200+ group(week4)



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats Blombie!!!

    Pinbot, that sweet potato salad recipe sounds super yummy!! I'll definitely have to give it a try.

    Went to the rec center again yesterday. Went fine. Am taking a gym day off today, as I have to work late to make up the time I came in late today. Had a doctor's appt. this morning. Nothing like a good pelvic exam to start the morning! Erm... right? It's been many a year since my last physical.... no problems noted!

    Hope everyone's continuing to have a good week. Just over a week until our Thanksgiving target!! What are we thinking about our next one? New Years? Everyone is doing a fab job, and have really been motivational.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I was hoping for Christmas, but i realize maybe not everyone celebrates christmas.
    new years would be fine too.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I was hoping for Christmas, but i realize maybe not everyone celebrates christmas.
    new years would be fine too.

    Yeah, either would be fine with me! hehe. Would be less worry about accounting for the dreaded holiday weight gain!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh why can't it be Friday - I want to report the weigh-in today :ohwell: The last 3 mornings (:blushing: okay I cheat and check every morning) have given me great hopes for the week :bigsmile:

    Blombie - YOU GO GIRL - Wow - you blasted 250 out of the park. Congrats on sticking with this lifestyle change :flowerforyou: I believe in the power of positive thinking - If you think it, it can happen - You CAN get to that goal by Thanksgiving - Keep up the hard work. Good luck with Zumba tonight. Think of us with every bite you take tomorrow - make good Olive Garden choices :wink:

    cd - I would send my husband out of the room too... Good luck with the weigh-in.

    akasullengal - Nice job on cont to get out to the rec center. Glad your check-up went well.

    As far as the next goal time frame - the more I think about, the better New Year's Day sounds. That way we are set-up to make the next goal our New Year's Resolution :bigsmile: I would love to stick with a resolution and meet it. But, I am flexible and can go either way. To meet the goal at Christmas would make a great gift to myself :happy:

    Eat well, exercise more and drink your water. Good luck with the weigh-in tomorrow.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone has a good last day before weigh-in! My arm is killing me like whoa today after getting a tetanus shot yesterday, which has certainly put a damper on my day, and i'm a bit miss grumpypants today. I do still plan to go to the rec center tonight after taking yesterday off, and hope to put in some serious cardio before tomorrow's weigh-in. The week started off really well, and hasn't really faltered all that much, but hasn't been particularly spectacular on the eating front.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    nothing to do with weight loss

    I am in training today for a new position that I'll be doing in a month or two....

    but this is the BASIC information that everyone learned when they first started! AAHHHH!!

    I have FOUR HOURS of this crap!!

    Does this trainer know what we do??

    (its a web class training course...I'm sitting at my desk, listening on the phone and looking at what she's doing on her desktop....)

    good grief this is boring...

    and might I add that I woke up with my throat hurting today.....

    I better not be getting sick. I will not miss this cruise for any reason!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blombie, I hope you feel better! A bunch of people I work with are sick and I'm very much hoping their germs don't migrate over to me.

    Just got back from the rec center. Put in a long workout, as tomorrow is weigh-in. How much it'll make a difference, I don't know, but did an hour on the elliptical and 12 min on the rower. I'm sort of amazed that I wasn't super tired, but I knew to quit... otherwise I wouldn't want to go again tomorrow. haha.

    Hey, and week 5 starts up tomorrow (new thread!). 5 weeks in gals! I'm so proud of all of us for sticking with it!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone - I am posting my progress here this morning. My company will be here when I get home from work so I may not get to a computer again until they leave Sunday. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    pinbotchick SW 237/LW 221/ CW 217 = - 4 pounds this week
    challenge GW 215 (I just might make it) and ultimate GW 140
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Ack. Again, another week without losing weight.

    Last night I ate a supper that had a lot of soy sauce, so it could be the extra salt in me.

    Or it could be that I went on a mini-rampage last night & got into my daughter's Halloween candy. I haven't done anything like that in a long time, but apparently, last night was the night.

    And also, when I've weighed myself before, it was in the morning after I had . . . (embarrassed cough) . . . moved, so to speak, and this morning, nothing happened.

    And finally, when I got here & did my profile, it recommended 1900 cals a day. Only 2 days ago, I adjusted my profile so I'm now down to 1650.

    But I guess when I figure I've been at this 3 weeks, and all told, I've lost 3 pounds, it does average to a pound a week, so I shouldn't complain.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    SW 260
    LW 248.8
    CW 246.4
    Goal for this challenge is 243 by Thanksgiving.....

    I got my first unsolicited "girl you are losing weight!" today!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am so glad I have this group and the girls at work. I really felt like skipping Zumba last night but didn't want to have to tell everyone that I didn't go, so I went. Another 1150 calories burned. I made my sister go with me and she hated it lol. There is a spin class at the same time so I think we're going to start meeting there on Thursdays and go to our separate classes.

    I was so tired last night I completely forgot to make the banana pudding for work today until my husband reminded me. Today is the dreaded free Olive Garden lunch. Besides the fact that it'll probably be a 1500-2000 cal meal, there's 6000mg of sodium!!! :noway: :grumble: At least I know why my weight will go up in the next several days so I will try to not let it get to me.

    I overslept this morning so I don't have time to work out on my lunch break today. I figured I needed to go to my real gym when I get off work anyway because I need to burn more than the regular 350-450 cal that I get during my 30 min on the elliptical. Besides, I think they have the free lunch scheduled for my usual work out time...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    CW: 224.8 (-0.8 this week) :mad:
    SW: 230
    GW: 220 by T-giving (yeah, that's not gonna happen!)

    I'm pretty pissed at the weigh-in this week, for several reasons. First, I didn't totally sabotage myself over the weekend and ate rather healthy this week and I bumped up the cardio significantly, going to the rec center 6/7 days, doing 45-1hr15min of cardio each time. I even put in some more time than normal last night in anticipation of this morning. Plus, i did a mid-week weigh in on Monday and I was down to 223.2, so I'm a bit frustrated to say the least.

    If I'm going at it on a glass half-full approach, I did eat dinner late last night, which could have affected things. Also, as I've been bumping up the cardio, I might be building more muscle, which we know weighs more than fat. Also, my clothes continue to be looser.

    So more than anything, I'm aggravated, but I'm trying to view the weight number as just a small part of this whole process.

    As for y'all,

    Pinbot: congrats on the major loss! You're just melting the pounds away, and you're so close to your goal!

    LittleSister: hang in there! You've recognized several things that might have affected the weigh-in this morning.

    Blombie: another good week! Aren't compliments fab?? Great job on attending Zumba. Accountability can really be a great motivator! Good luck on the Olive Garden lunch! At least it's today, and not previous to weigh-in, and you've got 6 days to work it off. Plus, we all need treats at times! Let us know how it goes.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Frustrated this week, after such a good loss last week. I have been stressed this week, and got a little off track, so we'll see. I stayed under my calories for the day, but some days didn't make such good choices to eat. maybe that is it.
    CW: 216
    SW: 230
    GW: 210 by turkey day (good luck with that!), overall GW: 150
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I wonder if I would lose a pound or two if I chopped my hair off. Its really long. Longer than I've ever had it in my whole life.

    I'll save that for a major weigh in (ie, my last 10 pounds or something) :tongue:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok so the portions were a lot smaller than what they serve in the restaurant, so I'm sure I've eaten less than I thought I would.....and I have completely skipped dessert! YAY ME!

    its funny how I had a headache all morning (even though I took Aleve :grumble: ), my headache went away during lunch, and now that I have to work again, my headache is back.....

    methinks I see a pattern lol
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    This looks like a great group.. I would like to join if it is still open.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    ok so the portions were a lot smaller than what they serve in the restaurant, so I'm sure I've eaten less than I thought I would.....and I have completely skipped dessert! YAY ME!

    its funny how I had a headache all morning (even though I took Aleve :grumble: ), my headache went away during lunch, and now that I have to work again, my headache is back.....

    methinks I see a pattern lol

    Definitely a pattern. haha! Way to go with the skipping on dessert, and the smaller portion sizes. Success!

    Whew... there's only an hour left at the office, then I'm off. I plan to go to the rec center again after work, and both days this weekend. I made a lentil soup last night and plan to work my way through it over the next few days. Relatively low-calorie, and has some good protein that this vegetarian needs!

    Hope everyone's weekend goes well!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    This looks like a great group.. I would like to join if it is still open.

    now is a great time to join! we are currently working on a goal of losing 10 pounds by Thanksgiving and are looking ahead to create the next goal (probably a New Years goal). HeaterM takes care of our numbers and we weigh in on Fridays. (look for new threads on Thursdays)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I like the word "methinks"

    and you know how in conversation you say "I said to myself I needed to get in shape and lose weight"

    instead.....I like to say

    "I said to myself, 'self, you need to get in shape and lose weight'"

    makes it 3rd person or something lol

    "self! you need to get to work and quit checking the mfp message boards every 3 minutes!"
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    oh goodness guys it totally slipped by me about makeing a new thread, i wasnt at my house last night cause i found out my grandma was in the hospital and had to stay with my sister......also having no way to the docs to give blood or do a weigh in...i will post asap when i find out though im so sorry!!!:frown: :cry: new post....week 5 come find me!!