Roommate Horror Stories



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    when I got my first apartment I lived there by myself for about a year and a half... then I started working on buying a house so I tried getting out of the last 6 months of my lease and the apartment complex wouldn't work with me, so I subletted the apartment to a guy I had gone to highschool with and his roommate he had been living with at the time moved in too... I lived with them for about the last month before I bought my house and the guy I went to school with I found out didn't have a job, other than selling drugs and his roommate that moved into the basement of my townhouse worked at a restaurant, they would have parties like every night with people over drinking and smoke pot while I was trying to sleep since I worked every day of the week and had to be up early in the morning to go to work...

    So fast forward about 3 to 4 weeks and the two of them got in a fight over something and the one that actually had a job moved out... he had at least paid me some money for rent before hand.... then I move in to my new house and the guy I went to school with was still living in the apartment so he moved a guy and girl in with him. I started hanging out with them even though all they ever really did was drink and smoke pot as well, but at least I didn't have to deal with it during the week so hanging out on the weekends was alright... then about a month later we all headed up to my cabin for the weekend and were drinking up there at a party we went to and everyone got in a fight so me and the guy and girl that had moved in drove back home while the guy I went to school with stayed up there... never got any money from him so I ended up kicking him out of the apartment, but not until after he busted the door in after I changed the locks on him, police got called and he eventually got out of there.

    Then a couple more months pass and I started dating the girl that had moved in to the apartment and another guy moved in with her and the other guy... long story short that went bad and I had never got any money from either of them living in the apartment so I kicked them out and they broke back in and destroyed the place, busted down doors, busted up all of the drywall, wrote all over the mirrors... I started fixing the drywall and they broke in and busted it up again so I finally said enough is enough and turned the keys in and walked away from the apartment... about a year later I got sued by the apartment complex for about $3500 worth of damages and they garnished my wages for the next year to pay for it... it was tough living on about 50% of my income for a year to pay off the garnishment and in the end I ended up losing my house because I couldn't make the payments on it when half of my income was paying for damages that I didn't do to the previous apartment...

    Dude. Ouch. :\
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • MJH5773
    MJH5773 Posts: 70
    My room mate problems aren't anything too dramatic. Probably typical bad room mate stuff.

    I just moved to college into a two bedroom apartment that you paid rent by the room, so if no one was living in the other room you didn't have to pay for it. All expenses included, which was totally sweet. The first guy that moved in was a stranger I didn't know. He seemed friendly enough but didn't make as much of an effort to get to know me like I was trying to get to know him. Whatever no big deal. However I would come home some nights to see him with shirts on hangers hanging from our ceiling fan. He was trying to start his own line of shirts that he could sell. He had a stencil with his company logo with a spray bottle of bleach, which he would spray onto the stencil and get his logo on there. The living room pretty much stunk and I don't know about anybody else but his shirts were just plain hideous. A friend of mine who had started talking to him while I was out running an errand was told that he didn't like the fact that I was home every time he came home, which for some reason he thought was awkward. Thought that was a really weird reason and plus it was my first semester at college so I would study in my room a lot. Luckily after the semester he moved in with some friends of his. Good riddance.

    That summer I didn't have a room mate which was really awesome. A two bedroom apartment all to myself!

    Next semester I move in with one of my friends that I met in college. We would hang out every night and have friends over. It was a good time, but he was just a freaking pig when it came to cleaning up after himself. Dirty dishes and pans would stay in the sink for days on end until I cleaned them up. I told him several times to clean up after himself because it would be really embarrassing. I would have friends or potential girl friends over commenting all the time on how there was a huge pile of dishes in the sink. He cleaned up after himself for like the next day and then it was back to square one. After a year he moved home and I had to move to a different apartment.

    This apartment was a four bedroom apartment which was also pay by the room. Good part about this place was that one bedroom was a handicap room so we would never have anybody in there and it was an open extra bedroom for guests. My room was right next to the living room, which was nice because if I needed to get something out of there while in the living room my room was right there. My first room mates were strangers that I didn't know but they were friends. It was ok at first, but a few problems arose. I would have some music on in my room and they would tell me to turn it down which I obliged. They would be playing Rock Band on the living room TV or playing music with 3 or 4 other friends in there and when I would tell them to turn it down they would for a few minutes and then it was back up again. I kind of let this slide because I figured I should have known what I was getting into with having a room right next to the living room. That was until I noticed some of my groceries were going missing. A loaf of bread, a bag of chips, some soda, and other items were just disappearing. I went grocery shopping one Friday so that I wouldn't have to do it when I got back from going home that weekend. I had a package of boneless skinless chicken breasts in the freezer that I wanted to use for fajitas on Monday night. I open the freezer to see its gone and I get freaking pissed. I confronted the female room mate and asked her which one of them ate my damn chicken breast. I was absolutely positive that I had bought some (still had the receipt) but when I confronted them about it they "didn't have any idea what I was talking about". They ended up moving out and breaking their lease because they said that the apartment kept turning their electricity off and "****ing with them". After I came back to the apartment from another weekend at home I was greeted to an empty apartment which I then proceeded to frolic and dance through in celebration that they were gone.

    My last set of room mates were much more friendly than my last set of room mates. We didn't hang out or anything but were very social with each other when we saw each other. The best part was they loved to play poker, which I am an avid poker player. We would get about 8 or 9 people together for a poker game and it was a blast. My only gripe with them was that they smoked weed in one of the bedrooms and when they did the stench just ran through the entire apartment. I didn't complain about that because I figured I only had one more semester here before I graduated so I knew I could just put up with it for a little while. Plus they were probably the coolest room mates I had since I had been to college.

    Anyways I know that was long. I tend to rant on.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    These stories bring back memories!

    In university I lived with the same people for three years, but in the last year I had a roommate who went a little...strange, shall we say. Actually, I think she was stressed because she was not doing well academically and was trying to live up to an older sibling's achievements. One weekend night, she made a big deal about having to work, and so while the rest of us were taking a break and going to a movie, we asked her to come with us once and then let it go. When we got home, she had put the chain on the apartment door and wouldn't open it. We knocked and knocked and then went to a friend's place and phoned and phoned. Eventually, we called the superintendent of the building who was about to use bolt cutters on the door, when she "woke up" and let us in. Apparently she was mad because we hadn't invited her to go with us. Huh? Can you say attention seeking??

    Come to think of it, I never had a roommate after that. Well...except for DH. And that's another story!
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    I had a roommate once who was a complete and utter pig, barely worked, spent what money he had on bowling, and was addicted to porn.

    Our lodger is like that, but replace the bowling with D&D, WoW and other similar stuff!

    And fortunately not a porn addict

    Just an untidy lazy git who keeps asking to borrow money off me and my GF
  • MissShancey
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    I had a roommate who feel in love with me and when I refused her advances she went psycho and pulled knives on me, and smeared my name so bad that it cost me a job. Another one accused me of stealing her stuff when I moved out, which is the opposite I left her so many things that were actually mine. I had one who who constantly ask me for money and to buy things for the house after she quit her job and then had the nerve to tell people i never paid for anything. I left when her drug addict boyfriend stole money i had given her out of her purse and then blamed me for it. Lived with my sister and her husband. they made me pay half the rent plus treated me horribly.

    I have never had a roommate who didnt end up going psycho on me or **** me over. Even where I live now i get yelled at for everything, and they throw out healthy food i buy for myself so they have room for their crap. I have been saving up for a while to try and move out on my own because honestly i dont trust anyone enough to not **** me over.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Not really a roommate story, but more of a landlord story:

    My sophomore year of college, my father had a disabling stroke and lost his job, so I was in a tight spot financially. Thankfully, the financial aid department at my school helped me to at least pay my tuition, and I also found a job, but I needed cheaper housing. So I signed a lease with a guy who had converted an old frat house into a "Christian dorm." The other students who lived there were really great and we got along really well and had fun, but the landlord/owner was a fundamentalist freak. I'm a Christian myself, but this guy was insane. He had recording devices planted all over the house to make sure we did not violate the "no swearing" rule. Kissing would put you on probation. Sex was grounds for eviction. He also blocked certain cable channels and began monitoring our internet activity daily. We also had weekly meetings where he would scold the girls for dressing scandalously (you know, spaghetti straps in 110 degrees were the work of the devil) and unduly tempting our brothers in Christ. To be an *kitten*, I asked if he could tell the guys in the house to stop wearing suits and using nice smelling cologne, because they were "tempting" At one point, I got so paranoid that he had cameras in our rooms that I had one of the guys in the house check all of my light fixtures. When I complained to him about my moldy window unit smelling bad he said "Oh that smell comes from your breath and how you smell getting trapped in the air filter..." Uh, whaaat?

    I was thankful to him for providing a place to live when I needed it, but I was very happy to move out.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    We weren't living together yet, but the process up to getting a place was a nightmare.

    I had been searching for someone reliable to move in with and went through different sources to find a roommate. I was standing up in a wedding and the maid of honor overheard me talking about needing to find someone to live with. She recommended her sister. We were setting up for the bridal shower, so the sister came to the banquet hall. We talked for a while and were getting along really well. We each addressed some of our concerns to each other but decided that this would work out for the best.

    We tried getting a duplex, which we were denied for. No problem. We kept looking and corresponding with each other daily about places to look at or listings available. I wound up finding this amazing historic apartment in the downtown area. It had all original woodwork, the bedrooms were on opposite sides of the apartment, and it had a 4 seasons room. This thing was AH-MAZ-ING. And downtown?! What more could you ask for.

    I told her about it and she was a bit disinterested. Her big concern was that it didn't have a dishwasher. (Come on, really? You can't be a big girl and wash your bowl and spoon?) But nevertheless, time was coming to and end on her lease and she really wanted to move away from her live-in boyfriend. I talked her into this apartment. It's DOWNTOWN and it's in our price range. We each filled out our application and submitted the fee. I even went out of my way to drive the 20 miles back and forth to drop her application off.

    Because our credit was not so good, the landlord wanted 3x the security up front, coming to $2400. I had my half of the money, so I figured she would as well. We'd been talking for 2 months straight, every single day, constantly about living together. And even though $2400 is a bit high, when you break it down, you've already paid your first and last and you'll get $800 back, so realistically, you're not putting anything down.

    Well, when I told her about what the landlord needed up front, she said "Oh, I only have $200." Excuse me? $200? How the hell did you think you were going to move? A hotel will put a $200 hold on your credit card just to rent a room for the night! Come on, man. $200? She says "Oh I was going to borrow the rest." Ok, if you have to borrow $1000 to move in, you are NOT ready to move out. At all. I was so furious and she couldn't understand why. I told her I was out money because of her and she wasted my time for 2 months straight. She said "Oh well I didn't want the place anyway. It doesn't have a dishwasher."

    So... I got my own place.
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    My sophmore year I was convinced by my best friend who was a bit of a partier (ironically I am not) to get an apartment with her and two of our other friends. She really loved to party and dragged our other two friends along with. I didn't know how much of a partier she was until we were already in the apartment. The problem was that I was the only one of the group who didn't drink so I was constantly DD...and I felt super responsible for them all so I rarely said that I was too busy so one of them would have to be DD. She usually went elsewhere to party but occasionally used our apartment which almost always resulted in noise complaints from our downstairs neighbors. This one time only some fast talking got us out of a $100 apiece fine!

    She also decided it would be a great idea to adopt/take care of a little minature border collie that a kid she was sleeping with owned...We hadn't payed a pet deposit and having the dog without one was going to be another HUGE fine. Probably the thing that made me the most angry about this dog though was that it was a perfectly healthy size at the start of the year and within a month of her feeding it the dog got really fat because she insisted on giving it constant food.

    She also slept around alot...which wouldn't have been so bad because that's none of my business but she lied to me frequently about it. "Oh no, I'm not sleeping with him." Yeah, right. The worst part about that though was I would come back to the apartment from a visit home and there would be random guys hanging out in our apartment. The absolute worst part of this though was that she was insanely jealous of anyone that actually had a steady boyfriend and did all she could to break them up. For example, she insisted that one of our friends cheated on her VERY serious (they're now engaged) boyfriend with the brother of one of her hook-ups. And that another of our friends (not a roommate) was in an unhealthy relationship (they're going on 5 years and one of the cutest couples I've ever seen).

    It was one of those rent by room not by apartment situations, so legally I was the "owner" of my room. Anyway, half way through semester I decided to move out because it was all just getting too much for me and my grades were dropping because of it. I was attempting to find a subletter (and very unsuccessful at it too :sad: ) and couple months or so after I moved out (my room was STILL not subletted) I found out that she was letting one of her guy friends (who she was shockingly NOT sleeping with) squat in my room! And on top of that they broke the lock on the bedroom door to get in. Luckily, through threatening to call the cops and talking to the new, slightly more effective management, I was able to get a month's worth of rent out of the kid.

    Oh! And in the process of her parties at the apartment, most of them when I wasn't there, they broke lots of things in the apartment like the sliding doors in front of the washer and dryer.

    I got my revenge though. Come the end of the lease I got someone from management to come check me out of my room and he was able to see all of the damage she had done and that she had taken down all the smoke alarms...VERY big no-no. :bigsmile: :laugh: Needless to say we aren't friends anymore.
  • MrsLeyva11
    Moved into a college apartment complex, where they 'interview' you and throw you into an apartment where they think you'll fit in.. So I didn't know either of my roommates.

    First night I was there, walked out into the kitchen to find my roommate drunkenly hanging over the sink with her boobs hanging over the top of her dress, a mug of coffee in her hand, and some mystery pan of something smoking on the stove. To this day, we still can't figure out what she was doing.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i moved in with a friend of mine and his mother. everything was all good when he was there. unfortunately he moved in with his girlfriend so i moved into the master bedroom, something his mother wanted to do but could not afford to. we got a roommate soon after and things went down from there. his mom and the new roommate were both devout Christians, and i am a heathen as far as they were concerned. i stuck mostly to my room, but did go out with friends often. being a heathen when i went out i did heathen like activities. they did not approve, and were annoyed that i just really didnt care what they thought. they were both at least 20 years older than me. so they hated me, i didnt care for them, but we were civil.

    we all shared the bills three ways. this was in Sacramento ca in the middle of summer. it was 110* every day. i put on the ac once, just for an hour to cool things down and the mom went freaking berserk. she called me every name, said i was a sinner, that i didnt respect god, that i was going to hell.. blah blah blah. so that laid out the boundaries. i stayed in my room or out and they left me alone. come Christmas i was planning on moving out with in the month. i get a Christmas card from the mom saying: "erin, merry Christmas. i no longer want deal with you and the bills, please go thru nole (the son), kathleen"

    oh and after she went off on me for turning on the ac, i found her tv had been on for over 8 hrs while she was at work. she was a trip. glad to be rid of them!
  • ncotanche
    I have two stories. Made me furious at the time, but now they are kinda funny.

    My Junior year 7 friends rented a house together. Things were rocky but ok. Well summer came, only two of us stay and the other rooms became subletted. The upper floor had three guys from a frat. The lower floor had three girls. One of the girls was having a birthday party and we made it a big deal. That night of the party, also happened to be the night that our house became the summer off campus house for the frat. The party turned into a disaster. They mad a mess playing beer pong, ate all the cake (with their hands), and trashed the house. We left to get away from the disaster and when we came back no guys to be found but their left their mess for us to clean up.

    Last year I transferred to a University closer to home and moved in with two guys whom a close friend recommend. The bathroom situation was a little awkward. There were three bedrooms and one bathroom. However, the bathroom was located between two bedrooms and there was no access to it from a common room. Weird, but what made it horrible was that the roommate who didn't live in an joining bedroom to the bathroom had horrible stomach issues that made he need to use the bathroom all the time. He would just run into my room all the time. Studying, sleeping, changing... didn't matter. He would supposedly knock, but never waited for me to respond. He also kicked me out of the bathroom several times. Pretty frequently when I was in the shower. Awkward. He also could only eat meat, eggs, and some veggies. So our tiny kitchen was constantly over run with dirty dishes from his cooking. Ok, guys will be guys. However I get sick to my stomach when I smell meat cooking and the kitchen constantly had that smell. By the end, I was only eating microwavable meals, changing in my 2 foot by 1 foot closet, and using a shampoo that was also a conditioner and body wash...
  • seamonkey789
    Before my boyfriend moved in, I would rent my second bedroom out, usually to friends, but I rented it out to an exchange student because it was only supposed to be for a year.

    I was vegetarian and this guy literally lived off rotiseree chicken for like 8 months. I couldn't figure out why the bathroom was stinking or why the tub had this grime on it and the drain was always clogged despite me cleaning it all the time.

    I went in the right after him and the bathroom REEKED of chicken, so I ask about it and he's washing his chicken plates IN MY BATHTUB and I had to threaten eviction to get him to use the kitchen sink
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I went to university and my mum was very sick at home.
    i moved into a house in my second year with a friend from home who was on the same course as me - we'd been friends since childhood.

    i stupidly thought she would 'be there for me' in the difficult time of my mother's illness. instead, she made the other girls in the house make fun of me and wouldn't let me eat in the kitchen with them. she stole a cat from a house nearby and made it live in our kitchen (im very allergic to fur).

    On my birthday she dumped a pair of muddy trainers that I had ran with and left out in the porch, onto the back of a brand new leopard print (fake) fur coat my boyfriend had bought me for my birthday that I had loved for ages. We don't talk anymore.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member

    I went in the right after him and the bathroom REEKED of chicken, so I ask about it and he's washing his chicken plates IN MY BATHTUB and I had to threaten eviction to get him to use the kitchen sink

    Why on earth would someone wash dishes in a bathtub?
    Was there no kitchen sink?

    I honestly can't understand this.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    So, I had been traveling and hustling my art for a few years. I decided to come back to Florida for a while. So, I moved in with this girl I knew. Things seemed to be going o.k. She didn't work much. She had a 3 day a week job at Waffle House and didn't have much money. Her Dad was helping her some and she got a lttle money from her ex here and there... (So she said) I was still working for my self and doing fair enough. I would give her my share of the bills and often more. I never ate there but I would give her money for groceries etc. I would give her money sometimes for random stuff. Getting her hair done or her dogs food. I didn't really mind that much. Anyways, 4-5 monthes rock on and she has gotten really emotional.I was single and partied alot and dated pretty regular. She got to where she would start crying and saying how nobody ever ask her out and they did me. How she was overweight. She told me she was jealous of me and was sorry about it. I felt really bad for her. I tried to make her feel better. She in turn, started asking for more and more. She even ask me for pot money. ( Yes, I did ) But it was just getting really uncomfortable for me. So, I went on the road again for two weeks. Made great money. I called home and she tells me she wants money to buy her kid Christmas. She said he had nothing from her and Christmas was a week away. I got mad and told her she should have worried about her kids Christmas before now. Well, A few days later I got home and was not feeling right. I stayed in the bed for several days. Next memory I have was standing in the yard with the Land lady telling me that I had to move. She was telling me that I spent all my money on drinking and doing drugs. That the girl I lived with couldn't pay our bills alone. Chick had not been paying rent and blaming it on me. I remember saying," You think she's been paying these bills on 3 day's Waffle House? at some point I called friends and I moved into a hotel. Oh yea, I had picked up West Nile Virus. Twas a very Merry Christmas.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    We weren't living together yet, but the process up to getting a place was a nightmare.

    I had been searching for someone reliable to move in with and went through different sources to find a roommate. I was standing up in a wedding and the maid of honor overheard me talking about needing to find someone to live with. She recommended her sister. We were setting up for the bridal shower, so the sister came to the banquet hall. We talked for a while and were getting along really well. We each addressed some of our concerns to each other but decided that this would work out for the best.

    We tried getting a duplex, which we were denied for. No problem. We kept looking and corresponding with each other daily about places to look at or listings available. I wound up finding this amazing historic apartment in the downtown area. It had all original woodwork, the bedrooms were on opposite sides of the apartment, and it had a 4 seasons room. This thing was AH-MAZ-ING. And downtown?! What more could you ask for.

    I told her about it and she was a bit disinterested. Her big concern was that it didn't have a dishwasher. (Come on, really? You can't be a big girl and wash your bowl and spoon?) But nevertheless, time was coming to and end on her lease and she really wanted to move away from her live-in boyfriend. I talked her into this apartment. It's DOWNTOWN and it's in our price range. We each filled out our application and submitted the fee. I even went out of my way to drive the 20 miles back and forth to drop her application off.

    Because our credit was not so good, the landlord wanted 3x the security up front, coming to $2400. I had my half of the money, so I figured she would as well. We'd been talking for 2 months straight, every single day, constantly about living together. And even though $2400 is a bit high, when you break it down, you've already paid your first and last and you'll get $800 back, so realistically, you're not putting anything down.

    Well, when I told her about what the landlord needed up front, she said "Oh, I only have $200." Excuse me? $200? How the hell did you think you were going to move? A hotel will put a $200 hold on your credit card just to rent a room for the night! Come on, man. $200? She says "Oh I was going to borrow the rest." Ok, if you have to borrow $1000 to move in, you are NOT ready to move out. At all. I was so furious and she couldn't understand why. I told her I was out money because of her and she wasted my time for 2 months straight. She said "Oh well I didn't want the place anyway. It doesn't have a dishwasher."

    So... I got my own place.

    Wow she sounds like a lazy *****. Good riddance to her. She knew how much money she'd have to chip in and she only had 200? Wow. Good thing you got your own place.
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    Okay, so I have a few roommate stories that drove me crazy. My first year in college, I had a four bed, two bath apartment, so obviously, I had to share a bathroom with another girl. This girl was GROSS. She showered once a week (I kid you not! I knew when she showered because she left the shower curtain open and pushed to one side. That causes mold because the curtain cant dry properly so I always close the shower curtain when I get out.) So her hair was always greasy, and she smelled! The bathroom was in between our rooms, so each of us had a door, and the smell from her room seeped into the bathroom! I kept a can of Oust right by the door because I knew it was going to smell bad. Not only that, but she never cleaned! The bathtub accumulated dark brown hair and dirt every time she showered (I'm blonde and i don't shed hair like that), and the sink was always caked with toothpaste and dried up makeup that she didn't bother to rinse out. Not only was she gross, but she and the other three roommates partied ALL THE TIME! They constantly smoked pot! One morning, I heard the fire alarm go off, and the reason is because my "smart" roommate decided to try and clean her bowl by boiling it in water. She left it alone, and the water completely evaporated. Omg. They would wake me up all the time because they would hook up the stereo right by my door, and the gross one would drink 11 beers at one time causing her to vomit all night long! (I also have a vomit phobia.) The gross one was so bad that somehow, I got MRSA from that bathroom....twice! I got it in November, and started treating it and it went away in December, the month that i was home for break. In January, as soon as I got back to school, I freakin got it again!!!

    The gross one's best friend got really drunk one night and confessed to me that she was transferring schools because she knew the gross one would want to be roommates with her and she knew she couldnt do it, and she also knew she couldnt say no. So she transferred schools!! It was THAT BAD!

    Then, I had another roommate who spoke Hmong, and she had this boyfriend who she would hide in her room because none of us liked him (they spoke Hmong in front of us all the time. very awkward). They were the type of couple that made out in front of you, and they were so loud! This apartment was a four bed, four bath, so thank GOD I didnt have the bathroom horrors anymore! But this roommate was so dramatic! She would play a taylor swift song OVER and OVER again for like 7 hours! And she would sing from the top of her lungs! Also, she and her boyfriend would fight in the middle of the night. One night, she started screaming and said, "Dont leave! If you leave, I'll kill myself!" So what did her boyfriend do? HE LEFT! HAHA Then she came running out of her room (the three of us woke up and were sitting in the living room looking at each other like wtf?) She ran out the door, in a little neglige, after him screaming "Baby, dont leave!" Twenty minutes later, they both came into the apartment, hand in hand, smiling, and said that everything was okay and they went back to bed. We then had to endure her bed squeaking and hitting the wall before we could all go back to sleep peacefully. Stuff like that happened on a weekly basis, but that was more funny than anything! We got a kick out of it because she was so ridiculous!