Roommate Horror Stories

penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
I thought it might be fun to share some bad roommate stories.

Mine is pretty mild. When my roommate and I lived together we got along fairly well. She was a really sweet lady and although we had vastly different personalities I thought we were doing just fine. Recently she married and moved out. I kept her things in my house for months after she moved out but eventually started pressuring her to take her stuff (six months on and she STILL has some of her stuff in my storage shed but I gave up on trying to get her to take it - she knows where it is if she ever decides to pick it up).

I didn't charge her for her last month's rent - that was kind of my wedding gift to her. May seem cheap but rent is expensive and I thought it would help them with finances.

After she moved out I guess she decided to go around bad mouthing me to anyone who would listen. It's been six months but now I'm finally starting to feel the results of her smear tactics.

I've had a few concerned friends approach me to tell me about her smear campaign and some people whom I know are good friends of hers but were also friends with me have now cut me out of their life without any warning or explanation. I honestly don't know what she's telling them (my friends wouldn't tell me. They just said: She's saying some really horrible things you know?) but people are buying it!

All in all it's mildly irritating but not the end of the world.

That said! Ever had a really bizarre, terrible and/or just plain bad roommate? Why not share the story?!


  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I was going on vacation over the time that rent was due, so I post dated a check for my roommate. Told her DO NOT CASH THIS UNTIL RENT IS DUE. She agreed.

    I went on vacation.

    Card declined.

    Checked my bank account. She had cashed the check 2 days early. Her excuse? "When I normally cash a check, it takes 2 days to clear! I didn't think it would go so fast!" She cost me $300+ in bounced fees, I ended up having to close the account because I would be having overdraft fees for months, new checks etc.... it was a nightmare.

    She did end up reimbursing me for the overdraft fees, but that was like pulling teeth. She honestly thought that the bank had an error.
  • PattieCakes23
    Oh, let me just talk about mine. I've had some BAD ones.

    First one, we didn't know each other. We were fine at first, but then she decided to throw a birthday party for one of her friends. I told her I didn't mind, I got free cake from it, why would I care. Well, that party turned into a MALE STRIPPER in the apartment. Normally I would mind, but he wasn't good and he brought friends. Friends that wanted to smoke substances...
    Then after a noisy attempt to kick the stripper out, the birthday girl proceeds to throw up ALL OVER the apartment. And while this happens, all her friends run out screaming "eww" Leaving me to clean it up because I was not about to smell that!

    Oh, and she stopped paying rent. Which got us evicted, which is now on my credit, which has caused a TON of crap for me now.

    Second one, she was fine to begin with. Very nice, we split everything down the middle. Then suddenly, when I told her I would be 2 days late on $50 of the $500 rent, she went crazy. She said that I owed her money for groceries and cleaning supplies that I never used/ate. Then she started adding more to it for random late fees that didn't exist. She then said "Be out by Friday" and due me not being on her lease (I was subletting), I was then homeless.

    Oh my life. haha. I now live with my best friend and things are great, and I'm planning on moving out on my own around March.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    not me, but my older brother... freshman at college, as was his roommate but the roommate was 28. when asked what he has been doing since 18, he said he was "just busy." there were two or three girls murdered while out jogging over the period of about a month on and around the campus. after a while of no arrest, the cops release the sketch of the suspect, based on eye witness account of one girl who escaped. well, it looks exactly like my brother's roommate. during the first night after the sketch as released, other people in the dorm slid copies of it under the door for my brother and his roommate to see. morning comes, there are like 50 sketches under the door. my brother wakes up to find his roommate leaving and asks where is he going? out, roommate says. comes back around lunch with his long blond hair now dyed black and cut in a crew cut and his lengthy beard completely shaved off. never says anything about it to my brother. after some phone calls home, my brother calls the police. my parents call the university and my brother has a new roommate within two days. never really sure what happened after that.

    the guy also slept in his work boots. pretty weird.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I had one that would have nearly everything in plastic walmart bags... we were bunking in the same room... now when I am half asleep (or awake) the most annoying noise on the planet is the crinkling of plastic bags... I wanted to slap into last week...

    My first real college roommate, though, was just dumber than a box of rocks... and judgemental... and she would always complain that I watched too many sitcoms... which was dumb... oh well, she moved out the next semester to room with her bestie and I had a dorm room almost all to myself (except when I had to share for a few weeks with a Japanese girl who was in an English language emersion program)... They were all pretty mild... though some annoyed me more than others...
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    **before cell phones
    I went out of town for 3 days, my roommate told my boss and my fiance I moved to California and wasn't coming back.
    I was an hour away for a few days doing some editing for my boss.

    lost my job, fiance, and room all in one way. WTF.
  • LilMissSunshine_
    I had a roomate that would have random "friends" over and be so loud that the neighbors would complain to the landlord. She also wore everything in my closet. If I had my clothes laid out on my bed for after work to go out, I would come home and they would be gone. The ***** would wear my outfit out. Plus she was a tad bigger than me, so half the time she would stretch out my new tops.

    She also decided to burn my decorative candles one night on her romantic randevous nights. She got to doing the damn thing and forgot to blow them out. I came home to red candles melted all over our off white carpet. Not only that a month later and she still hadnt cleaned it up. Guess who got to spend 4 hrs cleaning that **** up.

    She had a 3 year old and asked me to watch her for a few hours so she could go meet a girlfriend for a few drinks. I woke up to go to work and she still wasnt home. I ened up being two hours late for work.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oh, let me just talk about mine. I've had some BAD ones.

    First one, we didn't know each other. We were fine at first, but then she decided to throw a birthday party for one of her friends. I told her I didn't mind, I got free cake from it, why would I care. Well, that party turned into a MALE STRIPPER in the apartment. Normally I would mind, but he wasn't good and he brought friends. Friends that wanted to smoke substances...
    Then after a noisy attempt to kick the stripper out, the birthday girl proceeds to throw up ALL OVER the apartment. And while this happens, all her friends run out screaming "eww" Leaving me to clean it up because I was not about to smell that!

    Oh that reminds me of some roommates we (a friend and I) ALMOST had... my friend and I were going to move into these apartments that leased by the room (to avoid eviction situations like what you had).. well since there were only two of us and the apartment complex like to have all the rooms full, we were roommate "matched". Now this isn't typically a problem... but they matched us with a couple of girls that were 18 who listed their hobbies as "tanning and drinking"... which again, might not have been a problem if my friend and I weren't over 21 and they were 18.... anyway, they moved into the apartment below us and I always had to call the cops on them for super loud parties after 2 am (bass bumping and all), the smell of pot nearly every night... all that jazz... We got into arguments after a while... It was a good thing I told the apartment complex to not put them with us... I may have killed them.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I have the MESSIEST roommate ever!!!!

    But I guess I'll just have to put up with it since I'm married to him.:wink:
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I have the MESSIEST roommate ever!!!!

    But I guess I'll just have to put up with it since I'm married to him.:wink:

    :laugh: I know that one.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have the MESSIEST roommate ever!!!!

    But I guess I'll just have to put up with it since I'm married to him.:wink:

    Ah! My roommate was a clutter bug. I always knew where she'd been in the house because she would leave PILES of wrappers and junk in her wake. She was also the laziest person I've ever met. Would NOT walk TWO STEPS to put something in the garbage and would instead just leave it on the counter. HAHAHAHA. And she used to call me messy because I would leave washing the dishes for a day or two instead of doing them right away.

    Really? Pot. Kettle. We're both burnt here.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I had a roommate once who was a complete and utter pig, barely worked, spent what money he had on bowling, and was addicted to porn.

    The only good thing I got from his was sperm......and my son.
  • HannahsBestLife
    HannahsBestLife Posts: 209 Member
    I move in with a girl who had advertised a room online, It was fine to start with but then she got SUPER possesive of me, ONe night I drunk to much and decided to crash on my mates couch and woke up with like 35 missed calls and about 50 texts from her asking where I was, When I got home she went nuts and said she dosn't like to sleep in a house alone and that I have to stay there every night.. Then she stole all my mates numbers off my phone and started texting them trying to be friends with them to and she would follow me everywhere lol.. I'd go to town or something and would see her following me around trying to be stealth.. Or one time I went to the beach 2hours away with some mates and she followed me in her car lol..
    Anyway I moved out and she went crazy so I ended up getting a restraining order on her...
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I move in with a girl who had advertised a room online, It was fine to start with but then she got SUPER possesive of me, ONe night I drunk to much and decided to crash on my mates couch and woke up with like 35 missed calls and about 50 texts from her asking where I was, When I got home she went nuts and said she dosn't like to sleep in a house alone and that I have to stay there every night.. Then she stole all my mates numbers off my phone and started texting them trying to be friends with them to and she would follow me everywhere lol.. I'd go to town or something and would see her following me around trying to be stealth.. Or one time I went to the beach 2hours away with some mates and she followed me in her car lol..
    Anyway I moved out and she went crazy so I ended up getting a restraining order on her...

    Wow, a la Fatal Attraction.
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I have many roommate horror stories!

    The worst experience was when I bought my house and my best friend moved in. She complained endlessly about the house (which really hurt my feelings as someone who just busted my a** to buy it). If I had clothes in the washer or dryer she would dump them onto the floor and do her own laundry. She never did anything just moped around the house until I got home and then followed me around as I cleaned (which she never did) and took care of my dog.
    I charged her a very cheap price for rent as she was a full-time student and said that she was going through a hard time financially. I ended up getting a second job to make ends meet. I found out that she had inherited 100,000 dollars. It just really broke my heart to be taken advantage of by a friend.
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I move in with a girl who had advertised a room online, It was fine to start with but then she got SUPER possesive of me, ONe night I drunk to much and decided to crash on my mates couch and woke up with like 35 missed calls and about 50 texts from her asking where I was, When I got home she went nuts and said she dosn't like to sleep in a house alone and that I have to stay there every night.. Then she stole all my mates numbers off my phone and started texting them trying to be friends with them to and she would follow me everywhere lol.. I'd go to town or something and would see her following me around trying to be stealth.. Or one time I went to the beach 2hours away with some mates and she followed me in her car lol..
    Anyway I moved out and she went crazy so I ended up getting a restraining order on her...

    Holy crap!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My first room mate in college was a 300+lb black chick. She would wake me up drunk every weekend and she ate my food. I was too scared to say anything to her though! My second room mate in college was cool but our suite mates liked to have random sex even though they had boyfriends back home so we constantly heard their beds knocking against our wall. It was disturbing.

    But the real kicker was my room mate when I moved on my own to Ohio. She was a spoiled brat. Her dad bought her everything. She had Coach everything and her Thanksgiving vacation was shopping on 5th Avenue in New York. It was a 1 bedroom apartment and I lived in the living room.

    Well, she started dating a Japanese guy and they would speak in Japanese to each other all of the time. What they didn't know is that my husband speaks Japanese. They were talking about us and how I was a **** room mate even though I cleaned EVERYTHING and she'd leave dirty dishes in the sink for WEEKS...never cleaned, left old take out in the fridge (it was usually sushi and I'm allergic to fish)! I also had to clean all her hair out of the bathroom so everything wouldn't get clogged up. Well, one day the guy came over and my husband was there (we were just dating at the time) and he answered the door. The guy said, "Hi." was about to go to her room and then my husband said to him in Japanese that we understand everything they say. The guy didn't go back over until I moved out three weeks later.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    In college, I got a new roommate. People would say "Hi Katie" and she would say "That's not me, she's my twin" However, she wore a coat with the name Katie on it. She had no pictures of this twin. Her twin never visited, called, etc. Turns out there was no twin, she had gone to the school previously and had a bad reputation and didn't want people to know it was her. She was a little strange.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    I lived in a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 people. Most of my roommates throughout the years I was there were just fine, but one was a bit of a partyer. Anyway...

    One night I wake up only to find him in my room. Sleepwalking (or maybe drunk). And naked. I call out his name and he wakes up only somewhat from his stupor, at which point he picks up a plastic bag that was near-by to cover his private-parts. The thing was - the bag was clear. So I bring this to his attention and he randomly picks up something else and just sort of stands there. Finally, I'm able to redirect him to his own bedroom.

    The next morning he reluctantly asks me about the foggy memories he hoped were only a dream. Alas, they were not part of a dream.

    On the bright side, he was a good looking guy with a nice body. :blushing: And I have a great story that I share on occasion.

    *** My story isn't really "horror story" material (I have some of those too), but it the roommate story I most like to tell :-)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Sheesh! Some of you guys' stories scared the crap out of me!

    Mines wasn't so bad in comparison. She was a bit on the messy side and was a little unstable. I chalked it up to her being about 18 or so, though I feel that was just my way or coping with her. We stayed in a dorm together and shared a community bath with maybe 6 or 7 other girls. She would constantly leave her mess in the bathroom (i.e. a tampon on the ground or blood on/IN the toilet, unflushed..a little TMI. Sorry y'all) and for some reason, the neighbors thought I was the person to talk to about this.

    She had a boyfriend who lived on campus also and the two were constantly arguing over the dumbest **** ever. One evening after visiting the library, I come into my room to find glass smashed all over the floor in the room. Apparently they'd gotten into such an argument that she threw picture frames and THEN called him with a basketful of his items and threatened to set fire to all his things. This argument got us both written up for being incredibly loud (we always got written up because of her yelling when on the phone). And aside from her leaving food out for days because the MINI-fridge couldn't hold half the large **** she bought, she was incredibly religious and was always trying to force her ways onto me.

    We are still friends thankfully, just not roomies.
  • rininger85
    rininger85 Posts: 131
    when I got my first apartment I lived there by myself for about a year and a half... then I started working on buying a house so I tried getting out of the last 6 months of my lease and the apartment complex wouldn't work with me, so I subletted the apartment to a guy I had gone to highschool with and his roommate he had been living with at the time moved in too... I lived with them for about the last month before I bought my house and the guy I went to school with I found out didn't have a job, other than selling drugs and his roommate that moved into the basement of my townhouse worked at a restaurant, they would have parties like every night with people over drinking and smoke pot while I was trying to sleep since I worked every day of the week and had to be up early in the morning to go to work...

    So fast forward about 3 to 4 weeks and the two of them got in a fight over something and the one that actually had a job moved out... he had at least paid me some money for rent before hand.... then I move in to my new house and the guy I went to school with was still living in the apartment so he moved a guy and girl in with him. I started hanging out with them even though all they ever really did was drink and smoke pot as well, but at least I didn't have to deal with it during the week so hanging out on the weekends was alright... then about a month later we all headed up to my cabin for the weekend and were drinking up there at a party we went to and everyone got in a fight so me and the guy and girl that had moved in drove back home while the guy I went to school with stayed up there... never got any money from him so I ended up kicking him out of the apartment, but not until after he busted the door in after I changed the locks on him, police got called and he eventually got out of there.

    Then a couple more months pass and I started dating the girl that had moved in to the apartment and another guy moved in with her and the other guy... long story short that went bad and I had never got any money from either of them living in the apartment so I kicked them out and they broke back in and destroyed the place, busted down doors, busted up all of the drywall, wrote all over the mirrors... I started fixing the drywall and they broke in and busted it up again so I finally said enough is enough and turned the keys in and walked away from the apartment... about a year later I got sued by the apartment complex for about $3500 worth of damages and they garnished my wages for the next year to pay for it... it was tough living on about 50% of my income for a year to pay off the garnishment and in the end I ended up losing my house because I couldn't make the payments on it when half of my income was paying for damages that I didn't do to the previous apartment...