ones depending on where people are at. I think I could just squeeze out 20 knee ones :laugh:

    Tammy I just started Couch 2 5 km too! How are you finding it? I have never been a runner either but am actually looking forward to W1D3 tomorrow!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I just rode my exercise bike with the arm handles for 10 minutes and burned 85 calories. Not impressive overall, but it is a start to get my butt back in gear and I will be happy with it. I will also go for a walk today since I enjoy that a whole lot more.

    Have a great Friday No More Excuses Team member.

    I also want to add that this name has already helped me because about 5 minutes on the bike I wanted to quit but remembering the team name I finish the time I decided I would do.
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Great job, Amanda! :wink:
    And thanks for offering to keep track of our weight and losses!
    The 1 % and push up challenge sounds great!

    No More Excuses!!
  • amaline
    I just rode my exercise bike with the arm handles for 10 minutes and burned 85 calories. Not impressive overall, but it is a start to get my butt back in gear and I will be happy with it. I will also go for a walk today since I enjoy that a whole lot more.

    Have a great Friday No More Excuses Team member.

    I also want to add that this name has already helped me because about 5 minutes on the bike I wanted to quit but remembering the team name I finish the time I decided I would do.

    Yay Amanda! Great stuff!! Every little bit helps

    I love our team name too :bigsmile:
  • tigermom79
    Hi All; I got a little behind the eight ball yesterday in not responding but here I am!!!! :tongue:

    I am Ann, a 48 yr old working mother of 5. Our kids are Eric 28, who is an airline pilot, Tom 27, works for Safeway, Rita, 23 is in numerous pageants and married to an "army man", Colby, 19 in college, and Trevor, 13 who is a very active 8th grader! All of our kids have had us chasing them in sports (football, basketball, and track), music both vocal and instrumental, knowlege bowl, drama, student council activities as well as NHS and NJHS activites. Needless to say I don't have a whole lot of free time but I do manage to work in my love of baton twirling. I am an active coach and judge for the United States Twirling Association and love the sport. I used to have a team of 30 girls but because of my kids' schedules had to cut way back but still have weekly lessons and competitions 4 times a year.

    My husband and I love to do anything outdoors. He has a Softail that we love to ride.

    I am the General Manager for a water augmentation group here in the Arkansas basin of South East Colorado.

    Enough about that.....I have been a life member with WW but have managed to gain everything I lost. This is my quest....."get it off and keep it off". I am on 1200 calories a day and try to work out 3 times a week. I have found simply cutting down on snacks and eating smaller portions is the best thing that helps me. I LOVE cheese but yet it is the one thing I think I really need to watch. The 2% works well for me but I still like the other as well.

    I always liked the "accountability factor" of WW. That is what I need the most in order to keep me going. Writing down everything that goes in my mouth helps be as well.

    I'm really looking forward to being in the group so that we can all support each other!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, we are glad you are here, it does sound like you have been very busy. Baton Twirling, I used to play with one as a child but never got very successful with it. Good for you. My son is also in 8th grade, I started him in K at 6 so he is a year older but same grade. :wink:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    So send me your weights on Sunday morning and I will post them Sunday afternoon after I get home from church and feed the family. It will be fun, thanks!
  • andreaxmariexvnv
    HEY EVERYONE IM BACK! haha... I started the group and sort of disappeared because I've been so busy this week. Great to see so many members :). Anyways, I'm Andrea... I live in New York, I am a former plus size model, and I'm studying early childhood special education. Before I began modeling, I lost 50lbs, and since then I've gained it all back and then some. Then I yo-yo dieted for some time, and packed on more weight after I broke my leg in half. I have a metal plate in there now, and it took 7 months to start walking normally. Therefore, sitting constantly and eating took a toll on my body and I now have an ulcer on top of everything. I am ready for a change, and I'm so glad we have started this support system. I weigh 226 at the moment and my goal weight is 150. I wish you all the best of luck, and remember.. if you slip just get right back on your feet. We're all here to help each other, no one will judge you :wink:


    Andrea Marie
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Andrea, it is great to learn more about you, thanks for starting this group! :flowerforyou:
  • yvonneh
    HI everyone! I was away from the computer for a couple of days, but I'm happy to come back and see so many people joining. I was a little wary of Sunday morning weigh-ins, but as others have said, it will help keep me honest.

    My name is Yvonne. Believe it or not, I started with my first diet when I was 11. My whole family has struggled with it. I'm 36 and married. My weight has gone up and down my whole life. The highest was 211 when I was 21, then I lost 70 over two years. Since then, I've always seemed to struggle with 10-15 pounds, but in the last two years since getting married, I've gained more. I think the food log and this support group are really going to help, and the name is perfect for the place I'm in! No More Excuses.

    I'm at about 1450 calories a day, but on days I exercise a lot, MFP says I need to eat 2000 or more. That seems like a lot, so I'm going to experiment and see what happens if I keep it a little under. I get bored with the same routine, so I try to mix up exercise. I've started taking about 2 minutes every hour at work to go walk up and down the stairs at work. It's small, but by the end of the day, it really adds up. I have four dogs, so try to walk them everyday, plus mix in swiming or kayaking once a week. I live in Florida, so kayaking at the coast is a great option on the weekends.

    I'm so excited about having a support group! I've avoided it in the past, thinking I could hold myself accountable, but reading what others have written has already made me more motivated. Great for all of us for taking initiative to change!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I am actually enjoying it. I never thought I would. I am on W4D2. When I first started, the minute of jogging just about killed me. It gets better each time. Hopefully I can stick it out. I would like to run a 5K in the spring.
  • littlebigbird
    Found you all!! :tongue: A very good evening from dark, damp London. Eesh - who'd live in London in the winter?!

    Anyway - let me introduce myself. I'm Alison, I'm 47 and I'm an adult ESOL teacher, which means I teach English to people who've settled in the UK and haven't quite mastered the lingo yet. I live with my hubby and 2 gorgeous daughters (18 and almost 16).

    I've been overweight all of my life, and like Yvonne I was first put on diets when I was still at primary school. I finally decided enough was enough back in the spring and have so far managed to lose a little over 3 stone and 4 pounds (sorry - 43 pounds/21kg for people who work that way!!) I started off so motivated but have recently been struggling to stick to my 1250 cals a day, and I can't remember the last time I didn't eat back all of my exercise calories.

    I do an aerobic step routine 3 or 4 times a week for 30-40 mins and we've just invested in a treadmill, so watch this space . . .

    I'm so pleased to have joined this group and will definitely weigh-in on Sunday morning. I think I'm currently 11st 4lb (158) and my ultimate goal is 8st 12lb (124). I've never been that light so I can't imagine what I'll look/feel llike at that weight.

    I'll do my best to lose 1%, which for me will be a pound and a half. I've never done a press-up in my life but I'll give wall ones a go and see how I get on!
  • Angel1029
    Weigh in's and challenges are good for me.
  • Naokoheart
    Hello everyone,
    my name is Georgina but feel free to call me Gina,
    & my current weight is 197lbs but it usually fluctuates between 196 and 200lbs
    which is annoying me,as I want to get out of the 190s asap....

    I started officially losing weight during the last few days of May 2009,
    and sort of went from there,without exercising I just watched what I ate and stopped drinking
    alcohol and it just started to fall off.

    My goal is to get down to 150lb/10 & a 1/2 stone.

    My calories are set to 1800 a day,
    which yes I struggle to keep within as I love to eat,
    and I often exercise on top so I earn sometimes up to 3000 cals a day....

    I exercise between 5-6 times a week for roughly between 50 and 120 minutes a day
    for the moment my exercise regime has slowed down since I've
    fallen ill with the flu,I only managed 3 sessions this week. =/

    I have a mini obsession with the treadmill at the moment, if my university schedule gives me spare time in the morning I try doing running intervals for about 30 minutes in the morning at my women's gym,and then I attend one of my student gyms exercise classes such as aerobics or kick-boxing.

    I am also part of my universities football and basketball teams to add some
    excitement to my workouts,and its much more fun exercising in a group,
    without really thinking about it,whilst competing in the sport.

    I'm sick of all my wobbly areas and not being able to wear popular fashion
    garments,so now I am busting out and determined to get down to a healthy size!

    I would like to join this group,please!

    @littlebigbird/Alison: Ahaha I was born in London,my parents live there aswell! ;D
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I just back from a hour walk with some steep hills, burnt 300 calories. Forced myself to do it, suffering from caffiene withdrawal headache. I am trying to quit drinking coke again, none so far today.

    We are getting lots of members which is awesome. I want to remind everybody to please send your name and starting weight before or Sunday morning so I can post it. Thanks!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    It's great to have everyone so pumped up about exercise! I just finished 10 minutes on the elliptical. Heading outside to walk/run the dog for 30 minutes and plan to do pilates for 20 minutes! Stay strong this weekend, guys! We can do it!!:wink:
    A big WELCOME to all of those who joined after I last posted.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I am actually enjoying it. I never thought I would. I am on W4D2. When I first started, the minute of jogging just about killed me. It gets better each time. Hopefully I can stick it out. I would like to run a 5K in the spring.

    Just to give you a push -- I started witht the program and I have now run two half-marathons (not all the time) and have long run days and short days... it feels wonderful to run after you get past the first few weeks. Not to say you won't have bad days and good days but, it is a personal challenge you can always restart, mix around and keep pushing yourself! Good luck -- oh and I have to say you're a runner not a jogger and that is empowering!! :happy:

    Team -- I am game for anything we want to try to do as a challenge! Think outside the box and keep mixing it up -- we will all succeed!!