Which "bad food" are you thankful you don't enjoy?



  • jennirn1
    jennirn1 Posts: 3 Member
    :sick: I also am glad I dont like chocolate that I want or crave candybars.......
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i love how a lot of what people list aren't even bad for you
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    chocolate, have never craved it on it's own. I have it once and a while as i enjoy sweet / salty, but a block of chocolate nope.

    Next time you get a block, send it my way. Make it Belgian if possible! = D
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Sugared soda is the only bad food I dislike. Let's face it, if most of us disliked bad foods we might not be here! :laugh:
  • Skych123
    Skych123 Posts: 96
    most fast food places, and cake i guess... it NEVER tastes as good as it looks :grumble:
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    chocolate, ice cream, pop corn, fast food, deep friend chicken, deep fried anything for that matter.... the list goes on. There are a lot of foods that I just do not enjoy
  • Beautiful_Ideal
    Beautiful_Ideal Posts: 69 Member
    I'm glad I hate soda too!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    sweet tea...i dont understand how anyone that is not a kid can like that stuff.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Almost any store bought, brand-name cookie. I HATE Oreo's with a passion, and no idea why.

    A few of the only cookies that I actually don't think are that bad are the Who-Nu's http://www.whonucookies.com/ <---for those who don't know, the checkerboard or classic wafers, and Milanos.

    Other than that I never ever ever buy cookies at the store, and if I do I have maybe one at the most and other people will eat them.

    Oreos make me gag tho... ewwwww.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    McDonalds or Burger King. I can't stand anything from there. Don't get me wrong though, there are PLENTY of other fast food restaurants I will eat at, I just can't eat those.

    I also can't stand Twinkies or those snack cakes everyone is mentioning, they are so processed that it just doesn't taste like food!

    Other than that, I think I'm pretty much game.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    I dont care for the snack cakes either. Now I do love a store bought/home made regular cake, but I never buy them and the only time I ever baked them was for my son's birthday. Even when I didnt pay attention to what I ate, I still never bought cake. Even at restaurants, I never ordered dessert. I also dont care for candy (fruity flavored things like hard candy, skittles etc), unless its chocolate.

    Oh, and regular soda of any kind. I weaned myself off that crap about 12 years ago now I cant stand the taste of it. I will occasionally have a diet soda.
  • Lizajane42
    Lizajane42 Posts: 133 Member
    Let's start by saying I love almost everything that I shouldn't when it comes to food.

    However, I don't like most candy bars (sweet overload!), don't care for super greasy chips (think Lays), and most fast food fries fail to live up to the high hopes I have for them (I would take home baked fries any day, even though those aren't particularly good for you either).
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    ice cream
    soda pop

    Bacon is not a bad food. You take that back.

    B-but, Bacon is a required food group!! Hah!

    I hate Alfredo sauce.

  • lynda155
    lynda155 Posts: 112 Member
    coffee or anything with caffeine... never been a big fan.. but do not like the taste of coffee
  • Burgers. I just don't get what the hype is about them.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    I'm not a fan of filler and never have been. So when you go to a sub shop or something like that your sandwich always comes with fries or chips or something like that. That to me is filler. I'd rather eat 2 juicy burgers than any amount of fries, chips, or filler garbage.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Burgers. I just don't get what the hype is about them.

    WOAH! I love burgers. They are amazing.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Candy bars, soda, and McDonald's. Particularly chicken nuggets. I tried those once and they tasted like soggy battered cat food. Every time I see someone complaining about how they can't have McDonald's I just WTF.

    I also hate potato chips passionately.
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Soda. Mayo. Hotdogs. Bologna, salami, and the rest of the edible food-like substances called lunchmeats. Flavored potato or tortilla chips. Cream cheese, and therefore cheesecake. Most cheese in general. Poptarts or other packaged pastries. Most store brand cookies.

    (but the stuff I do like, well that's why I need to lose 100 lbs.)
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Cheese. I've never been crazy about cheese at all. I no longer can stomach greasy foods like delivery pizza or fast food. I just can't do it. The grease messes up my tummy, and I end up totally regretting it. I haven't tried in about a year because the last time, I was sick for a couple days.
  • I'm not really a picky eater when it come to home made junk food. But store bought stuff...it's easy for me to avoid. Since I don't bake a lot (especially in the summer) I've got it good.
  • Kittenbit
    Kittenbit Posts: 6 Member
    I don't think of foods as "bad" or "good", but I'm ok with the fact I hate mayonnaise and creamy dressings!
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    Dunkin Donuts.......french fries........and.......Nutella (gasp!!!)
  • QuestToLose
    QuestToLose Posts: 124 Member
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I hate regular soda. I only like 3-5 fries or half a doughnut at a time... I overload on very greasy/very sweet foods very quickly (except for bacon).
  • nangel4u
    nangel4u Posts: 119
    I got to say PIG FEET....YuuuCCCkkkk!!!!!
  • Bacon!! I've never been a fan. It grosses me out to see it in EVERYTHING these days--bacon sundaes, bacon vodka, and everyother thing that doesn't needed to be polluted with salty nastiness lol
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I am not a fan of Pie or cheesecake. Never have liked them for which I am greatful for! OH! and beer....hate the taste of beer!
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Birthday cake. Bleh.
  • lrivera85
    lrivera85 Posts: 35 Member
    I hate snack cakes, I hate McDonald's food, except for thier oreo mcflurry, I have to kick that habit.
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