Opinions on how much more weight I should lose *PICS*



  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I agree with others about lifting heavy (heavy for you) and your body will change far more than in just losing weight.

    The routine you just posted, I personally feel that a lot of them are unnecessary and you could cut that in half and be fine if not better. Keep the main lifts from that. These are all compound lifts which basically work your whole body, more muscle groups and so get results faster than isolation moves such as bicep curls. Ex:
    - Standard squat
    - standard overhead press
    - double arm bent over row
    - bench press
    - (I'd choose standard deadlift over single leg)

    Then afterwards you can include a few isolations if you wish to target the muscle in one particular area, but I'd keep this at a minimum.

    Edited as I realised you don't do all that in one day.

    So the other ones are no good? I only do like 5 useful moves. I fail lol All those you posted I can lift the heaviest in, except the overhead press. My shoulders are weak :(

    They're not no good as sure they have a place. It's just unnessessary IMO to have that many different exercises - it overcomplicates things when you don't actually "need" them to get great results.
    You don't fail at all, most people are constantly improving and adjusting what works and what doesn't. Just because you might've found something that's better, it doesn't mean you failed before.

    As Hendrix7 has also said, you would be better off sticking to the basics, and it's also a lot easier to track progress.

    Also; shoulders are meant to be the weakest out of those lifts :) If your overhead press is the same roughly as your deadlift then you would seriously need to work on your deadlift!

    The stronglifts 5x5 program might be something to look into. I've heard many good reviews from people on here about that program, and included parts of it into my own routine. As far as I know, it just focuses on the main lifts and people get great results!

    I'm really considering stronglifts or New rules of weight lifting for women. Thank u so much :)
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I think you look just fine..but if you wanted -- you could lose another five pounds and add some serious weight lifting to really tone more. But that is just because you're in a bikini..i'm sure you look great in regular clothes...and still look just fine in your swim suit. I'm just being super critical..like you really could look like bikini hot with the base figure you have. very hour glass.

    I don't wear this bikini in public. Trust me I wouldn't expose people to all my body fat lol I dont wear bikinis in public at all. Thank u, I rather like my figure. Idk why but in those pics my waist doesn't go n as much as it does when I look in the mirror. Prob the angle of the picture. He's a better pic of the curve.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    It was the way the picture looked <the shadow line> don't worry about it, REALLY

    How long have you been doing your current exercise routine?
    I'd suggest some dancing <Zumba> or Diamond Dallas yoga workouts, or swimming to get toned and firmed. Personally, I think 123-125 lbs would be a better fit for your frame, which rather resembles mine, I've got cushion in the same areas :D but its getting better
    I don't do any weight lifting like you do ...... thats awesome in itself .... you are so close, just need a little bit of tweaking to be fantastic! keep up the great job!

    I been doing my current lifting routine for 3 weeks. After this coming week, it will change again. The program goes n 3 phases, so with each month it changes.
    I agree, I sorta wanna b 120lbs. I think I still need to lose a little bit more.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    You have a body that the vast majority of the population would envy! You dont need to lose more weight at all (at all!).

    I think it might be good for you to focus on something else for a bit to get some perspective (because it's clearly skewed as you have no idea how great you look!!).

    Change your bikini style - that's the only thing that is wrong with your picture. You'll feel ten times better - try a few different ones on and take some pics!

    I honestly dk why any1 would wanna look like me, but thank u so much for the compliment. I dont wear this bikini in public. I dont wear a bikini at all in public, It was only purchased for takin weight loss pics & I got the cheapest one I could find lol
    Thank u again tho!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I agree here..tone and sculpt is all your body needs. Have you tried P90x your body would get great results from that program! Turbo fire is another good one!

    Already completely finished TurboFire.