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200+ group(week4)



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I took it easy reading a book and exercising and getting the house ready for next weekend. My family will arrive Friday and stay to Sun for our Thanksgiving celebration - 12 people. We always celebrate the weekend before Thanksgiving since so many people work in retail and cant get the day after Thanksgiving off. Travelers are driving from 5 to 8 hours each way to get here.

    I ate very well this weekend and stayed within my calorie limits :bigsmile:

    Heather - I like with your attitude - a new day, a new week :wink: there are 16 oz in a pound of food/water. It takes 3500 calories consumed/burned to get a pound on/off your body. Are you weighing your self at the same time of day and in the same clothes? You can easily vary up to 5 pounds in a day without adding clothes into the mix. I think you said last week that you didn't have a scale and had to use your sisters. The weight gain could easily be water weight - esp if you ate salty food. If its water weight and you go back to your normal eating, it will come off in a day or two.

    Kristina - I'm glad you found a gym and resisted temptation by getting out of the house. I resisted by staying home. The closest grocery store is 20 miles away - so if I am good and dont buy it, I cant be tempted.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't work out at all this weekend. I logged my food Saturday but just kept a mental count on Sunday. not surprised that I am back up to 249.2.

    having a very stressful time right now. marriage and family stuff....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blombie, sorry to hear you're having a bit of a tough time at the moment. Let me (us) know if you'd like to talk it out!

    The weekend was much better than last week's pizza fiasco for me. I went to the rec center that I joined both days. On Saturday did 45 on the elliptical (my stamina was MUCH better than I thought) & 30 min on the bike. Sunday, I did an hour on the elliptical. My eating was okay as well. In fact, I had some difficulties reaching my calorie goals... mostly because I'm a lazy *kitten* on the weekend, so sleep through breakfast, so I lose those calories and unless I do something like order pizza (last weekend), I am usually somewhat under. Once the week starts, I'm pretty much on point though. Tonight is pub trivia (caloric mess, as always), but will try to make it my only bad day of the week. I plan to head to the rec center after work. My calves are hurting a bit today, so I don't know how much cardio I'll do. At least 30 min on something!

    Hang in there gals! How was everyone else's weekend?
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Wasn't sure about our recipes for the week (if they were supposed to be normal, or for Turkey day...so I'm giving two.

    The first one was out of a "biggest loser" cookbook I checked out from the library. Simple, but yummy for us burger fans!!

    "fast food burger"
    Makes 1 serving

    1 tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise
    1/2 teaspoon ketchup
    1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard
    1/4 pound 96% lean ground beef
    1 slice (3/4 ounce) fat-free American cheese (optional)
    1 whole-grain or whole-wheat hamburger bun
    1/4 cup chopped romaine lettuce leaves
    1 thin slice red onion
    3 dill pickle rounds

    In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard. Stir to mix. Set aside. Shape the beef into a patty that is about 1/2" wider than the bun.

    Preheat a medium nonstick skillet or grill rack on high heat. Place the patty on the pan or grill. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side, or until desired doneness. (Do not smash the burger with the spatula.) About 30 seconds before the burger is cooked, top with the cheese, if desired. Place the bun halves, cut sides down, on the pan or grill. Cook for about 45 seconds, or until toasted.

    Place the bun bottom on a serving plate. Top with the patty, lettuce, onion, and pickles. Spread the reserved sauce evenly over the inside of the bun top. Flip onto the burger. Serve immediately.

    Nutrition at a Glance
    Per serving: 281 calories, 26 g protein, 27 g carbohydrates, 9 g fat (2 g saturated), 60 mg cholesterol, 4 g fiber, 736 mg sodium

    I'll come back with a turkey day recipe as soon as I find one.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I took it easy reading a book and exercising and getting the house ready for next weekend. My family will arrive Friday and stay to Sun for our Thanksgiving celebration - 12 people. We always celebrate the weekend before Thanksgiving since so many people work in retail and cant get the day after Thanksgiving off. Travelers are driving from 5 to 8 hours each way to get here.

    I ate very well this weekend and stayed within my calorie limits :bigsmile:

    Heather - I like with your attitude - a new day, a new week :wink: there are 16 oz in a pound of food/water. It takes 3500 calories consumed/burned to get a pound on/off your body. Are you weighing your self at the same time of day and in the same clothes? You can easily vary up to 5 pounds in a day without adding clothes into the mix. I think you said last week that you didn't have a scale and had to use your sisters. The weight gain could easily be water weight - esp if you ate salty food. If its water weight and you go back to your normal eating, it will come off in a day or two.

    Kristina - I'm glad you found a gym and resisted temptation by getting out of the house. I resisted by staying home. The closest grocery store is 20 miles away - so if I am good and dont buy it, I cant be tempted.

    well I went to the doctors and did the scale, i wasnt wearing the same clothes but i always take off shoes and jacket. ty......i cant wait till thanksgiving I have a feeling im gonna be bad though and thats not good..... holidays are my favorite:love:
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I didn't work out at all this weekend. I logged my food Saturday but just kept a mental count on Sunday. not surprised that I am back up to 249.2.

    having a very stressful time right now. marriage and family stuff....

    just think it's not that much up (i know we all hate going up no matter how much it is) but you can still take it off!! I hope things get better around home:flowerforyou:
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    does anyone ever eat something and keep feeling hungry when you know you shouldnt so you eat more?:indifferent:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    does anyone ever eat something and keep feeling hungry when you know you shouldnt so you eat more?:indifferent:

    Of course! Although, I often don't let myself rest long enough for my brain to catch up with my stomach!! Consistent problem I have... eat way too quickly. A goal for myself is to eat slower... hopefully it will help the portion size, which has been my problem for many a year. It can be really hard to cut oneself off when one is still feeling hungry.
    I didn't work out at all this weekend. I logged my food Saturday but just kept a mental count on Sunday. not surprised that I am back up to 249.2.

    having a very stressful time right now. marriage and family stuff....
    it could have been a lot worse. Also, you weighed yourself the day after... so things might even out by weigh-in Friday!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe cds2327! As I'm a vegetarian, it's a no-go for me, but I'll have to check out the biggest loser cookbook. This week I'm going to make a tomato lentil soup that someone posted the recipe to here at some point and I bookmarked. I'll let y'all know how it is!

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Heather - Have you thought about asking for a scale for Christmas or your birthday? I find my weight is more consistent if I weigh myself first thing in the morning in my birthday suit :blushing: I like to weigh in on Thursday morning. This gives me time to get the extra water weight off from the weekend indulgences. My husband is often off on Friday so we go out to eat Thurs night.

    Blombie - sorry to hear about that you are having a stressful time :flowerforyou: Marriage is very hard - I have been married 18 years now and I can contest that it can be stressful. But, in the end everything always seems to work out. I look back now and wonder why some things stressed me out. I know that when I am exercising and eating better, things seem to go better - it is easier to let the little annoyances go. Money and household chores are our 2 biggest causes for fights. My husband was a bear for a year when his company was bought out and he knew he would be losing his job. Thankfully it only took him 4 months to find a job - he has one that pays less but makes him happier. I finally convinced him to let me hire a housekeeper - it seemed like over night our fights stopped. (I hate to clean and iron:blushing: ) Now I help in the yard and have more time cook.

    cd - thanks for the recipe. I will get one posted soon.

    To everyone else - keep up the great work. Eat better, drink your water and exercise more. We can all get to the 100 club together...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pinbot- I too like to weigh myself first thing in the morning, before I've got anything in me. Same scale, so that helps and don't have to worry about the weight of clothes! :blushing: I'm really trying to weigh myself only once a week... but sometimes twice. There can be so much fluctuation within a week.

    Went to the rec center last night and did an hour on the elliptical. What I didn't love was the gym bunny next to me moving a mile a minute with her long ponytail swinging and her tiny little legs. Weenie.

    This morning at work we had a breakfast celebration for our win of 1st place in the group Halloween costume challenge (yes, my dept. are a bunch of geeks). I managed to forgo all the donuty and bagely goodness and just grabbed some fresh fruit to supplement my normal cereal and tea breakfast. *pats self on the back* :tongue:

    Plan to go to the rec center again tonight... maybe bike and rowing this time. Perhaps elliptical again. Tomorrow will be my gym day off as I have a doctor's appt (:sad:) and a bunch of errands to run, including getting some new sports bras... the girls are all over the place!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I also weigh in the morning, but I weigh myself every day. And if I have to *ahem* use the bathroom, I weigh myself a second time. :blushing: :ohwell: I need to be reminded daily why I need to exercise and eat correctly. I make my goals 1 pound goals....seriously, all I want to see on the scale is 247 right now (I'm at 248.2 today). This has kept me on track for the past 6 weeks so it works for me.

    akasullengal- GREAT JOB passing up the free breakfast! Any free food is always detrimental to my calorie intake for the day.

    ***rambling alert***
    you see, I'm cheap. I was raised not to waste anything. food, clothes, money, electricity....so I always got the cheapest plate available at restaurants (usually cheeseburgers, once I started paying for myself, I would OCCASIONALLY treat myself to something a bit more expensive, but I would feel bad about it) and then I would take half of it home and make two meals of it. And mac and cheese is always cheap and its my fav food so I would make one box and have two meals. Mac and cheese and hamburger helper (cheesy quesadilla..yummy) got me through college I don't think I deserve to spend lots of money on myself and when I do, I have buyers remorse.

    I bought a Nikon D60 camera in March of this year. It is a camera I have wanted for yeee-heaaaaaaaars. (thats "years" dragged out and with an H sound in it in case you didn't get what I meant) I bought it on ebay for like, $450. I haven't bought the lens that I want to go with it (I really need a zoom lens!!) but I did get a few little accessories (remote, fish eye lens, a couple filters, lens hood). The d60 has high enough megapixels that I don't necessarily have to have a zoom for now, but I can't wait for when I can get one.

    I fell asleep at work this morning so I had a giant 20oz cup of coffee with vanilla flavoring and WAAY too much splenda and it was DELICIOUS but now I'm typing like crazy! I should be using this energy to work! I am wasting my energy on this though. lol ....oh the crash I will have later will HURT

    I should start going to the gym after work so I can get more than 30 min of exercise a day. If I could get my lazy butt out of bed in the morning I would go, but I go to bed too late to get up before 6:30 (and even thats a struggle). I should update the music on my mp3 player for that though. Theres some new music I want on it.....and take some other songs off. I have found that I work out well to Britney and Michael Jackson.

    Although when I listen to Michael I wanna sing along and do all the EEE HEEEs and SHAMONAs and the huffy CHICKA- AAHHH parts.....and I want to dance like I have a fedora on....you know....move your feet to the sides while holding your shoulders/torso still, one hand where a belt buckle should be and one hand sliding the rim of an invisible fedora hat, a couple pelvic thrusts, cross your feet and spin, arms out to the sides, head back and scream while stomping one foot. lol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If I ever reach my goal weight, I may have to make a video of me doing that and post it for you guys to enjoy.....but only if I have a LOT of coffee in my system so I'll be hyper like I am right now....(a Starbucks frappacino has the same effect)

    yeah...can you tell I've had COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE today?? lol :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    wow I have spent way too much time writing this all out....I need to get to work!

    oh yeah! what should I do about this?!? The free Olive Garden lunch has been moved to Friday instead of Thursday! I have a Zumba Thursday night and probably won't be able to eat all my exercise calories for that day since it'll just be a normal day. Is it ok to still work out friday but count some of my exercise cals from Thursday for Friday's lunch?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - I am still chuckling about your post. Coffee does that to me too. I can just picture you doing the dance :bigsmile: At least it burns calories. We watched Purple Rain a few weeks ago and I got up and danced during the music - Prince gets me moving - thank goodness your not a fly on my wall or you would be laughing - I cant dance. I think you can save some of your calories from Thurs for Friday - just dont over do it -even though Olive Garden is soooo good.

    Kristina - just remember you have a gym bunny body in you - it's just waiting to show itself - keep going to the rec center and it will be here in no time. I wish we had a gym closer to us. Self motivation to exercise around the house is hard. I am waiting for the frost to melt this morning so I can do my C25K training outside. Good luck shopping - remember shopping is exercise - at least your not sitting home on the couch eating. I like the Champion Sports bras but a month ago there was a discussion on the best sports bras and Enell seemed popular. Here is the link to that discussion.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    You know, I haven't spoken to anyone about this, but when I stand up for too long, my left leg starts to go numb/fall asleep. I figure its because I'm so fat its cutting the circulation to my leg. Its been happening for a long, long time. Its not worth taking time off work and paying the copay to go to the dr, is it?

    My doctor office is an hour away from work so I would have to take at least a half day off to go, plus, I have no PTO available till the beginning of the year. If all she's going to say is that I need to lose weight, thats no big newsflash.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - it is not normal for your leg to go to sleep from standing to long. Your weight should have nothing to do with it. Please note that losing weight and improving core trunk strength will decrease the stress on your back and often leads to less pain.

    Something is most likely impinging your nerve - it could be from a bulged/herniated disc in back, spine being out of alignment, a muscle being in spasm or contacted on sciatic nerve, a leg length difference or SI (sacral-illiac) joint being out of alignment which compress the nerve. Do you also have weakness in the left leg? Does it seem to be getting worse since you've been exercising? If your answer to these questions is no and you have had this problem for over 2 years, you could probably wait until the beginning of the year - it is not likely to get worse. If it was me, I would see the doctor right away. It is not worth taking the chance that you may have a serious problem or getting permanent nerve damage. The doctor may do tests and may recommend physical therapy or a chiropractor. Does the problem go away if you start walking/moving around? How about when you change positions - I often recommend client's with back problems put their foot on stool to wash dishes or brush their teeth - this bio-mechanically changes the stress on the back and keeps the back in better alignment. The most obvious solution - don't do things that make you stand in 1 place for long periods of time. I am assuming your pain is from standing in 1 spot too long and not from moving around - let me know if this is wrong - it is just what I see most often.

    Other things to think about - if your co-pay has been met already this year - then get treatment this year. If not, co-pays will start over Jan 1st - some people don't realize this and end up paying for most of the problem twice (co-pay Nov/Dec and then co-pay again Jan)...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here are 2 recipes for Thanksgiving or anytime of the year:

    Sweet Potato Salad
    2 pounds sweet potatoes (about 3 medium) peeled and cubed
    4 TBS lemon juice - divided
    2 celery ribs, thinly sliced
    1 can (11 ounces) mandarin oranges, drained
    1 cup fat-free mayonnaise
    2 TBS orange juice
    1 TBS honey
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp ground ginger
    1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
    1/4 cup chopped pecans

    Place sweet potatoes in large saucepan can cove with water; bring to boil. Reduce heat. Cove and cook for 9 to 10 min or until tender; drain and place in a bowl. Add 2 TBS lemon juice and toss. Add the celery and oranges.

    In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, orange juice, honey, salt, ginger, nutmeg and remaining lemon juice. Pour over potato mixture and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Just before serving, stir in pecans.

    Yield: 8 servings.... One serving (3/4 cup) = 200 calories, 4 gr fat (trace sat fat), 3 mg cholesterol, 415 mg salt, 41 g carbohydrate, 4 gr fiber, 3 gr protein.

    Citrus Cranberry Relish
    1-1/2 cup fresh or frozen cranberries
    1 med navel orange, peeled, chopped and seeded
    1 med tangerine, peeled, chopped and seeded
    1/2 cup raisins
    1/2 cup reduced calorie pancake syrup
    1/2 cup orange marmalade
    1/2 cup orange juice
    2 tsp ground allspice

    In a sauce pan, combine all of the ingredients. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat; cook uncovered for 15 min, stirring occasionally. Cover and refrigerator 4 hours or overnight. Store in refrigerator.

    Yield - 3 cups (12 servings)... One serving (1/4 cup) = 96 calories, trace fat (trace sat fat), 0 cholesterol, 35 mg sodium, 25 gr carbohydrates, 2 gr fiber, 1 gr protein.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Blombie - it is not normal for your leg to go to sleep from standing to long. Your weight should have nothing to do with it. Please note that losing weight and improving core trunk strength will decrease the stress on your back and often leads to less pain.

    Something is most likely impinging your nerve - it could be from a bulged/herniated disc in back, spine being out of alignment, a muscle being in spasm or contacted on sciatic nerve, a leg length difference or SI (sacral-illiac) joint being out of alignment which compress the nerve. Do you also have weakness in the left leg? Does it seem to be getting worse since you've been exercising? If your answer to these questions is no and you have had this problem for over 2 years, you could probably wait until the beginning of the year - it is not likely to get worse. If it was me, I would see the doctor right away. It is not worth taking the chance that you may have a serious problem or getting permanent nerve damage. The doctor may do tests and may recommend physical therapy or a chiropractor. Does the problem go away if you start walking/moving around? How about when you change positions - I often recommend client's with back problems put their foot on stool to wash dishes or brush their teeth - this bio-mechanically changes the stress on the back and keeps the back in better alignment. The most obvious solution - don't do things that make you stand in 1 place for long periods of time. I am assuming your pain is from standing in 1 spot too long and not from moving around - let me know if this is wrong - it is just what I see most often.

    Other things to think about - if your co-pay has been met already this year - then get treatment this year. If not, co-pays will start over Jan 1st - some people don't realize this and end up paying for most of the problem twice (co-pay Nov/Dec and then co-pay again Jan)...

    wow! I didn't expect all that kind of information! Thanks a lot!

    It normally goes away if I'm walking around. I think it also has to do with what shoes I'm wearing. I occasionally get the same feeling if I sit on the floor (like up against the couch) for too long. If I change positions or force myself to get up it'll go away. I very rarily get the same feeling when sitting in a chair for too long....its only happened when I'm leaning forward too much (my chair at work tilts backso its like my knees are higher than my butt, my feet are underneath me and I'm leaning foward on my desk.)

    It doesn't happen too often and it doesn't cause any pain so I might just wait till the new year to go to the dr....I'm no where near meeting my deductible.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I cant diagnose over the internet or without having put my hands on you but based on your symptoms, it sounds like your SI joint is out of alignment. It is pretty common and something that a physical therapist should be able to help correct. If you can stand the pain/numbness, you should be okay waiting until the beginning of the year. These 2 web sites have some of the common techniques that I teach my patients to self mobilize their SI joints. If anything causes increased pain STOP. Which ex you do is based on how the SI joint is misaligned - I cant tell you that without doing palpation/testing or even begin to tell you how to tell me - that's what I went to school for.


  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    at my gym we got this state champ body builder(woman) but is not the bulky kind, i totally envy how slim she is and dedicated to working out!

    I have a thing where the tip of my big toes are numb but the doc says there isnt a sign of anything so theres nothing he can do. Then my thighs all the way up top use to burn like i was on fire and went numb but they said i probably had a pinched nerve!

    oh and about getting a scale as a present that is a good idea i will try to check into that!:bigsmile:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    woohoo!! 247lb accomplished!

    actually I weighed myself 3 times this morning because the first time it said 246.6 and I didn't believe it. I think I was standing a little too far forward. But the next two times it said 247.2 so thats probably more correct and what I will count for today. WOOHOO!!

    I probably won't hit my Thanksgiving goal of 243 by next week but I'm still excited that I've come this far! This is the first time in my LIFE I have ever been able to stick to a diet/exercise plan. I am so happy that something is finally working for me! :bigsmile:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Congrats Blombie! That is a great accomplishment. Don't sell yourself short, you may still make your Turkey day goal. Never give up!!
    I try to be happy if i just lose a pound. Sure maintaining is good, but I don't want to see too much of that. Last week the four pounds were great, so I am really hoping that it continutes this week!!
    I had to ask my hubby to leave the room while he was eating peanut butter m&m's the other night. I felt like a jerk, but put myself first. He didn't complain though!!
    Here's to another couple of good days and then the weigh in on Friday!!:heart:
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