No More Excuses - Week One



  • yvonneh

    If you have a cup or two of green tea, it might help with the caffeine headache. It worked for me!
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello all!

    I love the name of this group! It really caught my attention. It's also fitting because this Monday I'll be attending Dr. Wayne Dyer's lecture Excuses Begone! in Boston!

    I joined MFP in July and was very successful at first. Then I hit a plataue and the weather got colder, increasing my cravings and I have been feeling so frustrated with myself that I've been eating terribly. I don't know why I haven't packed back on the pounds but I should have. But enough of this negative thinking! I am back in the game and ready to start losing more weight.

    I have recently decided to give my notice at the gym I attend to make room in my life ( and wallet ) for yoga. I am going to school to be a Pre-school teacher and I also envision myself leading yoga classes for children! So I have the challenge of finding new ways to burn calories and build strength at home.

    I'm 35, married with 2 children ages 11 and 15. I am currently hovering at 154. My ultimate goal is to get down around 130 or size 6 which ever comes first. My mini goal for now is just to see the scale start moving again!

    I'll have to read through when I have more time. I know we are weighing in tomorrow but the detail I haven't figured out yet.!

    Thank You and I'm so excited to be apart of your group!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Yvonneh, I made it through the day but I have to admit it was with some tynoel and lots of naps. I slept more than I have for a long while, it must be because I had no caffiene in my body.

    11Kimberly11, we are weighing in on Sunday, tomorrow will be our start. We will have challenges through-out the week, I believe this one is 20 push-ups per day, but I could be wrong. Any sort of push-ups, on the wall, on your knees or regular push-ups.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Just did 10 minutes on the bike machine, it is really old, got it at a yardsale for like $1.50 or some super low price. The seat moves on it and you can't adjust the seat height. Makes it interesting. Anyway today in the ten minutes I burnt 9 more calories in the same amount of time as yesterday, very small progress but it is progress. :smile:
  • Samantha1987
    Just checking in, intense work out today.

    I think because my age (22) and the amount of weight I have to loose the trainer is doing it aggressively, which is good for results, but it's tough.

    The thing, I always try to push for in my workouts is finishing strong.

    Does anyone else stick with a phrase when it's starts getting tough, that you keep repeating in your head? lol

    I'll be working out next to my mom, and I can hear her say to herself, "Come on fat b*tch, work that *kitten*, loose that *kitten*." haha

    I keep mine in, today "Pain is weakness leaving the body," kept me going.

    Amanda - yeah, you're going through caffeine withdrawals. When I first got off sodas, I literally would have a migraine for like 24 hours straight. I can't really remember the last time I had a soda (which is pretty amazing, considering I used to drink more than a couple a day), we don't buy them anymore (months+), once in a blue moon when we go out and eat in restaurant, I'll splurge and get one.

    Yvonne is def right, go for tea, any kind of tea. Iced tea is great. :drinker: The $20 we spent on our iced tea maker was the best investment yet. It WILL help the caffeine withdrawal.

    It's good seeing everyone is getting a head start for the week.

    Main thing is ANY movement is good, watch those cals and keep it up everyone!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    The thing that makes me so mad it that I am a die-hard coke drinker, like 5 or 6 a day. I quit drinking last January and manage to go three months without any and then in April start right back up again. I don't know why I do this to myself, I do so good for so long and then just fall off the wagon hard and lay there for a long time. :grumble:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Samantha - good job on the intense work-out. I am going walking with my mom and my friend this afternoon again. I don't really have a phrase but when I am walking and want to quit I I keep counting over and over to four in my head, Dont ask me why, I have no idea. I also picture Jillian Michaels screaming out me in my head when I am on that stupid bike.
  • littlebigbird
    Just waving hello to you all before going out for the evening. I did 40 minutes on the treadmill yesterday evening and was a little puddle by the time I finished - and that was just walking pretty quickly on an decent incline - no running. I sense I have a long way to go before I can claim to be "fit" :laugh:

    I've been very good so far today, and we're going to a Turkish restaurant this evening so I'll be able to have grilled chicken and salad. I'll just have to look the yummy freshly baked bread straight in the eye and tell it it'll have to wait until I reach my goal!!

    See you all at weigh-in tomorrow. Have a great evening xx
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Littlebigbird, enjoy your diinner out. It sounds wonderful!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good day. I had Cracker Barrell for lunch and ate the kid's meal and avoided dessert, which is a hard thing for me to do. I love sweets!! I am looking for some good running shoes that won't bankrupt me. Any suggestions?
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Happy Saturday Everyone!
    Just got home from doing yardwork at my dad's house. He and my stepmom are gone to Texas for a week, so my sisters and I did some gardening for them as a surprise. I was at it for about 6 hours today. I am beat!! :yawn:
    I haven't even touched my house or my lesson plans. It seems that the weekend always flies by.
    Still have to go walk the dog. That is the best incentive to me...Looking in her big brown eyes...I can't say no even if I'm tired!
    Tammy - great willpower! I love my Adidas - they have a lot of support and help my flat feet not ache so much. I got them on sale. I usually just hit the sales walls or outlet malls.
    See you tomorrow at weigh in! Have a great night guys.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good day. I had Cracker Barrell for lunch and ate the kid's meal and avoided dessert, which is a hard thing for me to do. I love sweets!! I am looking for some good running shoes that won't bankrupt me. Any suggestions?
    Sorry for barging in, but try this website to find your best fit at a reasonable price:

    It worked great for me, and it's worth the investment to get a good pair that fit well. You can always use the site to find the right pair, and then shop around for the best buy.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Went for my walk with my friend, mom didn't go, we were gone 49 minutes, 300 calories burnt. Happy with that! We are going to watch a fashion show which is a fundraiser for the community, our 9 year old dd is modeling three different outfits in it. Will be fun to watch! :smile:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Thanks for the help. I'll check it out.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    If I'm able to, I would love to join this group, I will weigh in tomorrow morning.

    I am 34 years old, a mother of a 6 year old boy and 4 year old twin girls. Since having my twins I have struggled with my weight and it is so frustrating. I am currently eating 1200 calories/day, weigh 155 (hopefully no more after the bad eating these past few days!!) and would like to lost 10 pounds by Christmas.

    I play soccer once/week and am going to be more consistent and go to the gym 4 times/week.

    Any type of challenge will work for me!

  • Angel1029
    Hey everyone!!! Hope you all had a good day. I jump roped for 15 minutes and burned 169 calories. I was sweating like a pig too but I felt good that I at least did something. Not bad!
  • tigermom79
    Hey all! Hope your week-end is going well! Our family is going through a very trying time as my husband is having to undergo some extensive tests. We are praying for the best!

    Anyway....I am doing really well with not eating because I'm stressed. Instead, I am finding other things to occupy my time!

    Spent my time on the treadmill and made me feel a whole lot better! Maybe I will just walk all day!! HA HA HA HA!!!

    I'm anxious to weigh in in the morning and see how I've done. This group is going to be soo.....good for me!

    Talk to you in the morning!
  • tigermom79
    The thing that makes me so mad it that I am a die-hard coke drinker, like 5 or 6 a day. I quit drinking last January and manage to go three months without any and then in April start right back up again. I don't know why I do this to myself, I do so good for so long and then just fall off the wagon hard and lay there for a long time. :grumble:

    Amanda I don't think you are alone on this! I myself am not a coke drinker. I will drink diet anytime I have soda but I much prefer tea so can't relate to that but I can when it comes to sweets. I do well for a while and then kerplunk.....there I go!!! We just need to pull ourselves up and keep on going! Good luck!
  • seh630
    seh630 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone: I just signed on to this sight today and found your thread. Is it too late to join? I'm a 44 year old Mom of two wonderful boys (13 and 14). I was a stay at home Mom for 13 years and started back at work three years ago. With that I've gained 12 pounds and feel awful. I was very active prior to working. I walked three time a week and did yoga 4 times a week. That has all been put on the back burner since I have little time for myself.

    I feel bad saying this but I never had a weight problem and so I don't know much about counting calories and dieting. I thought this was a good place to start and my girlfirend turned me on to this site. So I'm ready to make a commitment to me by eating healthy and exercising more frequently.

    So tomorrow I will weigh in and I have a goal to lose 10 pounds by March 15th just in time for Spring Break and our trip to Disney. Is this unreasonable? Any words of wisdom will be helpful. I need to figure out some low calorie meals so I'm off to read read read all the information on this site.

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Kim and Susan, welcome to the group, glad you joined us! You are most welcome here! :flowerforyou: Send me your weights tomorrow morning and you will be on the list!

    Just got back from the fashion show and it was beautiful. Each table had a plate of cookies on it and I wasn't even tempted. I thought I could eat just one, but for me one leads to two and three and so I just said no thanks and drank my water. As a bragging mommy my daughter was beautiful in all three outfits.

    This is day 2 with no caffiene or pop again!!!! :happy: