Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 9



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: CRYSTAL! WOW:love::love: :love: :love: :love: you look amazing girl!
    you have lost a whole 1st grader too! WOW ! isn't it a good feeling!?!
    I cant wait to shrink some more!
    You know I was thinking today taht I cant believe taht I got that big......but damn does it feel so good to kick off seveny somethin' pounds.....oh and I cant wait for the rest to just fall right off:) lol :tongue:
    Sindy - what the heck is willpower? and where can i buy it?:tongue:
    Than theres Ittybitty shrinking away!
    ammcnett- how arre you doing lately mama?
  • jacque509
    hi all, sorry not talking much this week, still kinda down. I kinda of been in automatic pilot. Totally not enjoying anything right now and motivation has gone completely out the window. Need to get out of this rut. Just to much reality the last week. Been able to maintain my walking but not doing anything extra, so I do not expect much of a wieght loss this week. Eating is ok, not really dieting but not really over eating either. Well the furnal today so, talk to ya later:brokenheart:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's.

    :laugh: missv I couldnt find it last night either. But I did a second walk last night and did only take 1 sweet and did not go over my calories. :drinker:

    I am hoping for at least a little loss tomorrow.

    I will check back in later, have to get back to work. Thanks again ladies have a possitive outlook today, think I am back to myself. :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin team ~

    well, i have been not feeling so great since mid am yesterday. i have had this tummy issue before and it lasted a few weeks....about 4-5 yrs ago, my mom and i both caught something, we don't know if it was food poisoning, a bug, virus, something just horrible lived in our tummy's/bowels that left us hanging close to the stool. now, i am having the same kinda symptoms and my rear is sore from being up during the nite with liquids forcefully leaving me and no control from *me* :sick: i noticed yesterday when i was shopping that my tummy was sore, achy, sharp pains, then my bowels started to rumble, be tender as well. whenever i burped/belched ( which i rarely do ) it was this horrible smell, sour, rancid. and if i well, tooted, it was of equal disgust....and it was all familiar to what i had experienced a few yrs ago. then when i got home, my belly just kept getting bigger and bigger, i was so, so bloated, felt and looked like i was 9 mos preg. i did not eat supper, cuz i was so miserable. i woke just after midnight with a sudden urge to get to the restroom, and some nausea feelings too, but never have vomited. after an hour of releasing what felt like were explosions, my tummy seemed to lose some air, but my back end became raw and on fire. :sick: sorry for the details here and not so great subject....just had to see if anyone has ever experienced this and if there is anything to get over it? i am gonna avoid all dairy today and be careful of what i eat. still feel like things are unhappy down there and like i need to lay on the floor and put pressure on my bowels.... this is so ironic b/c the last time it happened was just before Thanksgiving as well, and it lasted thru that holiday. we had even traveled 5 hrs out of state to visit/surprise family, and we ended up leaving 2 days early b/c i had 2 accidents where i could not make it to the bathroom in time, i was soooo embarassed. :embarassed: ok nuf on this.:ohwell:

    hope you are all doing good and ready for our weigh in tomorrow. not sure what it will be for me, likely a gain, but gonna try harder and change that for next week.

    ittybitty ~ you are gonna be * that * in no time! is your wi day Wed? you will be passin me by soon, i better get busy here!

    sindy ~ how is it going for ya? i have been out of control here....not sure why i ate all that crap, but i too eat for happiness/sadness. how much have you lost since your Dr wanted you to lose? you can't be that far off. if he knows you are trying then i don't see why he would medicate you. i believe in you and know you will continue to lose and work on changing your lifestyle. * hugs *

    jacque ~ you have had such a rough year girl, my heart goes out to you and your family. maybe you just need to take a little break and time to just think things thru. refresh your mind and soul. we will always be here for you whether you post or not. the holidays will surely be a struggle missing your loved ones. keep with the positive thoughts and the exercise will help you clear your mind. thinkin of you.... and just hang on friend. ** hugs ** :heart:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Kelly sending the "get well"fairy to you :flowerforyou: ..... my 4 year old has had liquid since Tuesday .... but she is playing and eating so i am not sure .... I had it Tuesday as well ... and didnt eat dinner that night "very low on my calories" but i said what can ya do ... i even ate a few crackers and that didnt stay in me .... but yesterday i was fine so not sure what is going on .....Yes i weigh in on Wednesdays with another group ....

    Hope everyone else is doing good
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Kelly I hope you get better quickly :flowerforyou: I have had symptoms like that and had all these tests done and they did not find anything. It would last for a couple of days (sorry for the sore butt), but then go away. Could you have eaten something? Make sure you drink plenty of fluids so you dont get dehydrated.

    I am doing well. If my blood sugar is still very high he said he would have to medicate me so I would not do any damage to my body. I have fasting blood tests every six months. He wants me to loose the weight because it has been lowering my sugar. I have lost 5 pounds since I talked with the doctor. I have about 10 to loose to keep off medication. I have been fighting this fight for over a year and still not taking meds. So I will continue to fight. My mother (not overweight) and my siblings (are over weight) are all on medication. Trying to show them by taking care of them selves they can be healthy too. I have a total of 40 pounds to go and I will be at a healthy weight and no longer considered obese. I am hoping getting healthier will take me off of other meds. I have high cholestrol, lupus and a underactive thyroid. What a mix huh :laugh:

    Jacque, sending love and prayer to you and your family :heart: , hang in there.

    Well gotta get back to work. did my walk and eating my fruits and veggies. Check back in later. :happy:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jacque- Sorry that you have had a rough year. It is ok to be in a rut sometimes, reality just puts you there. We are always here for you, and love you girl!
    Kelly:flowerforyou: - I am soooooooo sorry to hear of this nasty tummy junk! I have been having a different problem latelty but somehow i can relate. It is so not fun, I was always told taht the excreeive belching and stuff is galubladder related, but I dont know if taht is true or not. I get tuymmy issues were the gas will bloat me up and there is sharp pains because i cant get it out, I put a pillow on the floor and lay on my stomach on it, it works!:bigsmile: So does gas-x for that!.
    now I heard a cotton ball and witch hazel put on the (Sore AREA) works, so does gold bond powder. (Also both remidies for hemroids too
    Hope taht you get to feeling better! Eat some toast it will eat up the acid in there
    :heart: V
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I’m doing good. Going to the gym after work (alone again!) :grumble: . I’ve been doing okay with food. I can manage to be good all week. Then the weekend kills me!! Even if I manage to exercise, I have a hard time watching what I eat. I’ll get there, though.

    MissV, thanks!! I’m ready to shrink some more, too!! The sad things is that my brain hasn’t updated yet. I still think I look like my before pic.

    Jacque, I hope things get better soon. You’ll work out of the rut eventually.

    Kelly, sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling well. Get better soon!!

    Sindy, I feel for you. I hope you can manage to stay off the meds. That’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself, but it would be worth it if you could help just one of them.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Oh My God ... What A Stressful Day At Work!!!! Thank Goodness I have a Zumba Class tonight to help me de-stress!!

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thanks Crystal I did not think of it as putting pressure on myself, but I guess it is. Wow I should have explained a while ago and save myself some stress :laugh: :laugh: Just talking to everyone here has helped me remember I need to do this for me and when I am done then I maybe able to help my family.

    Thanks Pepper's for being there for me :heart:

    Back to work, check back later :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi SHGP's....

    tummy still not very happy today, aches and some bloating, but the liquid bowels have slowed some. have eaten a little better, and for some reason am craving sugar and carbs....oh and Aunt Flo is here as well, so hope to be rid of her by next Thurs. speakin of next Thurs, i think Crystal had mentioned having to weigh in after Thanksgiving, so if you all would like to weigh in Wed or Thurs, that is A ok with me. just post your ideas, and thanks team, you are all so wonderful here, i love ya to pieces! :flowerforyou:

    sindy ~ i am sure with not only your wt loss, but your consistant exercise, that will help your sugar levels come down. my mom has type II diabetes and it is b/c she is sedentary and obese. she has chosen not to do a darn thing, and is on insulin and 10 other meds. be proud of your accomplishments and all that you are doing to change what you can! it helps to be mindful each and every day of all the choices we make into taking care of ourselves, but plz don't stress too much, like Crystal said. i think that increases our cortisol levels and gives some of us belly fat.....I for one! :ohwell:

    Miss v thanks for all your help and advice......i did have some toast and it seemed to calm my insides some. still feels like a war goin on...:sick:

    crystal ~ i am with ya on disliking a weigh in the day after Thanksgiving.

    magglett ~ HI THERE lady!! have fun with the Zumba!! bring it !!

    ** e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e ** any ideas for a challenge to start tomorrow? i have a few ideas...

    ~ no eating/snacking 3 hrs before bedtime
    ~ log all your food on MFP, every day
    ~ get 7-8 hrs sleep each nite
    ~ set daily goals here and report daily, or whenever, on how you are doing, ie...fruits, veggies, water, exercise, attitude, good choice vs bad choice, share your strategy....
    ~ share one meal with the SHGP's each day
    ~ share what you have for snacks

    just some random ideas....

    later gang, enjoy ur evenin' good luck at the scale tomorrow.....loss, gain or the same, you still matter...believe in **you** :heart:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well ... I lifted something wrong at work today, on top of everything else that was going on ... So no Zumba for me tonight ... ouch! I really did work up a sweat today in the Print Shop so I don't feel any guilt ... but Zumba would have been way fun. Oh well, I'll take it as my higher power's way of telling me to take a rest.
  • angiemcnett
    magglett - I am sorry you are in pain. :flowerforyou:

    Kelly - I hope you get better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Crystal - What great pictures! Congratulations on your weight loss!:happy: I wish I could see a difference but I will have to wait until after the baby to see progress like that.

    Jacque - I hope things will get better for you soon. I am praying for you.:flowerforyou:

    Kelly - any of the challenges sound good.

    I am bummed.:frown: I have been fairly good about eating this week and have done good with exercise but I know I am doing to be up again tomorrow. This time I can blame the baby for my gain. I am trying so hard to only gain the recommended 11-15 pounds for obese women like me to gain. I am scared that I will end up gaining to much weight and but my baby at greater risk. Oh well. Good luck everyone with the weigh in tomorrow. Have a great night.:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Here's the link to week 10!! Yes, we are at the 2 month mark!!

    Angie ~ it's ok, you are pregnant my dear. just keep on eating healthy and exercising. if you gain more than you like or the Dr wishes, it will only be can work at losing it after the baby is here. i am sure many of us can attest to gaining too much while pregant. i gained 60 with my first and didn't lose it all then gained 45 with my 2nd. you are under a Dr's care and I am most sure everything is going to be ok for you and your baby! try to stay positive and enjoy your condition as much as you can. we are here for you and wishin you nothin but the best!! * hugs to you and your lil one, mamma ** :heart: :heart: